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Sword and Fairy 7 mods

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On 2023/9/12 at AM7点42分, tigers said:


When you click the first download button, you will jump to these three download addresses (red font). Click on any address and a second picture will pop up. Select the one in the red circle and it will be redirected to the download page. Generally speaking, just select BT download.




Edited by superman59
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7 hours ago, superman59 said:

When you click the first download button, you will jump to these three download addresses (red font). Click on any address and a second picture will pop up. Select the one in the red circle and it will be redirected to the download page. Generally speaking, just select BT download.




Thats the problem.

Whenever i click on any of the three i get this wierd  broken page thing



Is it possible for you to upload the outfit/body mods here if you can access them? I know its gonna take some time and effort though.

Edited by tigers
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
4 hours ago, hakchy said:

guys i want to play this game, is easy to mod? also someone have a mod list that is not in another lenguaje and its dificult to get?

Astonishingly enough someone has TWO guides with nude mods for this game listed on Steam:



Note that they are casually mentioned at the bottom of each guide.

Also there were a couple on Nexus I believe:


Edited by MaginotLineBypass
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47 minutes ago, MaginotLineBypass said:

Astonishingly enough someone has TWO guides with nude mods for this game listed on Steam:



Note that they are casually mentioned at the bottom of each guide.

Also there were a couple on Nexus I believe:


sadly on nexus are only 1 mod

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  • 3 weeks later...

Allow me to add an English guide detailing how to create mods for Sword and Fairy 7, since IMO, this is a game that is screaming for more mods. Especially I believe that, when you know how to extract and repack data, modding this game can become quite straightforward on account that you can use the same tool that the game creators used (Unreal Engine Editor).


Note however that this guide focuses almost exclusively on extracting and repacking mod data. This is not something that will guide you through actual model/texture editing (which I personally know nothing about).


I will also point out that this content is based in part on this Chinese guide that was referenced earlier in this thread, as well as this other guide for Hogwards Legacy modding. 



1. Extracting the game data for modding


The content we are after in terms of character modding resides in a standard Unreal Engine pak file, that is installed by the game, and that is called dat0-WindowsNoEditor.pak.


Unfortunately, and despite having designed the engine to accept mods, the makers of Unreal Engine have chosen not to provide any tools allowing folks to unpack game data, so, instead, we have to use a third party utility called umodel (a.k.a. UE Viewer). Thankfully, it works quite well (and is Open Source) so you should go ahead and download it from here. Alternatively, as suggested below, if you want a more modern (but slightly slower) extraction utility, you can also accomplish the same using FModel. So as not to make this guide too long, I will only describe the use of umodel.


When you run umodel however, you will find that it does not support Unicode paths whereas the default path for S&F7's paks (at least for the Steam version) is: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\仙剑奇侠传七\Pal7\Content\Paks\. So you can't just point umodel to that directory. Instead, you will have to first move/copy dat0-WindowsNoEditor.pak from SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\仙剑奇侠传七\Pal7\Content\Paks\ into a directory that uses western characters.


Then, once you have done that, you can launch umodel, set it to the directory that contains dat0-WindowsNoEditor.pak, and it will happily open the .pak and list the directory structure, with all the assets you may want to extract.


For this example, I'm going to assume that we want to create a mod for the main character Yue Qingshu whose data can be found under Game\SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\ in umodel (don't ask me why Yue Qingshu is named Yue YunYao internally). So you can right click on this folder and then select Export folder contents:




After you click export, you will be prompted for options, which I advise to set to the following (especially, if you plan to edit the models in Blender, you do want glTF 2.0)




You will also get a prompt to select the Unreal Engine version for some of the asset, for which you need to pick Unreal engine 4.25:




Once that is done, you will have all of the character assets (along with some extra files that seem to be shared between characters) in your export directory. You can therefore close umodel.



2. Modifying the game content


With the Unreal data you want extracted, and provided that you are familiar with game asset editing, you can alter pretty much all of the properties you want, including altering character models in Blender (but if you do, make sure to use Blender 3.x as I found that the current Blender 4.x does not import the data properly), changing the textures, modifying animation data and so on.


As stated above, the goal of this guide however, is not to teach you 3D editing, but instead to show you how you can repack content for S&F7 after you have altered it for a mod. So, in this example, we are just going to edit Yue Qingshu's skirt texture, and then repack that modified texture as a mod.


