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Hello, first of all i hope i am not violating any rules by asking this. I checked the rules bu hopefully i am not missing something.


The thing is i was downloading a huge mod list  by using wabbajack and after i already downloaded more than  1000 mods i was stuck because one of the mods was set hidden in nexus. It was a bit rough after downloading 100 GB in nearly 3 days because of my internet speed. And i can not ask anyone in the relevant channels because it is forbidden to share the mods and even ask for it i guess.


Could anyone share the mod or at least do you have a suggestion where-which site i can ask for help.


This it the mod i am missing  "Player Weapons Enchantment OnLoad Init Apply Fix-40464-1-3-1606781709.7z"



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26 minutes ago, hastamasta said:

i am not violating any rules


26 minutes ago, hastamasta said:

one of the mods was set hidden

It would depend on why the mod was hidden. If the author removed (or asked to be hidden) their mod then it would violate rules against piracy. If it was hidden because Nexus felt the mod itself violated one of THEIR rules, well, that would likely be a different matter entirely.

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38 minutes ago, hastamasta said:

And i can not ask anyone in the relevant channels because it is forbidden to share the mods and even ask for it i guess.

You guess? if you're using such tool you should at the very least be certain about what can be done in cases like this. What's the point in using an automation tool to get a premade modlist if the creators won't offer support when you have this kind of issues?


Anyways, that mod is not only hidden but completely gone (it's shown as Not found, which happens when a mod is deleted, not hidden which gives a different message and usually a reason for hiding the mod). So yeah, as Psalam says don't expect to get it uploaded here if it goes against the permissions or wishes of the author of the mod. You should wait/ask for a fix from the creator of that Wabbajack modlist.

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1 hour ago, Just Don't said:

You guess? if you're using such tool you should at the very least be certain about what can be done in cases like this. What's the point in using an automation tool to get a premade modlist if the creators won't offer support when you have this kind of issues?

Well i actually meant for asking to someone to upload the mod itself not asking about the situation and potential solutions. Sorry if my English was not clear.  It would be unjust for me to say they did not try to help me with the situation but the rules of the community prevents  more than that and i respect that.


And looks like mod was taken down not hidden i missed that sorry for misinformation. My personal approach to matter would be different but i am aware i have to respect and follow the rules if i am acting within an community. I just hoped  to get it from some other platforms that does not forbade the sharing of the mod. 


Anyway thanks all for  taking time to answering. 



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1 hour ago, hastamasta said:

It would be unjust for me to say they did not try to help me with the situation

What I'm saying is that modlist was created by someone. This person should be responsible for updating the modlist to address the fact that now a required mod is no longer available (the sane thing to do here would be to just remove the mod from the modlist and find a replacement if possible/needed). If not I seriously don't see the point in using Wabbajack.

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I definitely agree with you on there.  In fact i am going to go to ask  them if they will and  when they can update the list. But since the problem has just occurred i will give some days before having a judgment about the support. I dont know about the process but i suppose it is not an easy thing. But your point is valid as it can be. I was just so excited to play i want to have some quick solutions hence searching for the mod. One thing to criticize though for wabbajack would be that the program should check if all links are online before downloading 100 GB  data, though i dont know  how much that is possible or feasible.

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