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 I'm not very satisfied with the slavery system as presented in Sanguine Debauchery, even if I had my fun with it. I really liked devious follower of @Lupine00 but I liked the idea of SD+ of being enslaved by a random bandit. My aim would be to build a radiant slavery system, that use the most of already existing ressources.

   I had two very basic idea for slavery that use already existing mods :

 To present those two ideas I would present the "Stage 0", that would represent the core feature then presented potentially Stage 1) or Stage2), which are things that would be nice to be added but less important.


  1) Sold to of a Bandit (using petcollar)

So the idea work for a bandit, but also for a vampire, a falmer or a mage.

Stage 0 : after being defeated, or after being sold with simple slavery,   you get a follower bandit/vampire/falmer, you're stripped, you get a petcollar, hand and leg shackles. You own your master a debt of [Scalable amount, by default 1000].  If your master die, the victor potentially become your new master. Your follower flee (is dismissed)

Stage 1 : If you get ridd off your petcollar, hand and leg shackles, you're free. However, your debt get higher if your master catch you without. You must feed and find drink for your master on a daily basis, or get a higher debt. You're added to the faction of your master.  I think it would be funny if when captured by a bandit, you're considered as a bandit yourself. Potentially, it could be interesting to get a bounty on your head. Even if you buy your freedom, you will still have to avoid guards that think you're a criminal now.

Stage 2 :  Add compatibility to Devious followers. Your devious follower leave you at the hand of your new master. However when you buy your freedom back, your follower come back with all your existing deals and debt.

  It would be interesting to connect that to simple slavery, to be sold to a random bandit, mage or vampire. 

  The mod would be better if associated with skill loss. All the fucking of the slavery make you weaker, and potentially you can be fucked back to level 1.

My aim won't be to replace Devious Follower, but make a more lightweight version that is aimed to being used for generic NPC that are usually ennemies.


2) Sold to a merchant (using loanshark)
Stage 0 :  Your sold to a merchant with simple slavery, You're collared, get hand and leg cuff. You get a debt like the one of loansharck. Basically you have a week to pay your debt, or being sold back in slavery again.

Stage 1 :  You have to go to sleep to your master home every night or get a bounty.


 I have a third idea but that is less important (using Sexlab kidnapped) 

Stage 0 : Your sold to a bunch of ennemies, naked, stripped of all item, in restraints.  It has to be used with something like deviously helpless. Your ennemies don't prevent you to leave their place.  Being naked, bound in an isolated random place is already a big problem.

Stage 1 :, if you leave their place, you will have a very high risk to be captured back with a Sexlab kidnapp event.

 Again it would be best used with skill loss.

 Here is the trouble, I never have coded in my life (in fact, once with HTLM).

 My objective would be to used the most of already existing ressources, and to build something simple. "Captured by a bandit" don't aim to create different personnalities, just a system where you have to buy back your freedom.


 Do you think it's simple enough to code for a beginner ? Obviously if someone is willing to code it for me, I would happily accept, but I suppose most people have already their projects.

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I like all of the ideas, but the skill loss should be optional or configurable because a lot of people already use mods that slows experience. My Requiem setup is pretty much a big grind with SL Survival further decreasing XP gain, so I wouldn't like losing 5 levels in just a few days. That makes me wonder. Can skill loss decrease your character level? I thought it only affected the skills.


You're only in the idea stage now, but if you ever get far enough in your progress there are a few things I'd like to see changed compared to how SD+ works:


The loot in the dungeon you're enslaved in has to be stolen without being noticed or there will be punishments. It's still their loot that you're freely helping yourself to, while they are happily daydreaming about a fair maiden in Stros'makai. I talked with @Lupine00 about this and we were very much on the same page. It might be hard to implement or even impossible, but it's something that would make it more interesting and immersive. Maybe you can give the player a special faction with special rules or do something with scripts. I don't know the limitations.


Resisting in the train event(gang rape) should not always succeed and should come with a risk of getting punished or getting a higher debt. It's not immersive that your captors just tolerate your rejections. You could also get consensual sex scenes if you submit, which would give you some control over the outcome.


