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Afaik, in a  nutshell (although not quite so simple) it means swapping out the reference body in outfit studio, but that's about as far as my comprehension goes (hence my "not so simple" remark). There are guides available for doing the body swaps, *at least on nexus, I'm sure other places as well, probably here too. I've scanned them but never had time to try myself. 

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I'm doing basically the same with old UUNP -> BHUNP conversion now (apparently it needs conversion since a lot of armors show bare ass through the armor pieces otherwise). 


Start Outfit Studio, load the project, choose the outfit, load new body as a reference, set it as a reference in the top right panel, remove old body reference. Save. Repeat for every outfit you want to convert.


Extremely boring but easy. BHUNP->CBBE may require some messing with the sliders, I don't know.


P.S. anyone who knows whenever I can easily move to the next/previous outfit in the project? The most boring part is reopening the project every time I edit and save an outfit.


P.P.S. a bit of experimenting shows that if you have physics as a part the outfit, you have to copy bone weighs from the reference. I.e. select all those outfit parts and choose "copy bone weights".

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  • 1 year later...
9 hours ago, kidchaos1997 said:

two years later and this is still not solved, damn...


Sure it is. You need to replace the BHUNP reference body with the CBBE reference body in Outfit Studio.


How exactly, you ask? Personally idk, (I've just had no reason to chase it for my own game), but I have seen several relatively prominent threads that explain the process.

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