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Fatal Frame Maiden of the Black Water nude mods

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20 hours ago, imalreadyademon55 said:

I tested it anyway and they work. Weird...



Sry i did in my previous attempt something wrong... test it and it works (so war it works with yuris bikini and a shrine maiden.Funny thing is, if you copy all files from an enemy and rename them to the outfit that you replaced apperently it copys also how the enemy moved (shrine maiden floated arround for me, with all files)

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I wanted to play with Miu in Yuri's chapters, so I replaced H_YRI_A.gmpk with H_MIU_A.gmpk (and then, I renamed it to H_YRI_A.gmpk ). But some parts of the face were deformed, so I replaced the gapk file too and it works. So, you don't have to replace only the .gmpk files. Both files should be replaced.




In cutscenes still has the tongue bug, but ingame looks 100% ok.

Miu Hinasaki.jpg


The same happens with Miku Hinasaki. It looks better if you use Miu's .gapk for Yuri's chapters.

Edited by Kuchiki Toko
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-Miku Hinasaki - Replacing Yuri Normal Outfit

Miku Hinasaki - Yuri.jpg

Miku Hinasaki - Replacing Yuri Normal.rar


-Rui Kagamiya - Replacing Yuri Normal Outfit

Rui Kagamiya 2.jpg

Rui Kagamiya.rar


-Fuyuhi Himino - Replacing Yuri Normal Outfit (Minor Bug only in cutscenes)

Fuyuhi Himino 2.jpg

Fuyuhi Himino.rar


-Hisoka Kurosawa - Replacing Yuri Normal Outfit (Minor Bug only in cutscenes)

Hisoka Kurosawa 2.jpg

Hisoka Kurosawa.rar


-Miu Hinasaki - Replacing Yuri Normal Outfit (Minor Bug only in cutscenes)

Miu Hinasaki 2.jpg

Miu Hinasaki.rar


-Tsumugi Katashina - Replacing Yuri Normal Outfit

Tsumugi Katashina  2.jpg

Tsumugi Katashina.rar


-Haruka Momose - Replacing Yuri Normal Outfit (Minor Bug only in cutscenes)

Haruka Momose 2.jpg

Haruka Momose.rar


-Haruka Momose (School Outfit)- Replacing Yuri Normal Outfit (Minor Bug only in cutscenes)


Haruka Momose (School Outfit).rar


-Akari Narumi - Replacing Yuri Normal Outfit (Bug in some parts of the hair when the character is wet, you can use Purifying Embers to remove wetness from the player).


Akari Narumi.rar





-Hisoka Kurosawa - Replacing Miu Normal Outfit (Minor Bug in eyes only in cutscenes)


Hisoka Kurosawa.rar


-Haruka Momose - Replacing Miu Normal Outfit (Minor Bug in eyes only in cutscenes)


Haruka Momose (Miu).rar


-Haruka Momose (School Outfit) - Replacing Miu Normal Outfit (Minor Bug in eyes only in cutscenes)


Haruka Momose (School Outfit) (Miu).rar





-Mizue Fukatsu - Replacing Ren Normal Outfit (Bug in some parts of the hair when the character is wet, you can use Purifying Embers to remove wetness from the player). (No facial expressions).



Mizue Fukatsu (Ren).rar





-Yuri Kozukata.


Yuri Kozukata.rar


-Yuri Kozukata (School Outfit).


Yuri Kozukata (Rui) (School Outfit).rar


-Fuyuhi Himino - (Minor Bug only in cutscenes)


Fuyuhi Himino (Rui).rar


-Tsumugi Katashina.


Tsumugi Katashina (Rui).rar

Edited by Kuchiki Toko
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28 minutes ago, Ponisito said:

I wanted to play with Miu in Yuri's chapters, so I replaced H_YRI_A.gmpk with H_MIU_A.gmpk (and then, I renamed it to H_YRI_A.gmpk ). But some parts of the face were deformed, so I replaced the gapk file too and it works. So, you don't have to replace only the .gmpk files. Both files should be replaced.




In cutscenes still has the tongue bug, but ingame looks 100% ok.

Miu Hinasaki.jpg


The same happens with Miku Hinasaki. It looks better if you use Miu's .gapk for Yuri's chapters.

The characters animation are probably stored in the GAPKs, that's why Shiragiku (the white haired loli) broke when someone tried to replace Ren with her.

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On 11/3/2021 at 9:04 PM, linkhuesitos said:

The characters animation are probably stored in the GAPKs, that's why Shiragiku (the white haired loli) broke when someone tried to replace Ren with her.

Yeah, with Hisoka (replacing Yuri) has the same problems in cutscenes but ingame looks good.


Edited by Kuchiki Toko
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2 minutes ago, Ponisito said:

Yeah, with Hisoka (replacing Yuri) has the same probmes in cutscenes but ingame looks good.


