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New Vegas: Lag and Framerate Skips in specific places.


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    This isn't a big issue, but in my game if I stay to long in a specific place I will start getting Lag or frame rate skips where the game will play smoothly for 2 seconds and than freeze for one second and than repeat. This only really happens in busy or large places with a lot of effects. Those places with the most mention being The Strip (Only inside the strip but not inside buildings), Camp Forlorn Hope, Inside Camp McCarran building (not the outside areas), and last one, perhaps the worst one, being Hoover Dam (anywhere in the Hoover Dam area).


   I'm not sure if my PC can handle it, or if it's just a bug as other places have never really been an issue. I do play with HDR on but the game as a whole has run solid and smooth until these places are reached. And besides.. New Vegas without HDR on just looks boring. :/


    Camp Forlorn Hope and Camp McCarran are not noticeable unless I stay there for a long time and with the Pip-Boy light on. The only reason I use my Pip-Boy in those places is because they're so friggin' dark, especially the Terminal building for McCarran.


    For the New Vegas Strip, a good 5 or 6 minutes of just sitting outside the Lucky 38 will do it. And for the Hoover Dam it's just instant. It starts right off the bat and gets worse the longer I stay there. Going to the pause menu takes a good 5 or 10 seconds at its worst.

    I can definitely learn to live with this, as I've done so with the two other playthroughs but it would be nice to not have to restart the game every time this framerate skip became an issue.



Should I use Mission Mojave to fix this?



Here is a Link to the Mod page.


  Mission Mojave (what I'm guessing is the New Vegas equal to the 'Unofficial Patches' for Oblivion and Skyrim) is a mod I've been contemplating installing. The only thing holding me back from doing so is from how much I'd need to install to make it work with everything I have.


    To put some bread on the table the only big Mods I have installed are Project Nevada, MCM, FOOK, and everything needed for Sexout. Mission Mojave has many plugins specifically for Project Nevada and FOOK,  and the cumulative mod count for Mission Mojave would be 5 different mods. I'm not sure I want to install it because:


A. I have no idea if this will even fix my issue, seeing as how small of an issue it really is.


B. Will installing them break everything I have? I'd rather not screw around with my current Mod setup as it's about as solid as it will get. Installing plugins specifically for other mods to work with this seems tedious and I'm not even sure it will be worth it.


TL;DR Version



    Any way I can fix the Lag Skip/Frame Skip thing that was mentioned in the first paragraph by either a fix, editing a small detail in the Fallout.ini, or (God help me if I must) lower my settings?


Thanks in advance for any advice or help given! 

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1) Clear the "Cell Buffers" Click Command key and input pcb. It forcibly unloads all unattached cells in the cell buffers. Basilally cleans up the garbage wasting space in your running game. If it seems to work properly you can try the mod here. I haven't tried it because I haven't had the need to yet. So I can't speak of its effectiveness. However sometimes PCB programs can cause more problems that they are worth. It is a trial and error process.


2) Also you can try the stutter reducer found here Many here uses it and swear by it. If you also crash on exit there are some info found here that also works wonders. The stutter reducer lowers the frame rate by locking it at a lower number. Freeing resources for the computer to use elsewhere.


3) If it still isn't solved by the above. Try lowering the graphic settings. (Turn off all extras that includes Antilalalising Anisotropic Filtering and set detail to Low) Yes the game will look like shit. This is only to see if it is a graphic issue or not. ) If the graphic settings being lower work then you are over extending the computer and demanding too much from it. you either would have to accept the lower settings or get a better graphic card. You can then play with raising the settings to a better level until you start to have problems again.


These are just some ideas to start with. They should be quick and easy to test and implement.


I wouldn't add anything to "fix" until you figure out what is the cause of the current issue. Then you can decide if there is any benefit to "fix" the game.


Also again others will demand the almighty Load Order. ;)



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Oi, yes yes. Load Order. I did not believe I would need it as it was somewhat of an issue before I started to add mods unto the game, but I see your point. Load order could be needed for anything.


I have downloaded and am about to test the mod you had suggested in your second option, so if it does not help, I will supply a load order. If it does help and all is well, than I will be back to give you praise.

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Did you use the pcb command before using the mod? The command will give you some idea if you are on the right track. If it seems to improved the situation then the mod will work well.


I hope that this solves the problem. otherwise you might have to create a clean save without the sexout and other mods. This is undesirable since it will reset all the quests that those mods run. That is there might be something running in the background that may only be fixed with a clean save.

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I get that too. On my old system any Sexout mod that used the scanner started causing it after playing a while, but now having upgraded system they run fine (or perhaps SexOut updates did it?). Also just now got it when trying to run Mission Mojave and SexOut at the same time, switching back to the old Compiled Patch solved that right up. My guess is it's caused by too many running scripts.


(I reserve the right to be wrong :P)

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Alright so I'm still getting a little bit of a frame skip, but not as noticeable anymore. Maybe it's just the placebo effect I'm on, but it might have worked a bit. I'm going to say that since it's still sort of there after adding the mod and manually typing 'PCB' in the console and it somewhat working that it's a graphical issue. Regardless, I think it's a better improvement than going no where.

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It may be multiple things causing the issue. PCB may be one such issue. Have you started or tried a new game. Are you fully updated to the latest SCR? Pregnancy? I recall there were some issues with those mods that were causing people to have added stresses on their computer.


Don't forget the Stutter Reducer I gave you a link for before. It has done wonders to my game. If you read many of the forum post here and on other sites it has done a lot of good on situations like this.


Also did you try lowering the graphic settings. Now maybe not needed to be as severe maybe a slight lowering of the settings. I had constant issues before trying to run full screen and got the very stutter that you mentioned until I lowered the graphic settings. Later I upgraded my graphic card to handle the current demands. Demands added to because of the extensive mods that I run.

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Man if I reload FNV the very first thing afterwards is to load the stutter remover. I don't load mod managers, NVSE or FNVedit or anything else before I load it. Then I start loading other things. I cannot say enough on how it made my life better and happier at least in regards to FNV.

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Lol same here.  I just did a re-install a couple weeks ago after being away from the wastelands for a while.  I take that back.  NVSE was first for me because the stutter remover goes in the NVSE/plugins folder.  Then installed all that he mentioned in that video.  Before that, the strip would crash every time.  Also the random crash after playing for about 1/2 hr.  After installing those though I haven't had near as many problems.

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