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game addiction.


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Actually, there is a good reason to quit scarlet blade atm.

Well dunno. Aeria games are remarkably stupid, slow to respond when it comes to important details, writing and lore.

unlike all F2p company out there this one is exceptionally dumb to the letter.

Even if the original game itself are actually good the US localization muck pretty much every aesthetic on it.

so much for all good experience can get tainted easily by being helplessly ignored by some stubborn Americans on their stupid localization and lazy ass "F2p".


... Sorry, in this case are it's truly concentrate American stereotype at it's best.


Sometime. Emily wish she wasn't so smart, intellectual, perfect, genuine and sophisticated.

Sometime. Emily wish she is dumb, stupid, young and ignorant like other knaves.

That way she won't get annoyed over flawed products & stupidity of others.


Anyway, *jump to bed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

..guess the jokes on me.




And then scarlet blade are stuck on ver 0.9 everyone feels like a human Bot with all the scheduled war, escort, convoy and raid routine.


And those "pays to get nude".


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Well, the client are mod able like oblivion,skyrim and fallout.3. Archiveinvaliadtion and all that


So as adult modder emily find that as terrible notion. Then they also miss-named several map location, dungeon and mech.


After the obt they are not really keen to fix it any further. The bad thing is they ban client modding even if it's just meshes, texture, music and voices replacement.


And they also likes to Re-color DDS and sold the recolored costume for like 10$~20$ on random box as premium item.


It's only a matter of time before someone port their asset into oblivion.

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  • 2 months later...

Is Emily in trouble?


Whether if its Emily or any person reading this who suffers from it or has a friend who does...


Every addiction starts from need to escape to alter reality

Real life is very complicated and its understandable that people want to escape to better world

Sadly, facing problems and inventing solutions is the only real way to fix things


Requires effort


In the meantime

Exercise is good and healthy  way to overcome addictions and life problems

It generates endorphins that boost your mood

It maintains healthy body and prevents sickness (healthy body-healthy mind) (also boosts immune system)

While you exercise you have time to think clever solutions for life's problems and clear mind


Experts advise low-impact physical activity at least 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week

Walking energically, swimming, trekking, bicycle or treadmill. Any of those would do. Running, not so advisable. High impact on joints


Thats recipe for healty addiction-free life


The effort is the hardest part though

It could help to have a friend supporting  :)

People bash gaming regardless of logic or reason. I hear the same bullshit for years now how video games have turned this generation into a bunch of lazy slobs. I disagree. I do agree with your post though. Exercise is a must.


Many gamers forget to learn a simple word called Moderation. I know life is hard. It's full of crap, rough dirt roads, and unfortunate circumstances. Us gamers retreat to gaming or our comfort zone. I for when when I used to play MMO's and I felt more at home in a virtual world than I did in the real world. I was able to treat people with respect and people did the same. They only seen your avatar and head your voice. You weren't judged based on your life(style) in the game you all had common ground in which to experience. At least this is the way I thought of it. Just remember to come back to the real world from time to time. When I get back to society I plan to get back on my gamers saddle and re-enter the online gaming community. Why? Because it's who I am and I am proud of it.

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Personally, I am not all that frightened of "video game addiction". It's... just... not one of the risks that really bothers me.


However, I do find myself being somewhat frightened by "military addiction".


That, and various biological failure modes which do not sound at all fun to participate in - those sound frightening.


Cars, can be scary also. I think I would place cars higher on my list of things to be afraid of than video game addiction.


Starving, also, I think that one sounds scary!


Still... maybe there is something about video game addiction that I am missing. Maybe there's an unwritten horror movie plot, just sitting here, waiting to be exploited? After all, if you get enough people playing video games, something bad will happen to someone! And, we've had horror movies based on dolls, earthworm, video tape, and... well, almost everything? There must be a horror plot here, just waiting to happen.

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It's been 3 months since emily started this topic. :) and guess what?


No longer addictions, Actually beating up some short game like starcraft.ii completely cripple out the gaming addiction momentum.


:-/  the bad part is emily empty and vacant on the evening.. and very rarely visited loverslab now days.


Guess she need to another evening leisure to fill in the gap.

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  • 1 month later...

