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Tales Of Arise [PC] Mods

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On 3/9/2022 at 9:51 AM, snipe007 said:




Nice little walking gif let me know if you want me to make one for the backside :P


Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/talesofarise/mods/268



Mod body in pic: https://www.nexusmods.com/talesofarise/mods/268


My tan mod on nexus works with Kisara Amazon armor and nude mod.


Also compatible is a

Permanent wet oily skin for Kisara and the other girls by a jp modder and can be found here: https://ux.getuploader.com/32446632
Let me know if this link does not work. Make sure oily skin loads last by adding zzz to the start of the mod name in the ~mods folder so that it is last alphabetically. Also add _99_P to end of the pak file name to give priority.

Edited by snipe007
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I freaking love you all of mod authors for bringing these mods in 2022!


Just got back to Tales and about to finish Berseria (60 Hours in, Almost at the final Boss). Debating if I should start Zesteria or just watch the Anime in BD (Read Alisha's role is much better there) then jump back to Arise.


I hope you guys don't stop making Arise mods!


Really appreciate all these Godlike work!

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10 hours ago, VeraXona said:

I freaking love you all of mod authors for bringing these mods in 2022!


Just got back to Tales and about to finish Berseria (60 Hours in, Almost at the final Boss). Debating if I should start Zesteria or just watch the Anime in BD (Read Alisha's role is much better there) then jump back to Arise.


I hope you guys don't stop making Arise mods!


Really appreciate all these Godlike work!


Zesteria was a dud for me. I made it to the point before the final boss and quit after I lost interest. The whole party felt too idealistic and perfect. Uninstalled after waiting for years to get back to it. ?

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Inspired by the new batman film and playing the game I made a little fan fic:


K Blade


Kryptonite blade code named K Blade is a method Batman devised to take out evil Kryptonians that would threaten earth.


Batman specifically requested Wonder Woman for training this method. Wonder Woman had just recently arrived to the world of man, naive to their intentions or desires.


Understanding Amazonian culture Batman thought she was perfect for his special operation k blade, whose true name was really kink blade.



On their first training session Batman informed her that it was crucial she remove her thong to practice as this would let her move more freely and be better for distracting enemy Kryptonians. Wonder Woman agreed to this demand without friction as wearing underwear was not an Amazonian tradition anyway, but rather from the world of man.



After their first session, Batman insists Wonder woman run this combat drill once a week with him. Always ready to defend Earth Wonder Woman happily accepts such an important task. Although she notices a strange large bulge in Batman's pants.



Mod body in pic: https://www.nexusmods.com/talesofarise/mods/268








During her second week, Batman asks her to run the drill nude for optics on extra distraction potential. Wonder Woman a female Amazonian finds no shame in doing so.


Once she finishes the second session. Batman requests that she spread her legs so he can shave her pubes to better fit in the world of man. Although it is a strange request, Wonder Woman agrees trying to be culturally polite. Batman then further claims it would increase the success rate of distraction in facing mighty kryptonions.


Wonder Woman obliges spreading her thick Amazonian legs in front of Batman. Soon after Batman starts, she again notices the large bulge emerge in Batman's pants. As he shaves her pubes he would occasionally stop to put his hand down his pants and move it around while he stared at his handiwork. Then slowly he would pet her pubic hair with his free hand.



Wonder Woman thought this strange, and asked Batman how this would help. Batman calmly stated he knew the perfect methodology to shape the pubes to the exact specifications required to maximize distraction. Batman informed Wonder Woman it would take a gentle touch and careful timing. 


Batman soon shaped her pubes into his favorite style, landing strip. Batman's hand motion in his pants came to an end, he released a heavy sigh and Wonder Woman noticed the bulge in his pants recede with a darkening of the cloth around where it had been.



After, Batman informed Wonder Woman that these sessions were to be kept top secret. Batman informed her that even Superman can’t be trusted as he could one day turn against Earth with his Kryptonian power. Wonder Woman agreed and would not inform anyone of there happenings.










Mod body in pic: https://www.nexusmods.com/talesofarise/mods/268



After her fifth training session Wonder Woman found it odd that once she was all hot and sweaty after her combat drill, instead of being able to go bathe, Batman insisted he place his long thick pulsating meat like object, extending from his pelvis down her throat. 