If you explore the data, you will find that the cloth texture for the skirt is in Game\SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\Texture\T_MAJ02_01_cloth2_D.png. So we just open that file in Paint.net and apply a dummy edit:




Then we save it, using the same name as the original texture, but under a different directory, so that we can import it in the next steps.



3. Creating a mod pak

Once you have gathered/edited all the data you need for your mod, you will want to create a .pak file, that can be copied into the game folder so that Unreal Engine will see it and pick it up. This is accomplished using Unreal Engine Editor 4.25.x.


So as not to make this guide overextensive, I will not cover the process of installing Unreal Engine 4.25.x, which is freely available software that you can obtain from the (dreaded) Epic Games Launcher. Please note however that you should use Unreal Engine 4.25.x for this game. Slightly older versions, like 4.24.x might work, but do not be tempted to use any of the newer versions, such as 4.27.x as, if you do, you'll find that your mods will not load and the game will not start.


If you need help with regards to the installation of Unreal Engine in the Epic Games Launcher, I will reference you to this post.


3.1 Creating a mod project


With the right version of Unreal Engine installed, and from the Epic Games Launcher, start Unreal Engine 4.25.x until you get to the Select or Create New Project page.

On this page select Games under New Project Categories and press Next:




On the Select Template page select Blank and press Next:




On the Projects Settings page, keep the default options except for the last one, which you should change to No Starter Content if this is not already the case.

On that same page, you should also set the Folder for your project to any directory you wish, but make sure that the project Name you enter is Pal7 as this is the root name used by the Sword and Fairy 7 game for all its Unreal assets, and if you use a different name, your mod will not apply. Then click Create Project:




With this done, the Unreal Engine Editor will now open for your new project.


3.2 Configuring the project/editor to produce mod paks


Before we can proceed further, we need to do some housekeeping/settings configuration, so that Unreal Editor can actually produce usable mod paks (because, there again, it seems like Epic isn't actually that keen on making it too easy for folks to mod Unreal based games).


First, you should go to EditEditor Preferences in the menu, then click on Experimental under General on the left hand side and under UI make sure Allow ChunkID Assignments is checked. Then you can close the Editor Preferences page:




Then, go to EditProject Settings in the menu, click on Packaging under Project on the left hand side and check Generate Chunks. Also make sure that Use Io Store is not checked or else you will get a set of 3 files instead of a single .pak. Then you can close the Project Settings:




Finally go to FilePackage ProjectBuild Configuration and select Shipping:




3.3 Adding content to the mod


With this completed, we can finally start to import our data. But to do so, we must make sure that it resides at the same structure location as in the game.

To do so, in Unreal Editor, click on the Show or hide resource panel at the bottom left, to show the assets paths. Then right click on Content and create as many folders as needed to replicate the structure for the assets you want to replace/override with your mod. Please bear in mind that the Content\ folder you see at the top, which you cannot rename, automatically translates to Game\ (as shown in the tooltip path below), so if you want to modify a texture that was extracted under Game\SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\Texture\ by umodel, you will need to create the SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\, and Texture\, folders recursively under the Content\ top folder:




Once this is done, we can finally drag and drop our modified T_MAJ02_01_cloth2_D.png texture under the lower level Texture\ folder.


Now, to make sure this texture is packed into a standalone mod file we can import in the game, we need to split it from the main content of our sample project and assign it to a separate chunk (hence the configuration we did earlier). To accomplish this, right click on the texture we added, and select Asset ActionsAssign to Chunk:




You will then be prompted for a Chunk ID. Assuming that you are not creating a multi mod project, you should enter 1 there and press OK:




Note that if you don't see the Assign to Chunk action in the context menu, it's because you didn't properly follow the configuration steps in Configuring the project/editor to produce mod paks above, so please make sure you do follow the guide exactly.


The last step we need to perform, since this is a character texture, is double click on the texture to open the Unreal Texture Editor (which, despite its name, does not actually allow you to edit textures) and make sure that, on the right hand side, under the Level of Detail section, Texture Group is changed from from World to Character:




Then click Save to save the texture asset and close the window to return to the global editor.


At last! We are now ready to export our mod and create a pak file.


3.4 Generating the mod pak file


With all the good work accomplished above, we can now go to FilePackage ProjectWindows (64-bit) and select a directory where we want to export the files.