Unless you have a random rape mod that works during SD+ slavery, the other members of the master's faction won't really demand anything from you. It would be interesting if they could approach your owner with requests to have a little fun with his pet. Or you could be thrown into a cell and they take turns on you until they are all satisfied.

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10 hours ago, Kingofthenorth said:

I'm not very satisfied with the slavery system as presented in Sanguine Debauchery

There's a set of LAL starts that use SD+ to do some of the things mentioned here.

They allow you to start as a bandit slave, to be given a bounty because of it, and to be sold to a bandit from SS.

The bandits vary, but are chosen because they inhabit sensible locations.

There's also a mechanic to be sold to vampires.

Some of these also have built-in rescue scenarios, which you can take advantage of in different way.


Not exactly what is being asked for, but closer than nothing.


My personal issue with SD+ is more that the tasks don't make sense, and the way your movements are limited (or aren't) don't make sense either.

They neither feel believable, nor play well as a mechanic.

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@Lupine00 I really appreciate your work.

 Yes, the Live Another life experience is really great and I regretted there was not more options. 
 I have two questions with DF : is it possible to turn generic NPC into devious follower or is it too risky ? Do you think it would be possibly to put DF options into LAL ?

 Right now, I can't start actually the projects for a few week, and thereafter there is a lot of events that I can't controle that could prevent me to start to develop.

 If things are going well, I would start to developp the loan slavery, because it seems to me the most simple thing to developp.

  The interesting things with loan slavery is that there is a real pressure : either you pay back or your sold (back) to slavery and potentially to a worst thing that just a loan.
  That's something I used on my character putting artificially her in debt, giving her a few restraints and trying to pay back the loan in time despite the restraints. Quite a fun experience to be honnest.

I'm thinking to different slavery scenario :

_ Loan slavery : already explained.


_ (The endebted escort : You own a debt to a warrior, you fight with him, get sex with him, very similar to what Lupine offer. It might not be my priority so. What is interesting in the Devious follower project is that the player character is constantly under the risk of a spiral of debt.)


_ The  maid :  You're prevented to fight. Basically , you have to feed, offer sex, alcohol, wood to your master.  After having satisfied in a significant manner your master, he will let you live. If you try to escape, you can get captured by guards and you have to work more.


The naked courrier : your stripped of all your items, fast travel is forbidden and you're in a set of unescapable of restraints. If you want to get ridd of your restraints, you better deliver that platinum chip letter. If I manage to developp that, I would try to deepen that option by setting people who want to intercept you, take your delivery and sell you back.


_ The bandit maid : similar to "the maid". 
 You get captured by bandits. You can walk freely but you got an unremovable "petcollar".
 You have to complete different tasks for the bandit to get your freedom, tasks that revolve mostly around : food, sex, alcohol. Completing the tasks are the only manner to get ridd of the collar, or find a specific npc and pay (a lot).


_ Mage maid : similar to the bandit maid, but the items required are more esoteric, such as soul gems, alchemy ingredient. Because mages are freak, that slavery scenario might connect more with things such estrus chaurus, soul gem oven and milk maid.

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10 hours ago, Kingofthenorth said:

I have two questions with DF : is it possible to turn generic NPC into devious follower or is it too risky ? Do you think it would be possibly to put DF options into LAL ?

DF had a feature that would do this ... the sales feature.

Originally Lozeak made it to sell you to anyone. On purpose. You might get sold to Belethor, or some crazy old woman.


I changed it to only work with potential follower faction members, because the problems are ... self evident.


You end up with some weak follower who is dragged away from their routine (which keeps trying to reassert itself), which makes travelling anywhere very hard if you are enslaved. Once you get in a dungeon you can usually make some progress, unless the follower randomly gets cranky.


If it's an NPC like Belethor, you basically lose access to their shop.


It wasn't unworkable, but the additional immersion was not worth the trouble it could cause to quests. Imagine you're doing Blood on the Ice and it picks one of the crucial NPCs? What if it makes Susanna the Wicked (or whatever her name is) a DF, and renders her unkillable?


So the chance of a mess-up is low, but not worth it.

