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SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris

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https://xenoversemods.com/mods/cpk-browser-view-and-extract-files/ can unpack the cpk but it seems all the files are packaged/encrypted themselves. No idea how to proceed yet.


Edit: Ok I got a bit further: I threw cpk\data\chr\mod\10002 into phyre_dec_al and the resulting .phyre into SAOViewer and could extract the model as .obj


Here are the tools I scraped from zenhax



And a screenshot of the model:




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7 hours ago, fraggerman said:

https://xenoversemods.com/mods/cpk-browser-view-and-extract-files/ can unpack the cpk but it seems all the files are packaged/encrypted themselves. No idea how to proceed yet.


Edit: Ok I got a bit further: I threw cpk\data\chr\mod\10002 into phyre_dec_al and the resulting .phyre into SAOViewer and could extract the model as .obj


Here are the tools I scraped from zenhax

phyre_dec_al.7z 3.77 kB · 2 downloads

SAOViewer_Upd.rar 979.44 kB · 3 downloads

And a screenshot of the model:

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Nice, thank you

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14 hours ago, fraggerman said:

https://xenoversemods.com/mods/cpk-browser-view-and-extract-files/ can unpack the cpk but it seems all the files are packaged/encrypted themselves. No idea how to proceed yet.


Edit: Ok I got a bit further: I threw cpk\data\chr\mod\10002 into phyre_dec_al and the resulting .phyre into SAOViewer and could extract the model as .obj


Here are the tools I scraped from zenhax

phyre_dec_al.7z 3.77 kB · 5 downloads

SAOViewer_Upd.rar 979.44 kB · 6 downloads

And a screenshot of the model:

  Reveal hidden contents




... I will upload some of mine tools from SAO:HR, maybe they will be useful for someone ;)







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Has anyone figured out how to pack back? How to unpack, I already understood, I can post a video here. Used the same unpacking tool that is specified in the file information (Console version CRI Packed File Maker). I will record a video of how I unpacked and packed it back - maybe someone will see the error. Because the game won't start with my file.
Here a person writes about the HOR header - if someone understands how to do this, write.


кто-нибудь разобрался как запаковать обратно? Как распаковать я уже понял- могу выложить тут видео. Использовал тот же инструмент для распаковки, что указан в сведениях о файле (Console version CRI Packed File Maker). Запишу видео как я распаковывал и запаковывал назад- может кто-то увидит ошибку. Потому что с моим файлом игра не запускается.
Вот тут человек пишет про HOR заголовка- если кто-то понял как это делать, пишите. 

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41 minutes ago, JIord2222 said:

Has anyone figured out how to pack back? How to unpack, I already understood, I can post a video here. Used the same unpacking tool that is specified in the file information (Console version CRI Packed File Maker). I will record a video of how I unpacked and packed it back - maybe someone will see the error. Because the game won't start with my file.
Here a person writes about the HOR header - if someone understands how to do this, write.


кто-нибудь разобрался как запаковать обратно? Как распаковать я уже понял- могу выложить тут видео. Использовал тот же инструмент для распаковки, что указан в сведениях о файле (Console version CRI Packed File Maker). Запишу видео как я распаковывал и запаковывал назад- может кто-то увидит ошибку. Потому что с моим файлом игра не запускается.
Вот тут человек пишет про HOR заголовка- если кто-то понял как это делать, пишите. 

Unpack & repack can be done by tool from mine package - CPK File Builder:

1st EXPORT CSV file, then unpack all files from archive, paste modified files & repack choosing CSV file (click on BUILD CPK) 


P.S. not tested for Alicization Lycoris, only for HR

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1 hour ago, NovaRain said:

Unpack & repack can be done by tool from mine package - CPK File Builder:

1st EXPORT CSV file, then unpack all files from archive, paste modified files & repack choosing CSV file (click on BUILD CPK) 


P.S. not tested for Alicization Lycoris, only for HR



I did the same. But the game does not start. Here is a video of the process. Now I’ll write down the full one (I will show how I created the csv file). And I'll post a link here on YouTube.
Maybe you can see what the mistake is.

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2 hours ago, NovaRain said:

Unpack & repack can be done by tool from mine package - CPK File Builder:

1st EXPORT CSV file, then unpack all files from archive, paste modified files & repack choosing CSV file (click on BUILD CPK) 


P.S. not tested for Alicization Lycoris, only for HR


Here is the second version (complete, here is the creation of the csv file). Differences from the developer version that I noticed

Enable file name info (4600+0 bytes) [sorted]- in develop file

Enable file name info (4584+0 bytes) [sorted]- in my file

Develop file size - 333 532 bytes

My file size - 333 534 bytes

Whether this is the reason for the crash or how to fix it I don’t know. The main question is what to add an attribute to the ENC (the video shows that the developers have it enabled, but I don't see its contents, so I left it blank for myself).

