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Cloudflare access restriction on LoversLab?


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I got access restriction from cloudflare. saying that it requires human input before i access Loverslab forum. Not just loverslab. I also got this whenever i visit Blog and several other website. :huh:


What the heck is up with the Access Restricted page?


I've never seen this before and all of a sudden I keep getting it on a computer that I have been using to access the site for months on end. The warning page seems, to me, to be a sort of scare-ware tactic to make people think they need to buy some anti-virus software (especially since the page recommends some software to fix a problem I don't have).


It's annoying i tell you! anyone experiece this before and know how to handle it?


Is this sort of malware or worms?? This couldflare antivirus advertising keep spamming and restrict my internet access.





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Cloudflare is a service for websites that restricts potentially threatening users, and helps cache webpages for better speed. It determines if a user is threatening by location, potential trojan horses, and ip spammers database.


Obviously it's not perfect and might block good users from time to time. Nothing I can really do about this other than turn down the security options on loverslab cloudflare settings, this would however result in an increase in spambots, and we already get a lot of spam bots as is.


Only advice I can think to give you is to run a virus scan, make sure you are clear of any viruses on your computer, and if still get restricted, maybe contact cloudflare support and find out why your blacklisted.

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I can also whitelist your IP for loverslab specifically. It would be better though to figure out why cloudflare has marked you as a threat and take care of that, that way you get unlocked from every site rather than just individual sites.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once Cloudflare mark a spell on you. It compels & repels you from entering other website under cloudflare's protection. As if we're some Uruk-Hai on Helm's Deep imagine that.


They don't do it without good reason, going by your IP, cloudflare has you marked as a botnet zombie, which means you are very likely infected by a trojan, which is a security risk for you and means your computer is contributing to DDOS attacks. They annoy you specifically so you can be in the know and fix it.


I have added your IP to the trusted list on cloudflare now though, so you atleast shouldn't be bothered on LoversLab again. And I've lowered cloudflares security setting, so it should be more more selective in it's blocking of people.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

If it helps anyone, I get periodic "website is down" messages from CF. What they actually mean is "your browser isn't letting us run javascript, so we're pretending the site is down".


You can turn js back on, load LL and then disable it for cloudfart again and browse normally.

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