But for a player-selected NPC, it's probably fine.


The answer (now) is that you just add the NPC to the faction using the console, and you can then recruit them as a follower and they'll become devious.



I had some similar ideas to your maid/bandit maid content, but the thing with that sort of approach is making it worthwhile to play rather than just dull waiting about.

You need to have enough content there.

How can the content be made interesting?


If you're stuck in town, is it either just a grind of going to places, starting dialogs and having sex? Or is there some skill to it?

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Maid could be something like clean houses in maidoutfit and get used in between guards will search your belongings before leaving the house etc.


Idea behind this would be that the slaver would get the money from the houseowner and after a period of days or months i mean you are a slave after all ... he can set you free or you yourself have enough money (tip from sex etc) that you get buy yourself free.


Also Maid could function as Barmaid to make money in this way. Ask Customer what they want and than Dance fetch drinks food striptease or even give their body to the customer

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@Lupine00 I didn't mean a generic NPC such Belethor, but generic as NPC who don't have a name such "hunter" "hiref thug" or "bandit" .What I wondered exactly were : 
 Could Devious Follower one day connect with a defeat mod in such manner
PC is defeated and a random bandit is set as the devious follower with for instance 2000 caps of debt, making the pc forced to serve the bandit in an effective manner.
 I suppose that the best manner to connect defeat and DF wouldn't to use a specific mod such defeat/naked defeat/peril, but use the trigger as an agressive sex animation where  the player is set as a victim.

  My point would to keep things relatively fast paced for the scenario. As I plan things,  I would like to make most scenario one half hour in real time. Clearly, I don't plan to create long, in depth slavery scenarios, but rather short times one, who act as a break among dungeon looting and a consequence for defeat.
 I red your interesting article on player character punishment and player punishment.

 For the player, it can be funny to see the player character fucked and humiliated : the mighty dragonborn having to cook for some bandit like a tavern wench.
 A simple task as "bring 10 vegetable soups to bandit" can I suppose procure amusement tho the player  The skill can be in finding the ingredients for ten vegetable soups the quickest way.  Should the PC steal it ? Should the PC prostitute herself to buy the ingredients ? By the way both the PC and the player would be motivated to not spend too much time in that state : the petcollar force you to be naked, and it's humiliating for the PC, amuzing for the player, but he might want to go back to explore dungeons, which is hard with a collar that force you to be naked. That's why for the bandit maid, I don' think a time limit would be interesting : 1) My aim is to bring diversified short lenghted slavery scenario and it would looks like too much as the "loan slave", furthermore, the unability to put clothes is already a form of pressure.
  For that, I would avoid to put too much big objectives. For instance, for wood, 10 wood is enough, that take 5 seconds to take it, but that give you the story, the feeling that your character has been reduced to menial tasks without being too boring for the player.



@Baltasarr80   There is a mod in development where the PC have to service a whole town. What you says doesn't seems impossible to me, especially as there is broom animation  in the base game, but what would be the fun in that ?  I don't see how we can create a "fun" way to make the player clean his PC in an amuzing manner. At best, starting the broom animation => Leading to fhe fade out => putting a message on screen "you have cleaned the house". The idea can be interesting, I would keep in mind, but I can't promise anything, I have already a lot of things to implement for the first versions of the mod.

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Some things were present in Captured Dreams, and DCL now has a version of the sweeping mini-game from that mod.

CD did a great job of creating the immersive sense of being an obedient maid with a dull job to do, but under pressure not to make even the slightest mistake.


You had many repetitive chores, a strict schedule, time limits, restricted movements, and uniform requirements.


The down side was it went on maybe a little too long ... the repetition was taken to extreme.

Also, the sweeping game was buggy, and could sometimes leave you stuck and unable to finish it.


I loved the idea though. Streamlined versions of those tasks would be interesting, if combined with a good narrative.

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 So I was reading about middle age when  I remembered some things about not slavery but another way of loss of freedom : Serfdom.

 In Serfdom I saw potentially an interesting scenario of (sexual) servitude in Skyrim

Basically, Serf had their field and owned on a regular basis tasks to their lords.