If it's the first time you use Unreal Editor, you may find that it spends quite a bit of time compiling shaders (which we don't care about, it's just something the editor needs to do), however, this should only ever happen once.


Once the Package command is complete, you should find 2 .pak files under WindowsNoEditor\Pal7\Content\Paks\ in the directory where you chose to export the files.


The first one contains our dummy game content, which we don't care about, and the second one, pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak, is our mod file, ready to be injected in the game. The sharp eyed among you will have noticed that the number after pakchunk is the same as the one we set for our Chunk ID, which is how we were able to move only the data we care about into our mod file.


You can now rename pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak to whatever you want (e.g. YueQingshuTest.pak), and copy it into SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\仙剑奇侠传七\Pal7\Content\Paks\~mods\ and lo and behold, you too have created a working character mod for Sword and Fairy 7!




4. Notes


If you want to apply this guide to other Unreal based games, and in order to know what version of Unreal Engine you should use, you must pay attention to the version reported by umodel, in its console window, when opening the game's pak files. For instance, for S&F7, umodel reports version 9 which is the version used by Unreal Engine 4.25.x. This is important as the game engine will not open a more recent version of pak files, so if you were to use Unreal Engine 4.27.x, which produces version 11 pak files, the game will fail to use your mod (and will usually not start at all!).


Do not use the current Blender 4.x to work on the character models as it will not display these models properly, at least if you use its native glTF import facility. Instead use Blender 3.x LTS. Or you can choose to export to .pskx (which is also the default model export format of FModel) and then import it into Blender 4.x using this third party plugin, but then you need to take care of the model scale manually (1cm per unit for Unreal Engine vs 1m per unit in Blender) and you probably want to pay attention to this specific note from the import plugin.


Unlike what you may have seen in earlier guides, with the current version of Sword and Fairy 7, there is no need for AES encryption (the files are not encrypted any more). As a result, there is also no need for a .sig file.


Some Unreal modding guides seem to be adamant that you should always add _P after the mod name but, as least for Sword and Fairy 7, the game does not care about that.


NB: Why the f... does the forum editor automatically insert this last unwanted screenshot no matter how many times I delete it?!?


Edited by VitaSmith
Added a ref to the PSK Blender plugin
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On 2/25/2024 at 5:15 AM, VitaSmith said:

Allow me to add an English guide detailing how to create mods for Sword and Fairy 7, since IMO, this is a game that is screaming for more mods. Especially I believe that, when you know how to extract and repack data, modding this game can become quite straightforward on account that you can use the same tool that the game creators used (Unreal Engine Editor).


Note however that this guide focuses almost exclusively on extracting and repacking mod data. This is not something that will guide you through actual model/texture editing (which I personally know nothing about).


I will also point out that this content is based in part on this Chinese guide that was referenced earlier in this thread, as well as this other guide for Hogwards Legacy modding. 



1. Extracting the game data for modding


The content we are after in terms of character modding resides in a standard Unreal Engine pak file, that is installed by the game, and that is called dat0-WindowsNoEditor.pak.


Unfortunately, and despite having designed the engine to accept mods, the makers of Unreal Engine have chosen not to provide any tools allowing folks to unpack game data, so, instead, we have to use a third party utility called umodel (a.k.a. UE Viewer). Thankfully, it works quite well (and is Open Source) so you should go ahead and download it from here.


When you run umodel however, you will find that it does not support Unicode paths whereas the default path for S&F7's paks (at least for the Steam version) is: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\仙剑奇侠传七\Pal7\Content\Paks\. So you can't just point umodel to that directory. Instead, you will have to first move/copy dat0-WindowsNoEditor.pak from SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\仙剑奇侠传七\Pal7\Content\Paks\ into a directory that uses western characters.


Then, once you have done that, you can launch umodel, set it to the directory that contains dat0-WindowsNoEditor.pak, and it will happily open the .pak and list the directory structure, with all the assets you may want to extract.


For this example, I'm going to assume that we want to create a mod for the main character Yue Qingshu whose data can be found under Game\SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\ in umodel (don't ask me why Yue Qingshu is named Yue YunYao internally). So you can right click on this folder and then select Export folder contents:




After you click export, you will be prompted for options, which I advise to set to the following (especially, if you plan to edit the models in Blender, you do want glTF 2.0)




You will also get a prompt to select the Unreal Engine version for some of the asset, for which you need to pick Unreal engine 4.25:




Once that is done, you will have all of the character assets (along with some extra files that seem to be shared between characters) in your export directory. You can therefore close umodel.



