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"What mod is this?" V

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I asked on the normal What mod is this but its only got 3 pages.  sooooo.


what, how and what do i need to get these results?





Edit: I have the Chargen morphs but there is still no way you can do this without something else underneath.

I'm curious as well, that's a really nice looking character. Mind if I ask where you got the morphs from?

I'm getting bored with my character : p

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I asked on the normal What mod is this but its only got 3 pages.  sooooo.


what, how and what do i need to get these results?





Edit: I have the Chargen morphs but there is still no way you can do this without something else underneath.

I'm curious as well, that's a really nice looking character. Mind if I ask where you got the morphs from?

I'm getting bored with my character : p



Well for starters you need "enchanced Character edit"


Beyond thatt, with all those character enchancers out there, alas if we could identify which ones this guy (or gal) has used. Anyway, here are a few that might help.


Enhanced Character Edit - Enhanced Character Edit

Apachii Hair

Better Females by Bella - Better Females by Bella Version 3

Improved Eyes Skyrim - Improved Eyes Skyrim - MERGING

Longer EyeLashes

MissAniThrope and chakaru11s C Eyes - Main File

numenume femalebrows MARO - numenume femalebrows MARO sono2

Pretty Face - Pretty Face

RaceMenu - RaceMenu

Seductive Lips HD

The Eyes Of Beauty

SG Hair Pack 0131

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I asked on the normal What mod is this but its only got 3 pages.  sooooo.


what, how and what do i need to get these results?





Edit: I have the Chargen morphs but there is still no way you can do this without something else underneath.

I'm curious as well, that's a really nice looking character. Mind if I ask where you got the morphs from?

I'm getting bored with my character : p




Well for starters you need "enchanced Character edit"


Beyond thatt, with all those character enchancers out there, alas if we could identify which ones this guy (or gal) has used. Anyway, here are a few that might help.


Enhanced Character Edit - Enhanced Character Edit

Apachii Hair

Better Females by Bella - Better Females by Bella Version 3

Improved Eyes Skyrim - Improved Eyes Skyrim - MERGING

Longer EyeLashes

MissAniThrope and chakaru11s C Eyes - Main File

numenume femalebrows MARO - numenume femalebrows MARO sono2

Pretty Face - Pretty Face

RaceMenu - RaceMenu

Seductive Lips HD

The Eyes Of Beauty

SG Hair Pack 0131


im just wondering, how can transfer the morphs with racemenu? if right its racemenu at that pic and not ece, if im right with racemenu you just can transfer to clipboard, so how can load or save external morph?, i can be wrong on that just used racemenu couples times, i use alwalys just ece, with ece goes easy because the tri files saved slot, and if look at pic around neck looks like have a glitch, maybe its light or hair also idk, so that comes alot also?

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Can someone kindly reupload the mod in this page http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-3889142-1-1.html

It seems that there is cbbe support too, if I'm able to decipher well?


Thanks in advance :)



Encase anyone wall looking for the stockings in this post, here you go


Btw i believe there for unp\unpb only. i'm not 100% sure on that.






Many thanks !


But definitively it's not for UNP, CBBE maybe, don't know.


Anyway, as it's boring to write "AddItem xxx" for any item in this mod, I added a chest with all items somewhere inside Solitude. You have to be apprentice to open it, and the chest is not too hard to find (somewhere in the avenues).


Someone for change them to UNP ? Pleeeease ! The textures are really, really, really beautiful.


By the way, normaly I didn't touch anything around where I put the chest, but I'm not sure...



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I asked on the normal What mod is this but its only got 3 pages.  sooooo.


what, how and what do i need to get these results?





Edit: I have the Chargen morphs but there is still no way you can do this without something else underneath.

I'm curious as well, that's a really nice looking character. Mind if I ask where you got the morphs from?

I'm getting bored with my character : p



Maybe this will help ;)


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Anyone know how to find this in-game?



Belive i really wanna help but with no pic / name, or at least a description, goes really hard, and you link goes direct to: (seen pic)

really cant help on that.

Your Link : err.jpg














Maybe this can help, I pretty much copy and pasted the description and the pic of the mod as well as the dl link.



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Anyone know how to find this in-game?



Belive i really wanna help but with no pic / name, or at least a description, goes really hard, and you link goes direct to: (seen pic)

really cant help on that.

Your Link : err.jpg














Maybe this can help, I pretty much copy and pasted the description and the pic of the mod as well as the dl link.





just used google translation and looks like that mod dnt bring any clothes at all, besides that, its only try get all clothes codes of yours mode and auto put at you inventory (old usefull console bat command, but in that case automatic) link to translation : http://translate.google.com.br/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=pt-PT&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbbs.3dmgame.com%2Fthread-3567109-1-1.html&act=url

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Anyone know how to find this in-game?



Belive i really wanna help but with no pic / name, or at least a description, goes really hard, and you link goes direct to: (seen pic)

really cant help on that.

Your Link : err.jpg














Maybe this can help, I pretty much copy and pasted the description and the pic of the mod as well as the dl link.





just used google translation and looks like that mod dnt bring any clothes at all, besides that, its only try get all clothes codes of yours mode and auto put at you inventory (old usefull console bat command, but in that case automatic) link to translation : http://translate.google.com.br/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=pt-PT&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbbs.3dmgame.com%2Fthread-3567109-1-1.html&act=url


Damn, thanks anyways.

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Anyone know how to find this in-game?



Belive i really wanna help but with no pic / name, or at least a description, goes really hard, and you link goes direct to: (seen pic)

really cant help on that.

Your Link : err.jpg














Maybe this can help, I pretty much copy and pasted the description and the pic of the mod as well as the dl link.





just used google translation and looks like that mod dnt bring any clothes at all, besides that, its only try get all clothes codes of yours mode and auto put at you inventory (old usefull console bat command, but in that case automatic) link to translation : http://translate.google.com.br/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=pt-PT&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbbs.3dmgame.com%2Fthread-3567109-1-1.html&act=url


Damn, thanks anyways.


Jus got the clothes also: link to download : xiaohong how get: look at pic (dnt pay attention at body, i use unpb, and looks like that clothes need cbbe or chsbc(i alwalys do a mess when try write that body type name): ITSHERE.jpg Obs: its just have the red one armor there nothing more)

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Anyone know how to find this in-game?



Belive i really wanna help but with no pic / name, or at least a description, goes really hard, and you link goes direct to: (seen pic)

really cant help on that.

Your Link : err.jpg














Maybe this can help, I pretty much copy and pasted the description and the pic of the mod as well as the dl link.





just used google translation and looks like that mod dnt bring any clothes at all, besides that, its only try get all clothes codes of yours mode and auto put at you inventory (old usefull console bat command, but in that case automatic) link to translation : http://translate.google.com.br/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=pt-PT&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbbs.3dmgame.com%2Fthread-3567109-1-1.html&act=url


Damn, thanks anyways.


Jus got the clothes also: link to download : xiaohong how get: look at pic (dnt pay attention at body, i use unpb, and looks like that clothes need cbbe or chsbc(i alwalys do a mess when try write that body type name): ITSHERE.jpg Obs: its just have the red one armor there nothing more)



Nice, thank you very much! Yeah it's cbbe from what I saw, but I use bodychange so I can switch between unpb and cbbe.

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