 I found that it could be interesting for the PC to be hostile to a non hostile, non follower NPC such for instance  Belethor or Nazim. Even if Loan slavery fit to Belethor like a glove.

  Basically the PC become the serf of a NPC. She own him (or her) different tasks, including obviously sex. As long as the PC hasn't completed her task, she is submitted to a schedule, including she must be at the home of said NPC at a certain hour or being marked as an escaped slave.  It could be interesting to make those chores dependant of the master, for instance an alchemist may command the PC to gather ingredients, a farmer could ask the PC to bring milk.
  Once the PC has completed those tasks, she got 2 days (the aim if to make that configurable with MCM), while she can do questing. Basically, it's a scenario where the PC is a slave on a partial manner, you can't travel from Riften to Markath this way, but you can still do some quests.
 The PC then can buy her freedom or complete a specific quest for the NPC (kill that, find an object).

   Where that scenario could be interesting is that the master has duties toward his slave : feeding her, giving her a place to sleep, giving her clothes. Becoming willingly a serf  could be an option for the player (and so the pc) in a survival scenario for the PC to survive. If the PC loose in a manner or another her clothe, she would be punished because the clothes are the property of the master, not of the serf. Basically, you can't just ask "again" clothes to your master.

  It would be necessary to set an "escaped slave" scenario, where the guard would try to arrest the PC and hand her down back to her master, my question is how to make it compatible with other mods that change the behavour of crime factions such Prison Overhaul Patched or Deviously Cursed Loot ?
 Furthermore, if the PC is send to Simple Slavery, she would be send to her master that would joyfully punish that escaped harlot. I suppose it would be important also to give an option for the PC to buy back her freedom right away. Obviously it would be more expensive than buying back your freedom to your master, the guards need their commission.

 I started to get ideas also to deal with enslavement by a Vampire, mage or a dremora :

The PC get a curse that bring very heavy debuff, basically while being a thrall to the vampire/mage, this one leech the vital force of his thrall, making the PC much weaker. Getting back to her full power would be a fair motive. The PC can only buy her freedom back by bringing rare esoteric item or doing strange tasks such being impregnated by tentacles.


  What I still wonder is what kind of interesting slavery story could be potentially told with bestial humanoid such as falmers, trolls or rieklings. Bringing money ? Doesn't fit with such beasts. Bringing things such glowing mushrooms ? I fear it to be too repetitive/annoying and I want things to be fast paced. I would think on that.
  I would try to write a blog entry to present the project on an extensive way. Anyway, I wouldn't be likely able to start the actual modding in a few weeks.

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  • 5 months later...

 Just some news :

  I didn't made any real progress in making the mod. I'm struggling to learn papyrus, how the creation kit, making progress and it's big enough.

 The project I go on with right now :


 Creating three variables :
_ Mood

_ Favor

_ Debt.

 Mood is a variable that affect your master, it's checked and reset every day at midnigth. Like the name indicate it, mood indicate the mood of your master at that day. Every time mood is reset, it's also checked and it build a more durable variable, favor.
 Favor is the amount of favor you accumulated, it always start at 0. Once you have accumulated enough favor, you're opened the right to buy your freedom which is the last variable : debt.

 You build up mood by offering gifts : food, money and sex mostly.
 For instance, if the mood is 3 at the end of the day, you then get one favor point. When you reach 7 favor point (assuming then you worked decently for a week), then you get the right to buy your freedom.
 I will start to deal with scenario where the owner act as follow.

 Managing ot make that system working is something big enough already. I try to work on that, but I won't make any promise it will even be finished.
 Obviously, feel free to scrap ideas if you need, just send me a message before.

 That's the tiers 0 of the project 0 as I conceive it.

 Tiers 1 include :
 Different personnalities  : mage get mood from receiving soul gems and spell tomes, alcoholic get mood from getting a lot of alcohol items, gourmet get mood from getting expansive food items such black briar mead, greedy characters have a higher threshold to get mood from money (for instance you have to collect 300 septims in a day to trigger mood increase instead of 100) but get more mood if you reach.

 Non follower owner : get home at time or be chased by guards.

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