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19 hours ago, JIord2222 said:


Here is the second version (complete, here is the creation of the csv file). Differences from the developer version that I noticed

Enable file name info (4600+0 bytes) [sorted]- in develop file

Enable file name info (4584+0 bytes) [sorted]- in my file

Develop file size - 333 532 bytes

My file size - 333 534 bytes

Whether this is the reason for the crash or how to fix it I don’t know. The main question is what to add an attribute to the ENC (the video shows that the developers have it enabled, but I don't see its contents, so I left it blank for myself).

Are you sure EAC is disabled??

You can use EAC bypass from some trainers.

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On 7/19/2020 at 2:11 PM, fraggerman said:

https://xenoversemods.com/mods/cpk-browser-view-and-extract-files/ can unpack the cpk but it seems all the files are packaged/encrypted themselves. No idea how to proceed yet.


Edit: Ok I got a bit further: I threw cpk\data\chr\mod\10002 into phyre_dec_al and the resulting .phyre into SAOViewer and could extract the model as .obj


Here are the tools I scraped from zenhax

phyre_dec_al.7z 3.77 kB · 13 downloads

SAOViewer_Upd.rar 979.44 kB · 12 downloads

And a screenshot of the model:

  Reveal hidden contents



im able to get same result using for example "cpk\data\chr\mod\10002tex" (its the texture file for the same model he extracted), but im not able to decrypt the textures from "data\wep\mod\" (where weapon models and textures are located) folder using the phyre_dec_al.exe,

I have success decrypting and converting weapon models (ex: data\wep\mod\01001) but on 01001tex i get this as result on cmd:

D:\Playground\experiment\sao\phyre_dec_al>phyre_dec_al.exe 01001tex

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds for Array:
   in System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length, Boolean reliable)
   in System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length)
   in phyre_dec_fc.Cpk.DecompressCrilayla(Byte[] buffer, Int32 length)
   in phyre_dec_fc.Program.Main(String[] args)


Maybe these tex files are using a diferent decryption method or a new version that needs the tool to be updated or is it an error on my end?

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1 hour ago, MZeroFX said:

im able to get same result using for example "cpk\data\chr\mod\10002tex" (its the texture file for the same model he extracted), but im not able to decrypt the textures from "data\wep\mod\" (where weapon models and textures are located) folder using the phyre_dec_al.exe,

I have success decrypting and converting weapon models (ex: data\wep\mod\01001) but on 01001tex i get this as result on cmd:

D:\Playground\experiment\sao\phyre_dec_al>phyre_dec_al.exe 01001tex

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds for Array:
   in System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length, Boolean reliable)
   in System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length)
   in phyre_dec_fc.Cpk.DecompressCrilayla(Byte[] buffer, Int32 length)
   in phyre_dec_fc.Program.Main(String[] args)


Maybe these tex files are using a diferent decryption method or a new version that needs the tool to be updated or is it an error on my end?

what does it matter what you do with the file if you can't find a way to pack it back? I had no problems with extracting the file from the very beginning, but it does not work to pack it

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3 hours ago, JIord2222 said:

what does it matter what you do with the file if you can't find a way to pack it back? I had no problems with extracting the file from the very beginning, but it does not work to pack it

Hey man don't be so selfish, this is a modding forum, and this thread is gathering info about modding/extracting the game, ofc putting back into the game is important (if you seek modding), but what i'm asking is also part of it, and my question has same value as the trouble you're having. Be civil.



i solved my issue, i downloaded this tool i found on that zenhax thread that fraggerman  linked above. Did the job.


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2 hours ago, MZeroFX said:

Эй, чувак, не будь таким эгоистом, это форум моддинга, и эта ветка собирает информацию о моддинге / извлечении игры, поэтому важно возвращать их обратно в игру (если ты ищешь моддинг), но я спрашиваю: также часть этого, и мой вопрос имеет ту же ценность, что и проблема, с которой вы столкнулись. Будьте гражданским.


/// по-теме

я решил свою проблему, я скачал этот инструмент, который я нашел в той ветке zenhax, что Fraggerman  связал выше. Сделал работу.