2. Modifying the game content


With the Unreal data you want extracted, and provided that you are familiar with game asset editing, you can alter pretty much all of the properties you want, including altering character models in Blender (but if you do, make sure to use Blender 3.x as I found that the current Blender 4.x does not import the data properly), changing the textures, modifying animation data and so on.


As stated above, the goal of this guide however, is not to teach you 3D editing, but instead to show you how you can repack content for S&F7 after you have altered it for a mod. So, in this example, we are just going to edit Yue Qingshu's skirt texture, and then repack that modified texture as a mod.


If you explore the data, you will find that the cloth texture for the skirt is in Game\SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\Texture\T_MAJ02_01_cloth2_D.png. So we just open that file in Paint.net and apply a dummy edit:




Then we save it, using the same name as the original texture, but under a different directory, so that we can import it in the next steps.



3. Creating a mod pak

Once you have gathered/edited all the data you need for your mod, you will want to create a .pak file, that can be copied into the game folder so that Unreal Engine will see it and pick it up. This is accomplished using Unreal Engine Editor 4.25.x.


So as not to make this guide overextensive, I will not cover the process of installing Unreal Engine 4.25.x, which is freely available software that you can obtain from the (dreaded) Epic Games Launcher. Please note however that you should use Unreal Engine 4.25.x for this game. Slightly older versions, like 4.24.x might work, but do not be tempted to use any of the newer versions, such as 4.27.x as, if you do, you'll find that your mods will not load and the game will not start.


If you need help with regards to the installation of Unreal Engine in the Epic Games Launcher, I will reference you to this post.


3.1 Creating a mod project


With the right version of Unreal Engine installed, and from the Epic Games Launcher, start Unreal Engine 4.25.x until you get to the Select or Create New Project page.

On this page select Games under New Project Categories and press Next:




On the Select Template page select Blank and press Next:




On the Projects Settings page, keep the default options except for the last one, which you should change to No Starter Content if this is not already the case.

On that same page, you should also set the Folder for your project to any directory you wish, but make sure that the project Name you enter is Pal7 as this is the root name used by the Sword and Fairy 7 game for all its Unreal assets, and if you use a different name, your mod will not apply. Then click Create Project:




With this done, the Unreal Engine Editor will now open for your new project.


3.2 Configuring the project/editor to produce mod paks


Before we can proceed further, we need to do some housekeeping/settings configuration, so that Unreal Editor can actually produce usable mod paks (because, there again, it seems like Epic isn't actually that keen on making it too easy for folks to mod Unreal based games).


First, you should go to EditEditor Preferences in the menu, then click on Experimental under General on the left hand side and under UI make sure Allow ChunkID Assignments is checked. Then you can close the Editor Preferences page:




Then, go to EditProject Settings in the menu, click on Packaging under Project on the left hand side and check Generate Chunks. Also make sure that Use Io Store is not checked or else you will get a set of 3 files instead of a single .pak. Then you can close the Project Settings:




Finally go to FilePackage ProjectBuild Configuration and select Shipping:




3.3 Adding content to the mod


With this completed, we can finally start to import our data. But to do so, we must make sure that it resides at the same structure location as in the game.

To do so, in Unreal Editor, click on the Show or hide resource panel at the bottom left, to show the assets paths. Then right click on Content and create as many folders as needed to replicate the structure for the assets you want to replace/override with your mod. Please bear in mind that the Content\ folder you see at the top, which you cannot rename, automatically translates to Game\ (as shown in the tooltip path below), so if you want to modify a texture that was extracted under Game\SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\Texture\ by umodel, you will need to create the SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\, and Texture\, folders recursively under the Content\ top folder:




Once this is done, we can finally drag and drop our modified T_MAJ02_01_cloth2_D.png texture under the lower level Texture\ folder.