She had noticed him stroking this odd meat stick during each of her last two training sessions, when she had asked what Batman was doing, he had told her to ignore it for the time being that it was special perpetration for her training.


Now Batman told her the preparation was over and that she must be ready to swallow the forthcoming liquid from the meat stick Batman was constantly rubbing. Wonder Woman was confused having never seen a meat stick until Batman had unabashedly brandished his two sessions ago. After all she was an Amazonian haling from an island of only Woman.



She wondered what liquid was to come from Batman's large oddly shaped meat stick. How was she supposed to drink something from such a large object, it was not like the nipples of Amazonian mothers that she knew young to suckle on.


Before she could ask what she was to do, Batman shoved it down her throat. Wonder Woman's eyes went wide not understanding how the thick meat could even fit, her airway was completely clogged stretching to accept Batman's thick meat. His meat soon throbbed in waves erupting with hot thick liquid coating the inside of her virgin throat.


Wonder Woman looked up at Batman bewildered, gasping for air she gagged swallowing some of the white liquid. She was in shock, what was this strange behavior from the world of man she thought with some brain fog due to her lack of oxygen.


Soon after Batman removed his meat form her tender mouth, it suddenly throbbed again spurting out another wave of heavy thick white liquid all over Wonder Woman's flawless face and hair. The liquid splashed into her left eye causing it to instinctively close.



Batman apologized for spewing his liquid in her hair and face saying he thought he had emptied his load all in her throat, but that he had miscalculated as it had been a while since he had emptied his liquid contents.


However, Batman never miscalculates. He didn't tell her the truth that her mouth was so immaculate it made him lose control.  He didn't want to show her any weakness.


Wonder Woman then, after further catching her breath, asked Batman, with a face still covered in white liquid peering up only through the one eye not covered in Batman's man juice, what the purpose of his liquid was.



Batman informed her it is a protein rich solution that will make her stronger. He then reinforced that she was not to talk about this as it was a matter that would ensure Earth's safety and security. As an Amazonian woman she is not privy to strange ways of man, but she trusts Batman and wants to keep the world safe.



In the following session, Wonder Woman feels the white liquid is definitely an acquired taste, but after a few weeks she had learned to like it. Batman produces a lot of thick liquid and Wonder Woman often can not swallow it all as it trickles down her supple lips and full chest.


When this happens Batman scolds her for wasting his precious resources, and Wonder Woman apologizes and promises to do better next time.





Batman had instructed her to not let any other man train her or she would lose her strength. However, Wonder Woman often finds herself daydreaming about training with Batman, and after her first handful of months of weekly training, Wonder Woman developed what seemed to her to be a strange habit.


The first time she felt a strange sensation in her body alone, she became quite hot and bothered, She then became weak at the knees. Wonder Woman realized that she would not be able to wait until her next weekly training session.


She began to visualize what Batman called special extended training days. Her hands then glided down her body to her nether region making contact. She rubbed slowly at first, sending waves down her spine.


Wonder Woman changed the pace and made some swift hand movements, which led her to moan loudly. It still wasn't as good as Batman's special sessions. She sighed and raised her hand which was now covered in a sticky clear substance. She thought it quite odd as this was the first time she noticed that she was producing her own liquid from her lower orifice.




Now several months into her new habit, Wonder Woman looks forward to special extended training days with much anticipation as Batman's meat makes her squirt more than her hands ever could, Batman has also increased his frequency of extended special days much to Wonder Woman's delight.


On special training days Batman starts by saying he is not satisfied with the results of the mouth liquid injection drill and he informs Wonder Woman that he needs to inject more of his thick white liquid in her lower orifice for maximum absorption potential.


On occasion, when Batman does not request this special extended drill Wonder Woman will insist that it happen so she can be satisfi... stronger.


Every time Batman thrusts his long object into her lower orifice Wonder Woman can’t help but moan. Her lower orifice tightens and grips on to Batman's meat stick for all its worth. In earlier sessions, Batman would not last long due to his inexperience with an Amazonian Woman's grip. Batman never accepts defeat and as a trained expert with a game plan he quickly gained decent control in under 3 sessions.