No crash taking pictures?I did try to do it with Rui and did replace both gapk/gmpk and it was crashing each time i was taking pictures with Ren,

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12 minutes ago, Ponisito said:

Yeah, with Hisoka (replacing Yuri) has the same problems in cutscenes but ingame looks good.


I have an idea, try playing a cutscene with 2 Hisokas, if the original Hisoka plays ok but Yuri (Hisoka) has the tongue bug then that means that the game stores the cutscenes animations in other GAPKs separed from those in the character folders.


We will need to find those other GAPKs and replace them too.

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Extracting Wii U models and textures and fixing Wii U textures


Before doing any of this get a Japanese Fatal Frame ROM for Wii U.


First we will extract all the files we need and then we will proceed to extracting the actual models and textures


1) Download QuickBMS and this fatal frame BMS Script


2) Open the content folder of your wii u rom and inside you will find following files and folders:






3) In order to unpack files in archive00 open QuickBMS and select fatal_frame.bms script you downloaded earlier and then select archive00 file and create new folder and name it something like unpacked or whatever you want and select to save the contents of archive00 to that folder and then wait for extraction to finish, if you have a good CPU and SSD it shouldnt take more than couple of minutes, after its done extracted files should be in the folder you selected like this


4) Go into character folder and take the character model you want and copy it somewhere so its easier to work with it, in my example i will use H_MIU_D


5) Now download this two BMS scripts g1m.bms g1t.bms 


6) Open QuickBMS again and first select g1m.bms script then select H_MIU_D.gmpk in H_MIU_D folder you just got from Wii U ROM and then select the folder you want to save the results into (i just choose same folder where GMPK is stored) then repeat the same steps with g1t.bms and you should end up with g1m and g1t files

g1m contains model files and g1t contains textures


Extracting the models from g1m file from Wii U version of the game

There are two ways to do this, one is with Noesis and the other is with Steven's gas machine, first i will cover Noesis


Extracting with Noesis


1) Download Noesis and g1m plugin for Noesis and launch Noesis (plugin does not seem to work on 64bit version so launch x86 32bit exe).


2) point noesis to folder that contains your g1m and g1t files and click on g1m file to view the model and it should load your model and display it like this.


3) right click g1m file and select export and under Main output type dropdown menu select the format you want to export to, in my case i exported both FBX and OBJ, after export is done you should have your files in whatever format you exported them in and you can open the resulting files in modelling software like autodesk maya, 3dsmax or blender

You can try using Noesis and g1m plugin to extract the textures from g1t file too but in my testing it seems like it does not work for Wii U version and just produces completly white DDS files so we will get the textures using the method at the bottom of this post, but before that lets take a look at different model extraction method first


Extracting with Steven's Gas Machine


1) Download Steven's Gas Machine and open it, if latest version does not work try using 2016.02.17 version


2) Under select game dropdown menu select PC version of Dynasty warriors 8


3) Under select path do not point it to the extracted game, point it to the folder of your character and outfit that contains gmpk, g1m and g1t files (H_MIU_D folder in my case) and click OK


4) Click No to everything EXCEPT process g1t and process g1m, select yes to those two, wait a few seconds and then check H_MIU_D and you should have extracted model files inside the folder

The textures extracted by Steven's gas machine end up completley corrupted so ignore those for now as we will now look at properly extracting textures and deswizzle them.

Note: Textures extracted by steven's gas machine cannot be deswizzled as they are completley corrupted, to properly extract and then deswizzle the textures continue reading the next section.


Extracting the textures from g1t file from Wii U version

1) Download the following QuickBMS script to extract .GTX textures from g1t file HyruleWarriors_GTX.bms


2) Open QuickBMS and select HyruleWarriors_GTX.bms script and then select your g1t file you extracted from gmpk earlier, create new folder called textures and choose that folder for QuickBMS to save the extracted textures, wait a few seconds and you should end up with folder full of .gtx files like this


Now that you have .gtx files its time to convert them to .tga, i have tried with .dds but then the deswizzle tool wont work correctly, when using dds it properly deswizzles the texture but it seems like it somehow inverts and breaks the color of the texture, this issue does not happen with .tga files so we will use tga for this, of course you can try .dds if you want but for me it did not work correctly.


3) To convert the .gtx files to .dds or .tga open Noesis and navigate to folder containing your freshly extracted .gtx files, you can double click any .gtx to view the texture, it should look like this, as you can see the textures are swizzeld but dont worry, we will get to that.