Now, to make sure this texture is packed into a standalone mod file we can import in the game, we need to split it from the main content of our sample project and assign it to a separate chunk (hence the configuration we did earlier). To accomplish this, right click on the texture we added, and select Asset ActionsAssign to Chunk:




You will then be prompted for a Chunk ID. Assuming that you are not creating a multi mod project, you should enter 1 there and press OK:




Note that if you don't see the Assign to Chunk action in the context menu, it's because you didn't properly follow the configuration steps in Configuring the project/editor to produce mod paks above, so please make sure you do follow the guide exactly.


The last step we need to perform, since this is a character texture, is double click on the texture to open the Unreal Texture Editor (which, despite its name, does not actually allow you to edit textures) and make sure that, on the right hand side, under the Level of Detail section, Texture Group is changed from from World to Character:




Then click Save to save the texture asset and close the window to return to the global editor.


At last! We are now ready to export our mod and create a pak file.


3.4 Generating the mod pak file


With all the good work accomplished above, we can now go to FilePackage ProjectWindows (64-bit) and select a directory where we want to export the files.


If it's the first time you use Unreal Editor, you may find that it spends quite a bit of time compiling shaders (which we don't care about, it's just something the editor needs to do), however, this should only ever happen once.


Once the Package command is complete, you should find 2 .pak files under WindowsNoEditor\Pal7\Content\Paks\ in the directory where you chose to export the files.


The first one contains our dummy game content, which we don't care about, and the second one, pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak, is our mod file, ready to be injected in the game. The sharp eyed among you will have noticed that the number after pakchunk is the same as the one we set for our Chunk ID, which is how we were able to move only the data we care about into our mod file.


You can now rename pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak to whatever you want (e.g. YueQingshuTest.pak), and copy it into SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\仙剑奇侠传七\Pal7\Content\Paks\~mods\ and lo and behold, you too have created a working character mod for Sword and Fairy 7!




4. Notes


If you want to apply this guide to other Unreal based games, and in order to know what version of Unreal Engine you should use, you must pay attention to the version reported by umodel, in its console window, when opening the game's pak files. For instance, for S&F7, umodel reports version 9 which is the version used by Unreal Engine 4.25.x. This is important as the game engine will not open a more recent version of pak files, so if you were to use Unreal Engine 4.27.x, which produces version 11 pak files, the game will fail to use your mod (and will usually not start at all!).


Do not use the current Blender 4.x to work on the character models as it will not display these models properly. Instead use Blender 3.x LTS


Unlike what you may have seen in earlier guides, with the current version of Sword and Fairy 7, there is no need for AES encryption (the files are not encrypted any more). There is also no need for a .sig file.


Some Unreal modding guides seem to be adamant that you should always add _P after the mod name but, as least for Sword and Fairy 7, the game does not care about that.


NB: Why the f... does the forum editor automatically insert this last unwanted screenshot no matter how many times I delete it?!?


I would suggest adding Fmodel as a tool for people to find characters, skeletons, materials ,textures and path data too

Link to comment
4 hours ago, D C said:

I would suggest adding Fmodel as a tool for people to find characters, skeletons, materials ,textures and path data too


Yeah, FModel looks quite good. And unlike umodel, it supports Unicode paths, which is a big plus if you want to mod this game.


However, it's also quite a bit slower than umodel on extraction. It literally took about 5 minutes on my machine (which isn't exactly a potato PC) to export all 4 models for Character_YueYunYao, whereas umodel accomplishes the same in less than a minute.


At any rate, the guide is more about how to repacking mods for S&F7 than it is about content extraction or alteration, so whichever tool someone wants to use on the extraction is fine (but, as much as FModel looks less clunky than umodel for data extraction, I am not planning to go through a guide update to add screenshots for FModel).


EDIT: I have added a reference to FModel in the guide.



Edited by VitaSmith
Link to comment
On 2/24/2024 at 11:45 PM, VitaSmith said:

Allow me to add an English guide detailing how to create mods for Sword and Fairy 7, since IMO, this is a game that is screaming for more mods. Especially I believe that, when you know how to extract and repack data, modding this game can become quite straightforward on account that you can use the same tool that the game creators used (Unreal Engine Editor).


Note however that this guide focuses almost exclusively on extracting and repacking mod data. This is not something that will guide you through actual model/texture editing (which I personally know nothing about).


I will also point out that this content is based in part on this Chinese guide that was referenced earlier in this thread, as well as this other guide for Hogwards Legacy modding. 