^ You got a nervous system sophisticated enough u get addicted esp to things that play with dopamine.


Yeah MMOs can be bad, think I did an all nighter playing Everquest one weekend raiding years ago. Played for a day straight was crazy. I can't really sit still mentally or physically that long on a task like Everquest anymore.

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The only thing that will stop me gaming, is either loosing my hands, Or Being dead. I aim to be a gamer throughout my life as it is my escape. My Children and their children's children will be Gamers, When my children are old enough i will get them into gaming by introducing them into Zelda and Mario then mold them into bigger games. Hopefully they will love gaming as much as i do.

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PC and game addiction is overused as a diagnostic criteria when counselors don't know better, much like it is with ADHD and getting kids to be better at school with lots of Ritalin and similar meds for example. Yes, there are real ADHD cases, but atm it is an easy way out for psychologists /  psychiatrists. You know, like: "Oh, your kid doesn't obey / is loud / exhausting you? Feed it pills galore."


With game "addicition", I think there is a reason for people seeking escape in a virtual world. One of them may be that real life sucks at times. Most of the time imho.Yes, there are people who cannot get their everyday lives done anymore, they need help. But even a passionate computer gamer still is not addicted if he gets his everyday life done.


One thing that pisses me off is the double standard in this "addiction" thing. No one is talking about "car addiciton" when some **** have nothing better to do than to spend half their lives lying under some stinking pile of scrap metal with some damn tools. Or soccer tv addiciton when someone is watching every stupid soccer match there is on the trillions of mind numbing shitty tv programs. Same goes for other tv sports crap.#+

What about stamp addiction? When someone spends a lion's share of his time collecting them?


Miniature train addiciton? Wine collecting addiction? Gardening addiciton?




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Modding addiction is even worse...

You want to do everything, and you want it Nauuu!!


I have at least 4 main ongoing projects, one of them large as fuck and I still cant release them... always keep changing things and everything is inconcluded

everything is a WIP

Not to mention the thousands of other little ideas...


At least I got rid of one today...


Im gonna need retirement after I'm done...

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Modding is progression.

Bug fix is reaction.

Playing is addiction.


These create momentum between modding vs playing that keep them interesting.


Now emily is catching cold after working too much. Where she should be on sabbath after the last upgrade. But things around her just keep getting interesting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I've only come recently to the discovery that I'm addicted.  And not so much to games in general like oblivion, or such like that I have installed on my pc, but an mmo (kinda like emily it seems).   I certinaly agree with what people are saying, it being an escape from reality and the like.  The main reason I play the mmo is not to level up or become one of the best PVP players on, but rather the social aspect of it where I have some friends online, whom, of course, I've never even met irl.  They are good friends, though I really enjoy talking to them, its just the fact that i do this on the game only (if that makes sense)


Part of me, realizes this and how dumb it is that the moment I get home from work I turn to this game for fun and socializing, and yet, I STILL DO IT.  And it's driving me insane because like Emily again, my brain feels like mush at times, I feel almost sick after playing for so long, and its so annoying that I seemingly can't let go of something that is composed of 1's and 0's. 


So, everyone is saying how bad it is and how they got over it, but I guess I'm asking for suggestoins:  and sorry emily, I can't go off and buy a motor scooter at the moment so that one is out haha.  What do you guys suggest on how to handle this?

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Simple, wait for the next update that ruins your build and brings you one step closer to facerolling your keyboard to win.


Seriously though... play another game.


For me though, there came a time where I logged in to my beloved belf and actually became sick to my stomach by the mere thought of leaving Orgrimmar to kill something. I was overdoing it though. I was in every WoW-beta ever and lived on the public-test servers next to running a guild on general play. I halfly expected Blizz to go bankrupt when I froze my account. ^^


WoW actually cured me from trying other MMO's. Now I sometimes buy a timecard and play for 2-3 weeks, but I can't muster the motivation to get invested into it anymore. It's more a "I'm bored with my bazillion other games, I wonder how Hakima the Belf is doing..."


I'm kinda weary though... DA:Inquisition is looking to become triple-awesome... The Sims 4 seems like it is avoiding the mistakes of The Sims 3... Season 2 of the Walking Dead... 2014 will be the wrong year to try and kick the habit. :'/

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