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Sexy Quest Mods???


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You can use LPK with CLS (I made a simple patch and sometimes it's not needed) but it's a bit strange as you'll have all the action you need with CLS and both mods are somehow competing in terms of quests/efforts/reward...


Unfortunately I don't know any other mod that deals with adult quests (except what Sun Shang Xiang explained.)


If you want, I can give you the patch but I'll need you to test it first as I'm unsure on what you use exactly.


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I don't recommend using Sex Darkness with Lover with PK.  Sex mods tend to conflict with one another and the more lovers plugins you have the greater the likelihood that you wreck your game.


The current version of CLS (vtoy.esp) does conflict with Lovers unfortunately, as it somehow blocks all Lovers sex animations from playing.  If Grumpf has a fix, that is truly good news as it is quite a shame not to be able to use both wonderful mods together.  If Lovers and CLS can be made compatible then those two would be all anyone would ever need!!!!  :D

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Although I do wonder why would someone even bother trying to find a better adult quest than Claudia's Little Secret. I daresay that CLS is the finest adult quest you can find for Oblivion anywhere. SexDarkness is a fine mod in it's own right, true, but compared to CLS it is an ( :D  Kongming) old mule to a palomino.

@gregathit: I second that last sentence!

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Although I do wonder why would someone even bother trying to find a better adult quest than Claudia's Little Secret. I daresay that CLS is the finest adult quest you can find for Oblivion anywhere. SexDarkness is a fine mod in it's own right, true, but compared to CLS it is an ( :D  Kongming) old mule to a palomino.

@gregathit: I second that last sentence!


While CLS is without a doubt one of the best quest mods for Oblivion, I, as someone who obviously likes that sort of thing do miss any substantial m/m content (but this is unfortunately true for most Oblivion mods and Grumpf has at least made the effort to make his mod playable with a male character and fortunatety it is a good enough quest mod for me to enjoy playing it even without it catering to my specific preferences), which at the moment seems to be limited to one optional blowjob scene with Han near the beginning. 

But generally speaking I would enjoy more gay content or at least more content geared towards male PC's. Unfortunately the amount of gay or straight female mod makers appears to be quite limited. So if anyone does happen to come across such a mod that has these sorts of things and is not already listed on this site I'd like to ask you to please share the info.

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The majority of male content is geared towards straight males.   Some of these plugins "could" be altered via the CS and dialogue to change the females to male to make things more appealing to you.  It just depends on the amount of work you want to put into it.  Off the top of my head I don't know of any good quest mods that are geared towards same sex relations.  Sorry.

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While CLS is without a doubt one of the best quest mods for Oblivion, I, as someone who obviously likes that sort of thing do miss any substantial m/m content (but this is unfortunately true for most Oblivion mods and Grumpf has at least made the effort to make his mod playable with a male character and fortunatety it is a good enough quest mod for me to enjoy playing it even without it catering to my specific preferences), which at the moment seems to be limited to one optional blowjob scene with Han near the beginning. 

But generally speaking I would enjoy more gay content or at least more content geared towards male PC's. Unfortunately the amount of gay or straight female mod makers appears to be quite limited. So if anyone does happen to come across such a mod that has these sorts of things and is not already listed on this site I'd like to ask you to please share the info.



Well thank you a lot for the compliments! Truely when I started CLS I was thinking how much I can make it gender free but good will got lost in the process. True, my sexual prefs were in the way... I'm not done with the after quest mode and it'll be a bit strange but I have a nice excuse in the story to go for complete m/m after quest should you be willing to help me :) [i can tell you but it's a spoiler... although...]



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Room207 has made a few male body variations http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/users/504955 and Roberts male body replacer itself includes some body variations http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/40532. Keep in mind though that most clothing available for males uses either type 4 or 5 muscular as base (since that seems to be the body type most people including myself prefer) and clothing for the other variations is pretty rare. Clothingwise your best bet might be to use Room207's body builder (provided you can get permission, of course) as one variation since it has at least a decent though still relatively limited set of outfits available for it. Sshodan used to make some nice stuff for the skinny male body types (unfortunately I lost what I had of that in a windows crash, but perhaps some of the other users on this site still have her mods in their collections and would be willing to help out).

Your best bet for making boys with cute faces might be to delve in the custom races section on the Nexus and see which ones you like since many custom races include head meshes that make it significantly easier to create cute guys. This site also has some decent stuff for guys, however they have publically shared only a quite limited amount of their stuff http://www.maxheartflan.com/?zx=d090c49fd7c5d8db.


If you need help I might be able to assist,  although I'm pretty much a modding noob, but thanks to me attempting to modify mods like playerslave encounters I am ever so slowly attempting to change that.

Unfortunately May is pretty much jam packed with finals at the university for me, but if you still need my help come mid June or so I'd be happy to see what I can do.

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