4) Extract the textures by right clicking each one and selecting export and select .tga as an output format (you can export .dds too but .dds has issues with deswizzle tool)

You can try batch exporting too but some models have one or two invalid texture that may crashe the Noesis so i suggest just going one by one if you have patience, once done you will have .tga files alongside your .gtx files, too keep everything clean you can move them somewhere else if you want so you have folder with just .tga files

when opened they should look something like this since they are swizzeled: Example 1 Example 2

Thats it, now on to how to deswizzle them


Fixing the swizzled Wii U texture files


1) Download FFTF V4 by zdsmdbh from xnalara forum


2) Download ImageMagick, latest version does not work so you need to use ImageMagick-6.9.12-28-Q8-x86-dll version, you can find it on official ImageMagic website here

Note: looks like it absolutley must be x86 version


3) Open FFTF V4 folder and put your .tga textures into the Input folder and run Fix Auto.bat, wait a few seconds and once its done fixed deswizzled textures should appear in the output folder and the textures should be fixed now, here are two examples: Example 1 Example 2

You can play around with other bat files too to get different results.


I havent tested importing any of this into PC version so idk if its gonna be helpful or not and at the moment for some reason tool does not fix every texture correctly and dds files dont work with the tool (here is dds when run trough a tool and here is tga when run trough the same tool, obviuosly something wrong with DDS export of this fix tool as source dds looks fine, just swizzled)

Hopefuly this will be enough to at least get Wii U costumes properly ported over and fix the existing unused swimsuits found in Switch ROM


some guy on xnalara forum said that imagemagick version needed for FFTF V4 to work properly is ImageMagick-6.9.11-Q8 which is no longer up for download, the source code is so someone can probably compile it.

Wrong imagemagick version might be the reson for dds file not working properly and for some textures not being fixed fully so we might need ImageMagick-6.9.11-Q8 or even older.

More on FFTF V4 by zdsmdbh can be found here


Keep in mind that none of scripts or tools used in this post are made by me, i just found the tools and scripts scattered around on various places and just decided to put everything on one place here.

g1m - Copy.bms

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As you said, the playable has the bug and the original Hisaka looks good. But ingame both look good.




o crash taking pictures?I did try to do it with Rui and did replace both gapk/gmpk and it was crashing each time i was taking pictures with Ren,

I've Windows 7 64 Bits and the game and the game is borderless window.

Edited by Kuchiki Toko
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7 hours ago, OiNGO.BOiNGO said:

Conclusion: Wiggling those stick does nothing to reduce damage, nor does it makes it release faster. Just spare your sticks' lifespan. Also, don't forget to manually set the FPS to 60, even though the game itself "seems" to run at 60 fps. Which might explain why there are so many soft-locks & sync issues in this game. I remember playing Fatal Frame 4, where you could squeeze & release the trigger steadily during picking up item to bait the hand out without canceling the ongoing action. This game seems to be missing that (or broken?), releasing the trigger slightly outright cancels the whole action. Could someone confirm if this is how it worked in the original WiiU version?


The fact that it cancels the action if you let go of the button is intended, yes, it's the same as in the Wii U version. I guess it's a way to prevent the player from cheesing (rapidly letting go and repressing in anticipation of the hand). As for the wiggling, it's indeed broken on the Steam version. You're meant to be able to escape within 2-3 seconds with good wiggling, but currently it does absolutely nothing. Sadly this is a tricky issue to report, because a lot of players are suffering from a placebo effect where they THINK they're actually able to mash out of the grab, even though they're not (they're unaware of the auto grab release after about 7 seconds). And then they're always happy to post "It's working for me!"


As for the damage during grabs, it's indeed tied to the FPS at the moment, as are : damage rate while tainted, rate of getting wet and drying off, rate of the spirit gauge draining when using Miu's special power, etc. Capping at 60 FPS gives you the intended game balance.

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damn each time i try and change Ren's .gapk file the game crashes i just hope that someone can make a female face work on him :D

so i replaced all his files with miu's and got a face that's not bugged but the character keeps running by himself lol image.png.e06c62fc6f58efbc87c927daee5da93c.png

Edited by Kazuxxx
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1 hour ago, tonimajmun2001 said:

Extracting Wii U models and textures and fixing Wii U textures



Sadly, adding the Wii U textures to the Switch g1m appears to not work, for me at least. It doesn't appear to recognize that the wet textures should be ignored until when wet or something. It tries to fit the whole skin + wet texture as one:unknown.png

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34 minutes ago, sorwah said:


Sadly, adding the Wii U textures to the Switch g1m appears to not work, for me at least. It doesn't appear to recognize that the wet textures should be ignored until when wet or something. It tries to fit the whole skin + wet texture as one:unknown.png

Try upscaling the textures to the Switch or PC size.

Maybe the game is expecting the textures to be bigger and is taking parts from the wet side of the textures.


Another idea, try to mod the Wii U models into the PC version using 3DMigoto to see if it can load the textures properly.

Edited by linkhuesitos
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41 minutes ago, linkhuesitos said:

Try upscaling the textures to the Switch or PC size.

Maybe the game is expecting the textures to be bigger and is taking parts from the wet side of the textures.


Another idea, try to mod the Wii U models into the PC version using 3DMigoto to see if it can load the textures properly.


Screenshot has the PC texture sizes being used

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