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Hello guys 


There is something in skyrim always bothered me. Ugly LOD Some games give you option to lower the view distance. and that helps a lot to hide the ugly world without texture. but there is nothing like this in skyrim I searched but I couldn't find anything. 

I'm looking for dof for ENB that blur the area around me while walking or in combat. 

I saw someone using dof similar to this and I wss happy that maybe my problem could be solved I asked which dof he's using and I got it. but it didn't work so well for me. dof weak in my game while moving or fighting...

To make my dof blur like him I have to stop and zoom really close to my character for that to happen. 

Maybe ini setting? I'm not really sure would love any help from you guys ❤️


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On 12/23/2021 at 5:51 PM, Grey Cloud said:

If you are using an ENB preset then it will probably already have DoF included.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough I'm talking about the distance. yes I do have dof but mine everything close and far distance blur. not like him his dof mostly blur thing that far away from him. let me give you another pictures.

So basically I want dof dose not blur things really close to me only blur stuff that far away.. 



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53 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:



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Believe me this is the first thing I did. The thing is there no option will do what I want that easily..you can try it yourself.I need to change multiple things and make them work together. let's say you changed the near option now I have to fix things that will match with my new option. so basically I need to change everything in this menu and some of the DOF rquire other setting out of the DOF menu. and I can't do that. This why I'm asking for help:)
I asked the player himself for help and still no answer 
Also there is guide about DOF setting on youtube. I watched the whole video and from there I realized this can't be done by changing one or two things in the ENB menu. I tried for hours but nothing still can't get it to work. 

Also Thanks means a lot that you trying to help me I stopped playing this game for 1 week now. trying to figure out how to make this happen.I might just stop and play the game without it. its okay to give up sometimes 

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56 minutes ago, HeartlesRaven said:

this can't be done by changing one or two things in the ENB menu.

That's true for more or less everything with an ENB as far as my experience goes - everything seems overly complicated for no particular reason. As for DoF I have it turned of as I think it is the most irritating and pointless thing going.

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1 hour ago, HeartlesRaven said:

I might just stop and play the game without it. its okay to give up sometimes

I look at these things as a trade-off. With this you have three options:

Put up with the way it is.

Turn it off.

Spend X hours faffing with ENB settings trying to get it how you want it.


So how much do you want it against how much effort you need to put in to get it.


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