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37 minutes ago, kaxat said:

@AWHA2 I enjoy the idea and recommendation. I hope to try it before Starfield comes out. Have the feeling that next year Starfield will occupy all of my free time and modding ideas.

Without trying it I can not say for sure. But I think I added some potential interoperability with the latest update. In that you can equip Toys&Love devices on NPCs using an Outfit Theme. That does assume you have Toys and SexLab installed though.

This mod has an MCM slider for how many SexLab scenes it starts at once. For the exact reason you describe. Default is 3 new ones every 20 seconds. Which is usually doable but sometimes its too much. I like your idea.

Starfield looks promising but I wouldn't expect modding tools to be available next year, maybe 2024 ?


Great thing about Toys&Love is that it is designed to be compatible with SLAL animation packs, so it'll play SLAL animations without any additional work on the part of the user. The author of T&L has some pretty solid documentation on how to implement T&L scenes: https://virginmarie1.wixsite.com/toys/post/toys-mod-authors-documentation#viewer-6pd7a

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@AWHA2 Agreed there is a decent chance the CK won't be available until the end of the year. Also a decent chance I will finish my first playthrough about then. Good timing there.

I do hope Bethesda learned from the last go round. Waiting too long to release the Kit nerfed the mod community and Bethesdas profits by extension. I also hope they learned that breaking the Script Extender every other week was a bad plan. If the gods are good then much of its functionality will be included in the next iteration. Would help port more mods over to the parent company's Xbox. We should not need a script extender for things like mod menus or iterating over lists of items. Only time will tell.

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18 hours ago, kaxat said:

@ald134 Not stupid at all! No one expects you to read every page. And thanks again for your help finding the easter egg notification.

Really hoping I can push out a v0.6 update today. It fixes a few issues still present in the preview version. Includes a little extra functionality. And it will include Corsec's excellent Devious theme. But I have modified it to be compatible with LE as well. Focus is on stability and bug fixes.

I hope to follow up soon with a small 0.7 update. Hope to include a Free theme that will assign outfits from the Luxury Collection to free females. I might even add a feature for them to change outfits every day or 2.




Look forward to trying this out on a new gamme I'm creating.  Just about ready to go, but if I install 0.5, will 0.6 just be an overwrite?  If not, can it still be added after I'v started the game?


Ignore this if you do manage to get 0.6 out as soon as hoped





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@DonQuiWho You should always be able to update to the latest version from your save. I would install the 0.6 Preview linked on the last page. Then upgrade to the 0.6 final version once it is released. I do upgrades in my 500hr save. Safe upgrades are important to me. Do my best to prevent issues.

I am putting the finishing touched on 0.6 final right now. Testing it out. Assuming I did not break anything with the recent work I will publish it soon. Took a lot of hours to support LE.

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2 hours ago, kaxat said:

@DonQuiWho You should always be able to update to the latest version from your save. I would install the 0.6 Preview linked on the last page. Then upgrade to the 0.6 final version once it is released. I do upgrades in my 500hr save. Safe upgrades are important to me. Do my best to prevent issues.

I am putting the finishing touched on 0.6 final right now. Testing it out. Assuming I did not break anything with the recent work I will publish it soon. Took a lot of hours to support LE.

 Thanks vm for the quick, and very helpful, reply



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Attached is a second preview for the 0.6 release. It is likely even better than the last one in terms of stability. I am still testing but it has been a while since I found any issue. I found and patched many small issues present in previous releases.

Could someone with LE download and confirm it works for them? The previous preview had a quick and dirty fix for the LE incompatibility issue. One that limited Outfit Themes to 127 clothes. This has a much better fix. Hopefully it did not break LE compatibility.

Two things might be less stable in this version. I have not yet tested the new Slave Agent punish events Gollum007 shared. For when the player violates slaver law. Those are included but untested. Also I think there still might be an edge case or two where stripping rules are not applied correctly. Especially for followers. Doing more testing of that now. Finally there was one report that the MCM hotkey can't be changed. I keep forgetting to test that.

Slaverun Enforcer - Standsalone v0_6 Preview 2.7z

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If someone could confirm LE compatibility in the Preview 2 file that would be tops. If it works I will publish it. Only difference between it and the final version will be the final version puts a bit less debug info in your log files.

Edit: Literally just confirming it starts would be a huge help. Bonus if you also confirm it strips people and applies an outfit.

Edited by kaxat
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4 hours ago, kaxat said:

If someone could confirm LE compatibility in the Preview 2 file that would be tops. If it works I will publish it. Only difference between it and the final version will be the final version puts a bit less debug info in your log files.

Edit: Literally just confirming it starts would be a huge help. Bonus if you also confirm it strips people and applies an outfit.

I doubt most LE users are even aware that this mod exists, since LE users rarely visit the SE side of the forum. Maybe post something on the LE thread for Slaverun?


I wish I could test this mod but I just upgraded my skyrim to AE and now I have to install the AE version of all my mods ?

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I'm an LE user that heavily uses Slaverun enforcer (I actually have my own custom version, but yours is far more comprehensive and I'll be switching over) but I happen to be away from home until next week. If nobody else playtests it before then, I'll make sure to give it a try.

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@AWHA2 There was a time not long ago when this thread was flooded with LE users. But I fear I may have angered the old gods when I broke compatibility with LE in v0.5. Perhaps they will return with this offering of a new version.

YOLO. I'm uploading it. Final version basically the same as the preview version. Barely worth downloading if you already have that.

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Thanks for this new version!! Loving the changes in there! But before I upgrade, can I do it without overwriting my old enforceroutfitszap.esp? Or does 0.6 needs a new version of that plugin to work? I fear it might undo all the outfits I've already created for myself. No big deal if it is so, just wanna know before hand.



