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Dragonborn Comes Inspiration?


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Ever have an itch you don't realize is there till you scratch it? While this post is open to all, I mean to ask other musically trained ears to 'listen'.


As movie and game fans, we're exposed to a lot of melodies. Some, like the example I will provide, might of sat in the back of your mind waiting to be awoken. I'm sure most everyone who's played Skyrim could sing the Dragonborn Comes song without a problem.


I had recently rewatched the 2007 animated film 'BEOWULF' by Robert Zemeckis. During the scene before the appearance of Grendel, a song is sung by the queen, voiced by Robin Wright (Penn). I'll just post here for starters:





While listening, I'm hearing a melodic structure so familiar, I instantly stopped the video in an attempt to confirm my suspicions. The mind can play tricks, and western music only has 13 half-steps, which leaves a lot of room for similarities. Thus began my quest to actually find out 'WHO' wrote the song for Bethesda - The Dragonborn Comes.


At this time, the best I can come up with is Erutan, whom performs this version:





First off, if Erutan isn't the writer of the song, then forgive me, but holy malaka, almost every search led me to the cover by Malukah. Google harder!!!


Now we have the 2 subjects of this post. I wanted to know if others with some musical training might feel there is some form of music both drew from to arrive with such similar melodies. Structure, pacing, key: Many things differ, yet that same haunting melody sits on top like a cherry that drives the memory.


The Dragonborn comes

A hero comes home


Coincidence? Copycat? Shared roots? I subscribe to no opinion other than once heard, it's hard to 'unhear'. I love music, and found this compelling enough to share.

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