1. Extracting the game data for modding


The content we are after in terms of character modding resides in a standard Unreal Engine pak file, that is installed by the game, and that is called dat0-WindowsNoEditor.pak.


Unfortunately, and despite having designed the engine to accept mods, the makers of Unreal Engine have chosen not to provide any tools allowing folks to unpack game data, so, instead, we have to use a third party utility called umodel (a.k.a. UE Viewer). Thankfully, it works quite well (and is Open Source) so you should go ahead and download it from here. Alternatively, as suggested below, if you want a more modern (but slightly slower) extraction utility, you can also accomplish the same using FModel. So as not to make this guide too long, I will only describe the use of umodel.


When you run umodel however, you will find that it does not support Unicode paths whereas the default path for S&F7's paks (at least for the Steam version) is: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\仙剑奇侠传七\Pal7\Content\Paks\. So you can't just point umodel to that directory. Instead, you will have to first move/copy dat0-WindowsNoEditor.pak from SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\仙剑奇侠传七\Pal7\Content\Paks\ into a directory that uses western characters.


Then, once you have done that, you can launch umodel, set it to the directory that contains dat0-WindowsNoEditor.pak, and it will happily open the .pak and list the directory structure, with all the assets you may want to extract.


For this example, I'm going to assume that we want to create a mod for the main character Yue Qingshu whose data can be found under Game\SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\ in umodel (don't ask me why Yue Qingshu is named Yue YunYao internally). So you can right click on this folder and then select Export folder contents:




After you click export, you will be prompted for options, which I advise to set to the following (especially, if you plan to edit the models in Blender, you do want glTF 2.0)




You will also get a prompt to select the Unreal Engine version for some of the asset, for which you need to pick Unreal engine 4.25:




Once that is done, you will have all of the character assets (along with some extra files that seem to be shared between characters) in your export directory. You can therefore close umodel.



2. Modifying the game content


With the Unreal data you want extracted, and provided that you are familiar with game asset editing, you can alter pretty much all of the properties you want, including altering character models in Blender (but if you do, make sure to use Blender 3.x as I found that the current Blender 4.x does not import the data properly), changing the textures, modifying animation data and so on.


As stated above, the goal of this guide however, is not to teach you 3D editing, but instead to show you how you can repack content for S&F7 after you have altered it for a mod. So, in this example, we are just going to edit Yue Qingshu's skirt texture, and then repack that modified texture as a mod.


If you explore the data, you will find that the cloth texture for the skirt is in Game\SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\Texture\T_MAJ02_01_cloth2_D.png. So we just open that file in Paint.net and apply a dummy edit:




Then we save it, using the same name as the original texture, but under a different directory, so that we can import it in the next steps.



3. Creating a mod pak

Once you have gathered/edited all the data you need for your mod, you will want to create a .pak file, that can be copied into the game folder so that Unreal Engine will see it and pick it up. This is accomplished using Unreal Engine Editor 4.25.x.


So as not to make this guide overextensive, I will not cover the process of installing Unreal Engine 4.25.x, which is freely available software that you can obtain from the (dreaded) Epic Games Launcher. Please note however that you should use Unreal Engine 4.25.x for this game. Slightly older versions, like 4.24.x might work, but do not be tempted to use any of the newer versions, such as 4.27.x as, if you do, you'll find that your mods will not load and the game will not start.


If you need help with regards to the installation of Unreal Engine in the Epic Games Launcher, I will reference you to this post.


3.1 Creating a mod project


With the right version of Unreal Engine installed, and from the Epic Games Launcher, start Unreal Engine 4.25.x until you get to the Select or Create New Project page.

On this page select Games under New Project Categories and press Next:




On the Select Template page select Blank and press Next:




On the Projects Settings page, keep the default options except for the last one, which you should change to No Starter Content if this is not already the case.

On that same page, you should also set the Folder for your project to any directory you wish, but make sure that the project Name you enter is Pal7 as this is the root name used by the Sword and Fairy 7 game for all its Unreal assets, and if you use a different name, your mod will not apply. Then click Create Project:




With this done, the Unreal Engine Editor will now open for your new project.


3.2 Configuring the project/editor to produce mod paks


Before we can proceed further, we need to do some housekeeping/settings configuration, so that Unreal Editor can actually produce usable mod paks (because, there again, it seems like Epic isn't actually that keen on making it too easy for folks to mod Unreal based games).