On 10/3/2022 at 10:05 PM, kaxat said:

Made Outfit Themes support optional clothing plugins. If at least some clothes can be loaded the theme will work.


Also I'm not sure what this sentence means, can you explain to me? :3 I've already made outfits using other clothing mods, so I'm not sure I understand what this is about. Thanks!!


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@Cleave You can keep your old file. Just copy it over. Better yet put it in an override mod and then you never have to worry about it again.

I do not think that .esp changed with this update.

Regarding that sentence. Previously the Enforcer would alert you if there was a single missing item in your JSON list of outfits. If there was the Enforcer just stopped working. Now it silently notes the missing item in your log and keeps working if it can. Only when all items are missing does it alert you and halt.

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Update days are always nice. Out of curiosity do you plan to add MCM customization to the outfit manager at all? It would be nice if, rather than defining a whole outfit, we could just have select items like collars and cuffs that get equipped to slaves or free females. I manually do this right now and its no big deal but having that function would be awesome because it would go well with other mods that look for items such as Further Lover's Comfort which looks for zbf collars to determine who is a slave that can be used for comfort at night.

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@HabibHanson No plans to turn it into an MCM. It would take a large chunk of time and still not support most of the customizability an Outfit Theme does.

I hope over time more people will create and share their themes. Those clothing integrations and third party mod support could be of help to others. But even if few people share theirs the Themes already support everything past versions of the Enforcer did. And then some. That's enough to make me happy.

I just realized the collars equipped by the ZAP theme do not have that keyword. The ZAP theme was thrown together in a hurry. And kept simple as an example to others of how a theme can be built. But I should add those keywords back. I will probably add more items to that theme. Keep a simpler example inside of the theme tutorial.

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@ald134 There absolutely is. If you know how to use xEdit you can open up the masterlist file and start removing things the Leveled Items lists that you don't want.

Corsec designed that theme and was looking for feedback on what variations to add in. I bet he is only interested in popular variations. If multiple people want this they should mention it. Potentially could become a built in theme in the future.

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Hey, First of all Thanks for This Awesome mod, Keep Going!

I have 2 Questions about the latest update:
1. will it conflict Corsec's Patch for Hydra Slave Girls?
2. Aside from the difference between the basic and non-DD version of DD about scripts, Armbinders and Gags are included in the Basic Version?

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@Selena Glazer I don't believe it will conflict. We should ask @Corsec to confirm. To my knowledge the most up to date version of his Non-DD masterlist is included in the Enforcer. So for now this plugin can override his other mods and not conflict. In theory. But when Corsec releases a future update of the masterlist that will change. And at that point his mod should presumably always override this one. As it will be the most up to date.

Corsec's current theme does not include armbinders and gags. But an alternate version of his theme could be easily created that does. His masterlist already includes three different outfits. One for armbinders and gags. Another specifically excludes them. The theme he created is a JSON file. By default it points to the outfit that excludes gags. Point it to the other outfit and they will be included. The tutorial on the first page of this thread explains how to modify themes. I do not have time right now to create an alternate version for you. But it is simple to do.

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44 minutes ago, Selena Glazer said:

Hey, First of all Thanks for This Awesome mod, Keep Going!

I have 2 Questions about the latest update:
1. will it conflict Corsec's Patch for Hydra Slave Girls?
2. Aside from the difference between the basic and non-DD version of DD about scripts, Armbinders and Gags are included in the Basic Version?


1. No conflict. The non-DD masterlist in this mod is exactly the same as the one in my mod. If I update the one in my mod then just let it overwrite the one from here.


2. No, NPCs don't get armbinders and gags with this outfit theme because they need to talk, fight and use idle animations. This will be unimmersive because they will speak with gags and fight with armbinders. I only add armbinders/gags to NPCs that I can expect not to fight and who won't talk much.

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2 hours ago, ald134 said:

Is there a way to edit the non-devious version to remove some device like chastity bra/belt?


I can make custom patches to modify the non-DD masterlist that the outfit theme is based on. This allows the outfit themes to be customized upon user request. I already made one for this request. Here you go.


It won't immediately remove belts or bras from NPCs. You need to either wait 10 days for a cell reset or you can use the 'resetinventory' console command on the NPC.

Non-Devious Devices Masterlist - No Chasity Belts and Bras Patch 12_10_2022.7z

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@Corsec In addition I am reasonably certain the next 0.7 version will include a slider for how frequently NPCs should change outfits. Rather than waiting 10 days you can specify how often they do this. Ideally I will have them only change outfits off camera. Better roleplay that way.

My primary motivation for doing this is that the next update should include a lot more outfit possibilities. Especially for free females. Perhaps hair stylings too. By letting NPCs change every so often I think we will increase immersion and diversity. Both welcome.

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40 minutes ago, kaxat said:

@Corsec In addition I am reasonably certain the next 0.7 version will include a slider for how frequently NPCs should change outfits. Rather than waiting 10 days you can specify how often they do this. Ideally I will have them only change outfits off camera. Better roleplay that way.

My primary motivation for doing this is that the next update should include a lot more outfit possibilities. Especially for free females. Perhaps hair stylings too. By letting NPCs change every so often I think we will increase immersion and diversity. Both welcome.


Maybe some wigs, because it'd be simpler than racemenu stuff. Wigs are a worn item so they can be handled by an outfit theme with an appropriate levelled list.




The original Slaverun had a feature to add player slavetats. Maybe for the new Enforcer too? Although Rapetattoos has that covered already (if you allow it in the MCM).


I'm also wondering if it's be possible to setup a body texture overlay as a worn armor and then make NPCs wear it to simulate cuts, bruises and black eyes.

Edited by Corsec
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