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Your most evil act.

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Joined the cult of Namira and the Dark Brotherhood. Killed my DB target, fed on them, reanimated the corpse (modded necromancy durations) and used said corpse to attack the next one.


It would be like beating a cow to death with a half eaten cheeseburger, really.

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While bored once I did break into a random home and slip some woman a poison while she slept.  After dying in her sleep, I carefully moved all of the plates, flatware, and foodstuffs into a nice setting with her bed as the table and her corpse as the centerpiece.


Really it wasn't all too bad until I realized one of her children had been watching me the whole time.  I didn't stick around to find out if the family ate breakfast in bed later. >_>

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The first time I went through a full birth cycle with Estrus Chaurus, I picked up the eggs and spread them through each inn I visited.


I never had the patience to see it through the hatching cycle of the eggs (and I had to restart Skyrim fr mod development many times since) but it is something I will try again to see a real infestation someday.

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