Batman now places her strong yet soft and flexible body in a variety of positions using his own strength and flexibility to maximum effect. Batman, while vigorously deep thrusting, always successfully finds the spot that makes Wonder Women moan the loudest, causing her to orgasm.


Sometimes for a brief second, if she can find some focus during her pleasure, it almost looks like Batman is smiling to Wonder Woman, something Wonder Woman has seldom seen him do.


After a year of training, Batman had learned every nook and cranny of Wonder Woman's fit voluptuous flawless Amazonian body. He had committed to heart and mastered how to engage every spot that was an erogenous zone for her, to the point where he now easily far exceeds her in stamina as she was weak to the onslaught of his hands on her sultry figure.


With his mastery of her anatomy, it doesn't take much for Batman to make Wonder Woman orgasm. Multiple times during these sessions Wonder Woman's head goes blank and her eyes roll back as a feeling of electricity pulses throughout her entire body. She wonders if this sensation indicates that she is getting stronger. Wonder Woman is not sure.


She does know however, that she feels so much pleasure during these sessions, especially when Batman's white liquid rushes in and overflows her holes, that she does not want them to end, and as a result her time pondering her strength increase does not last very long.




Following every special lower orifice sessions Batman gives Wonder Woman a deep throat delivery kiss.  The first time he did this he informed Wonder Woman that she needed to take a pill after every front lower orifice session to complete the extended training session. He informed her it is a special pill that can only be activated properly by first being in a man's mouth.


Batman always administers this pill mouth to mouth with Wonder Woman. Batman's endurance in this practice with a tight seal across their lips usually leaves her breathless and lightheaded. When Batman does remove his mouth from hers his hot breath caresses her face as a wet string of saliva slowly persists the connection between their tongues.


She enjoys these long oral sessions as Batman fully embraces her whole body, squeezing her large supple breasts against his firm chest, as he sticks his tongue deep down her throat to deliver the pill, sometimes slipping his meat in her lower chambers again, while he wraps his legs around her entangling them further into this warm embrace.


If Batman does slip it in again, it will often extend the session for another couple hours or so leaving Wonder Woman feeling exhausted but immensely satisfied filled to the brim with Batman’s thick warm white liquid slowly oozing out of all 3 of her main orifices including the back door. In this finished state, Wonder Woman feels strong, loved truly and wholly.

Edited by snipe007
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7 hours ago, youngmoist said:

Did the lewd version of the Arabian Nights outfit ever get released? The SFW version looked so good but goddamn that lewd version looks fantastic

soon with all the outfit colors and pubes, tan, and tats optional add ons



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On 3/24/2022 at 6:52 AM, ardella said:

anyone got the link for this?



it should be this one right here:



You can find it on page 19 of this forum for further reference: 

Haven't heard or seen an update of this Mod so far though...

Edited by fakelover101
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17 hours ago, AnotherSin12 said:

Help, Update broke mods, what do? 

The Arise SDK is broken and would need an update, so remove it for now. Most costume mods that are .pak files in the ~mods folder should work still.

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On 3/30/2022 at 11:10 PM, AnotherSin12 said:


Oddly enough its just Zai's mods that seem to be broken. Specifically the one from here https://www.patreon.com/posts/55989965 many other .pak files work just fine.


18 hours ago, snipe007 said:


Try adding _P at the end of every .pak file's name to fix the issue where the outfit mod doesn't appear in game after the Scarlet Nexus update. This gives the pak file priority.


If this helps and fixes the issue feel free to download my mods and endorse them on the nexus as a thanks :) log in to see the NSFW ones: https://www.nexusmods.com/talesofarise/users/51046266?tab=user+files


Try adding _P at the end of every .pak file's name to fix the issue where the outfit mod doesn't appear in game after the Scarlet Nexus update. This gives the pak file priority.


If this helps and fixes the issue feel free to download my mods and endorse them on the nexus as a thanks :) log in to see the NSFW ones: https://www.nexusmods.com/talesofarise/users/51046266?tab=user+files

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