First, you should go to EditEditor Preferences in the menu, then click on Experimental under General on the left hand side and under UI make sure Allow ChunkID Assignments is checked. Then you can close the Editor Preferences page:




Then, go to EditProject Settings in the menu, click on Packaging under Project on the left hand side and check Generate Chunks. Also make sure that Use Io Store is not checked or else you will get a set of 3 files instead of a single .pak. Then you can close the Project Settings:




Finally go to FilePackage ProjectBuild Configuration and select Shipping:




3.3 Adding content to the mod


With this completed, we can finally start to import our data. But to do so, we must make sure that it resides at the same structure location as in the game.

To do so, in Unreal Editor, click on the Show or hide resource panel at the bottom left, to show the assets paths. Then right click on Content and create as many folders as needed to replicate the structure for the assets you want to replace/override with your mod. Please bear in mind that the Content\ folder you see at the top, which you cannot rename, automatically translates to Game\ (as shown in the tooltip path below), so if you want to modify a texture that was extracted under Game\SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\Texture\ by umodel, you will need to create the SkeletonAssets\Character\Character_YueYunYao\, and Texture\, folders recursively under the Content\ top folder:




Once this is done, we can finally drag and drop our modified T_MAJ02_01_cloth2_D.png texture under the lower level Texture\ folder.


Now, to make sure this texture is packed into a standalone mod file we can import in the game, we need to split it from the main content of our sample project and assign it to a separate chunk (hence the configuration we did earlier). To accomplish this, right click on the texture we added, and select Asset ActionsAssign to Chunk:




You will then be prompted for a Chunk ID. Assuming that you are not creating a multi mod project, you should enter 1 there and press OK:




Note that if you don't see the Assign to Chunk action in the context menu, it's because you didn't properly follow the configuration steps in Configuring the project/editor to produce mod paks above, so please make sure you do follow the guide exactly.


The last step we need to perform, since this is a character texture, is double click on the texture to open the Unreal Texture Editor (which, despite its name, does not actually allow you to edit textures) and make sure that, on the right hand side, under the Level of Detail section, Texture Group is changed from from World to Character:




Then click Save to save the texture asset and close the window to return to the global editor.


At last! We are now ready to export our mod and create a pak file.


3.4 Generating the mod pak file


With all the good work accomplished above, we can now go to FilePackage ProjectWindows (64-bit) and select a directory where we want to export the files.


If it's the first time you use Unreal Editor, you may find that it spends quite a bit of time compiling shaders (which we don't care about, it's just something the editor needs to do), however, this should only ever happen once.


Once the Package command is complete, you should find 2 .pak files under WindowsNoEditor\Pal7\Content\Paks\ in the directory where you chose to export the files.


The first one contains our dummy game content, which we don't care about, and the second one, pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak, is our mod file, ready to be injected in the game. The sharp eyed among you will have noticed that the number after pakchunk is the same as the one we set for our Chunk ID, which is how we were able to move only the data we care about into our mod file.


You can now rename pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak to whatever you want (e.g. YueQingshuTest.pak), and copy it into SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\仙剑奇侠传七\Pal7\Content\Paks\~mods\ and lo and behold, you too have created a working character mod for Sword and Fairy 7!




4. Notes


If you want to apply this guide to other Unreal based games, and in order to know what version of Unreal Engine you should use, you must pay attention to the version reported by umodel, in its console window, when opening the game's pak files. For instance, for S&F7, umodel reports version 9 which is the version used by Unreal Engine 4.25.x. This is important as the game engine will not open a more recent version of pak files, so if you were to use Unreal Engine 4.27.x, which produces version 11 pak files, the game will fail to use your mod (and will usually not start at all!).


Do not use the current Blender 4.x to work on the character models as it will not display these models properly. Instead use Blender 3.x LTS


Unlike what you may have seen in earlier guides, with the current version of Sword and Fairy 7, there is no need for AES encryption (the files are not encrypted any more). There is also no need for a .sig file.


Some Unreal modding guides seem to be adamant that you should always add _P after the mod name but, as least for Sword and Fairy 7, the game does not care about that.


NB: Why the f... does the forum editor automatically insert this last unwanted screenshot no matter how many times I delete it?!?





Sadly, I am not a modder, but many thanks for taking the time to make this guide as I am sure it will be extremely helpful for those that are.


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