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SexLab gender swap?

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So I in the midst of building a shemale race mod (with complete male *package* :P ).


What I'd like to do is find a way to trick SexLab into recognizing females of this race as male. Forcing vanilla male animations to a female is easy by simply swapping out the male and female behavior files. SexLab however, doesn't use the behavior file to determine what sex the actor is. I assume it uses the info from the race form to select the animation set, since the only way I can make it work is for the actor to actually be male, and using female head and body parts, which has all sorts of issues with morphs, etc.. But it works. It's not really an option though as character customization is almost nil.





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I'd suggest talking to the people running the Shlongs of Skyrim project first. I've seen discussions there about transgender morphs. 


I don't think that would be any help, really. Essentially, I want the actual female of a race to use SexLab's male anims exclusively, not both. It wouldn't make sense for what I'm building. I have a second race (within the same race mod) set up to handle the female side of things.


Basically, the race is A-sexual.


I know SexLab can determine sexuality based on sexual activity, but I want to eliminate the *activity* requirement in determining that, forcing the "pseudo male" to use male animations consistently and exclusively right from the start after character creation, just as if they were actually male of any other race.



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Ah, I think I understand. It isn't just about getting the dangly right. 


thanks for the kind response, and I'll bow out here cuz we're over my head.


No worries :)


At this point, any offer of guidance is appreciated  ;)



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Ashal would be the best person to ask this as he built the damn thing :P


You could most likely filter the animations out by race, but you would most likely need to add your race to SexLab.


Well, I'm not completely against using SexLab as a dependency. But it's not really the optimal solution.


I figure that a better solution might be (for any shemale type race/character) for SexLab to have a sort of *sexual preference* built in. Perhaps something like isMale and isFemale keywords that modders can add to the race/actor forms which SexLab detects (does nothing if SexLab is not installed), and directs the actor to a specific gender position. Thus forcing the character to use the preferred animation set.



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Here's my solution, with SexLab  v1.12 I'll include a check for a keyword on actors, "SexLabTreatMale" and "SexLabTreatFemale", if the actor has either of those keywords, they will be treated as the given gender instead of their base actor gender flag. Just add the keyword to your race or actor.

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Here's my solution, with SexLab  v1.12 I'll include a check for a keyword on actors, "SexLabTreatMale" and "SexLabTreatFemale", if the actor has either of those keywords, they will be treated as the given gender instead of their base actor gender flag. Just add the keyword to your race or actor.




Thank you so much Ashal.


Problem most definitely solved!


*runs off to fire up the CK* LOL



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I'm assuming you probably don't want voice selection to be affected by the keyword? So shemale's still select female voices, but are treated as male elsewhere?


You assume correctly :)


As much as I think anyone would like to see shemales in the male role by default, I think the male voice set might strike most as a bit *creepy* LOL

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