CRI Packed File Maker v2.40.13.0 https://yadi.sk/d/NjstE1qgdfyxcw

An unpacking tool already exists (and the unpacked files are decrypted immediately). So I don’t understand why reinvent the wheel. But he cannot pack them back. Therefore, I ask the question - why do we need to work with files if we cannot pack them back? Once we understand HOW to pack, you can do anything with them. The unpacker is already there

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Has anybody figured out what model is Alice's? I've been looking through almost all of the a0xxxxxxxx files in chr/pack_mod and found a lot of generic NPC models
And aside from female models I found Chudelkins in chr/mod/10171
If someone could "crack" these "hashes" or just let me know which one is Alice's, that'd be greatly appreciated

Edit: from my search in chr/mod, I got:
Apron Alice - a0411
Leafa - a0391
Medina - a0351
Quinella - a0181
Silica - a0371
Sinon - a0401

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
On 7/22/2020 at 7:27 AM, FallOffYourHorse said:

Has anybody figured out what model is Alice's? I've been looking through almost all of the a0xxxxxxxx files in chr/pack_mod and found a lot of generic NPC models
And aside from female models I found Chudelkins in chr/mod/10171
If someone could "crack" these "hashes" or just let me know which one is Alice's, that'd be greatly appreciated

Edit: from my search in chr/mod, I got:
Apron Alice - a0411
Leafa - a0391
Medina - a0351
Quinella - a0181
Silica - a0371
Sinon - a0401

how did you got them extracted ? the crifilesystem v2.40.13.0 stuff crashes at 10% always. and CRILAYLA does not allow files over 2gb.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys.

modding this game is possible via 3DMigoto (like SAO HR).


Download 3DMigoto,_Modding_SAOAL.rar, archive contain some testing textures, but I haven't free time to modding it. So if any of you guys are interesting to modding this "game", maybe this will help You.


Some images from testing:





Load 3DMigoto You need to launch game from sao_al.exe, not from Launch_game.exe (this will disable EAC).


There is one error, for some reason - game controller wasn't work after game launching.


For some proper modding /viewing /or extracting textures:


You can extract archive by using CPKtool cpk_tool_20200620.rar, for example: drag data_patch.cpk to cri_uncompress.exe locate in 64bit folder. After extracting, the files are encrypted by CriLayLa, so using CRILAYLA.exe from _SAL_AL_Modding_tools.rar that can help you decrypt files (or folders). For viewing You can use SAOviewer (witch is contain in the archive).




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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...
On 11/22/2020 at 6:15 PM, NovaRain said:

Hi guys.

modding this game is possible via 3DMigoto (like SAO HR).


Download 3DMigoto,_Modding_SAOAL.rar, archive contain some testing textures, but I haven't free time to modding it. So if any of you guys are interesting to modding this "game", maybe this will help You.


Some images from testing:

  Reveal hidden contents




Load 3DMigoto You need to launch game from sao_al.exe, not from Launch_game.exe (this will disable EAC).


There is one error, for some reason - game controller wasn't work after game launching.


For some proper modding /viewing /or extracting textures:


You can extract archive by using CPKtool cpk_tool_20200620.rar, for example: drag data_patch.cpk to cri_uncompress.exe locate in 64bit folder. After extracting, the files are encrypted by CriLayLa, so using CRILAYLA.exe from _SAL_AL_Modding_tools.rar that can help you decrypt files (or folders). For viewing You can use SAOviewer (witch is contain in the archive).





3DMigoto allows beginners to mod the game easily.


Besides completely removing an outfit, we can also customize the outfit by using "drawindexed" to draw only part of it.


The following example shows how to make the skirt of the female's first visualize outfit shorter (need Chapter 2 to test):


; Hash for this outfit
; Different from SAOHR, we cannot obtain the hash by cycling through Index Buffer (IB) (if we use 0d11aab6, the game will crash)
; In SAOAL, we need to get the dump by pressing F8, and check the file name of *ps-t0=6800dab5.dds in the FrameAnalysis<timestamp> folder
hash = 6800dab5
; Not to render the whole outfit having 72864 indices (the number can be checked in *ib*.txt file under the .dds file in the same folder)
handling = skip
; Instead, only draw 64596 indices starting from index 0 (the 1st zero below)
; One way to find the exact numbers is to check in Blender after importing 3DMigoto Frame Analysis Dump by addon blender_3dmigoto.py
; Or just by trial and error
drawindexed = 64596, 0, 0
; Muliple lines of "drawindexed=" can be added below if the indices to draw are not consecutive
; An example can be found in another post for SAOHR
;;; END


It is possible to change the color of the remaining clothing. But good textures are needed.

Edited by Love201911
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