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Horribly bad SexLab scene load times, horribly bad FPS after scene NEAR THE SCENE LOCATION??

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I'm quite stunted with this problem. Usually I have an idea of what is going on but I have no idea why the area near a finished sexlab scene would experience extremely low FPS?

No fps lag before or during scene.


Long modlist (stable, good performance), and lots of animations (600+)

Any experiences with this?

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Define near the scene location. Are we talking 10 feet or within visual range? If visual range then the first thing that comes to mind is that some mod runs a scan of nearby objects in the AnimationEnd event, at the location where the animation ended. Also, what is bad fps? Some people freak out at 59, other's think 13 is fine.

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Thanks for the reply!


7 minutes ago, traison said:

Define near the scene location. Are we talking 10 feet or within visual range? If visual range then the first thing that comes to mind is that some mod runs a scan of nearby objects in the AnimationEnd event, at the location where the animation ended. Also, what is bad fps? Some people freak out at 59, other's think 13 is fine.

5-15 fps right at the location, maybe 30-40 fps roughly 100 meters away. Normally 55-60 outside in open areas. Good pc ?

This happens in outside locations. Interiors seem to be fine.


Could you give me an example of a mod that does that?

I looked through my mods and couldn't find any that (to my knowledge) do that.

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And this fps drop occurs no matter if you look at the location where the animation ended or not? Like you can spin your camera around when you're 100m away from the location and it will be 30 no matter which direction you're looking, including straight up/down?

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1 hour ago, Dhexel said:

This happens in outside locations. Interiors seem to be fine.

That is a problem related to the SetPosition commands used in SexLab that cause the regeneration of the grass in exterior zones. In each SetPosition command the game must compute again the position of each grass element and depending on how many grass you have, what mods your have affecting the grass, the exact size of the grass and your computer power you can have from freezes for some seconds to frame drops or stutering.

But all that problems disapear when the animation end. If you have from 5 to 10 FPS in the location of the animation for seconds or minutes after the animation end and the lost of frames depend of the distance, I think you must have some mod altering the grass and, problably, for a strange motive, the grass can't be regenerated and your game lost a lot of frames depending of what grass must draw and depending on the distance.



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If your grass is gone then it's the SetPosition call from SL like previously mentioned. However, in addition to just grass mods (have a grass mod, but not this issue) I recall some newer versions of DynDOLOD have some grass related options that can also cause this.

Edited by traison
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1 hour ago, anjenthedog said:

If so, there's a patch that's supposed to help


But it does not work. Anyone can read the support forum. It causes a lot of physics problems by making NPCs fly and die when they crash to the ground.

I've been working on my own patch for a while now but it's giving me problems when the PLAYER is a werewolf and when he uses custom races.

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Found the culprit. It was No Grass In Objects, which seemingly runs a script on cell change (or grass generation, I suppose) to remove grass close to objects (duh) to make things look nicer. 

While a nice mod, it has to go. The description of the mod warns of longer loadtimes and stutter unless grass you opt to precache grass as per optional instructions. I won't be doing that as it apparently creates quite large files.


Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods will have to do ?


Thank you all kindly for your help! I will be checking out the SetPosition patch as well


2 hours ago, alex77r4 said:


But it [Set Position patch] does not work


Oh, nevermind, I won't

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4 hours ago, alex77r4 said:


But it does not work. Anyone can read the support forum. It causes a lot of physics problems by making NPCs fly and die when they crash to the ground.

I've been working on my own patch for a while now but it's giving me problems when the PLAYER is a werewolf and when he uses custom races.

Hmm... When and or where do NPCs fly and die? I've had it installed on 1.5.97 since September without issue, and to the best of my knowledge, with no NPCs flying around dying.




I wonder if it's related to that old rag-doll issue with SL that's solved by disabling rag-doll effects in the SL MCM


In any case, it's apparently a problem for some, so fair DOS. I wasn't aware. But apparently, it's also not a problem for others, myself included.

Edited by anjenthedog
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15 minutes ago, anjenthedog said:

Hmm... When and or where do NPCs fly and die? I've had it installed on 1.5.97 since September without issue, and to the best of my knowledge, with no NPCs flying around dying.

I wonder if it's related to that old rag-doll issue with SL that's solved by disabling rag-doll effects in the SL MCM

In any case, it's apparently a problem for some, so fair DOS. I wasn't aware. But apparently, it's also not a problem for others, myself included.


Because as always, that depend of the exact configuration of each user. Each game is diferent depending on what physics configuration you have, CBP, CBPC, SMP, Faster SMP, and depending of what exact body mod you use, because every body have different physics. That make the problems show or not show.


Evidently, works for Markdf, because they not go to publish a mod that not works in their game. And seems that works for you.

In my case, works for humans but not works for creatures. Maybe because i have ABC.


But when have a problem in Special that never happend in Legendary AND the solution of the problem very complex because is directly related to physics procesing we need make a lot of test in diferent games with diferent configurations to have something that works in the big group of users. For that my own patch is not ready.

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Sure. Understood. I have ABC as well, so fwiw, if you ever revisit it,  you *might be able to eliminate that from your list of candidates (I'm using ABC 2.10V in Skyrim 1.5.97). But yes, some configurations would contain unresolvable contentions.


ps> when I installed it, it wasn't to fix a problem I was experiencing, (I wasn't), it was simply one of those prophylactics against any future misbehavior, ~similar to updating the skeleton when an update is issued, even if your skeleton is working fine right now. (although I will say it has reduced the likelihood of lag becoming an issue when repeatedly using the repositioning keys, at least for me, but it has not *eliminated* it. It can still occur, although I can't cite the specific conditions under which it happens, just less often)

Edited by anjenthedog
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