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Once again I am here to save all you deviants... ? 

Thanks to sen4mi's help, I have finally fixed this issue the papyrus script(s) versions floating around did not.  Could be because I am using SkyrimVR… but based on sen4mi's details above, I was able to nail down the issue.  Now I present to you a version of Apropos 2 SSE that does not check for Skyrim’s version.

In case it disappears, all I did was modify it in the Creation Kit by going to the Apropos2MainQuest, then clearing the value for the CheckSkyrim function in the script.  Save and export to active plugin, and ouala.  No more error message plus works like a champ in VR.  I assume it will also work in SSE given 99% of mods do… but one of you SSE users can confirm.  Again, thanks to Sen4mi as well as Gooser for creating the mod!

Apropos 2 SkyrimVR.7z

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  • 1 month later...

i am completely lost. i connot get this mod to work. swapping out the systemconfig file fixed the error msg but that all it did the mod doesnt run. i can interact with the mcm but wear and tear values are listed as "..." and descriptions dont play during scenes. i double checked the requirements. i tried the moddified vr apropos file. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/13/2020 at 9:27 AM, Du8i0us said:

Since google links to this thread for an "Apropos 2 SE" search, and nobody has uploaded the file yet; I will leave the mod with the SE script applied here - ready to go. Will remove if it's an issue - just trying to help people out : 

Apropos2 SE.rar 20.52 MB · 3,943 downloads

This is like the fourth SE port I found of this mod and none of the last three worked like the original mod did. Fingers crossed this is the one.


Edit: after sex overlays are not showing

Edited by dbs156
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  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...
On 5/25/2023 at 11:19 PM, harryscrowtem said:

has anyone gotten this to work right on se/ae yet?

I tried and my conclusion is "No". To explain this, i need to divide the problem into apropos itself, and the content database.


Apropos itself has versions that work reliable for the player char on AE. I've seen no version that works correctly AND completely for NPCs.


Then there's the content database. It's fucked in so many ways, you might as well press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and restart development from scratch. Firstly the design and synonyms of the database-concept itself promote bad writing and split development. The first is because it promotes keywords without any ingame checks. For example the {family] keyword will randomly pick terms like "father", "husband" and shit, without checking if those are even real in the gameworld. This way you get content refering to i.e. the player's husband, even if the player is unmarried. It's a surefire recipe to kill immersion and have me accuse content authors of communism without realizing the framework itself is promoting this BS.


Then on top of this, you have some creators here who apparently love spreading "the message", as well as... let's say "young writers". So you get the full synergy of teenage writers, propagandists and a framework that promotes bad writing.


Still not fucked enough? I've got one more: What happens if the number of content creators is low, but the database-format requires a fuckton of content, because it has a file for every single animation and stage - that's THOUSANDS of textfiles, multiplied by 3 POVs. But you have less than a dozen writers. What happens then? Answer: Writers just copypaste the same content over dozens of animations and stages. That's utterly boring to do, so they don't pay attention to each animation, so you get messages that are completely out of touch with what the player is seeing. Like a message talking about X sticking his dick in Y, but the actual animation is showing something entirely different. It's because the amount of expected content and granularity is way above what writers can actually do, so writers just mass-copypaste and can't be arsed to check what they're doing. I couldn't be bothered to check either - it's completely understandable, because the requirements are ridiculous.


TLDR: Apropos is a nice idea in theory, even for people like me who aren't into degradation. Why simply because it adds consequences and permanent visual feedback to sex, instead of it just being an animation without consequences. Unfortunally this mod is: 1. Buggy for NPCs. 2. Badly designed. 3. Requires 10x more content creators than are realistically available. 4. In the current culture war invites propaganda, because all that's needed to "contribute" is words - that's the entry barrier - and every moron who barely speaks english can write words, so what you get is shit quality and shills.


Edited by libertyordeath
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thanks for taking the time for that in-depth reply, so far i have to agree with you, i have seen dialogue that lines up really well with the situation, but also i have seen just as many dialogues that are describing something completely different then what's actually happening. when the dialogues are accurate though, it adds an immense amount of immersion to the scene, but when not accurate, its just like you said. as long as everything works (for the most part) for the pc, then i think I'm going to stick with it for a while and see, have you encountered anything game breaking with it, other than the dialogue and npc's?
and i agree with you (for the most part) politics have no place in video games, unless they are coming from within the games own world and don't relate to real world politics (imo)

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You could try...








If you aren't to amend the text that gets displayed


But tbh the only way your going to get text that is perfectly to your liking/matches what you've installed is to make one of your own


The actual mod (with the SE script) does work, text is displayed, wear and tear works, overlays get deployed based off wear and tear etc

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/18/2023 at 3:08 PM, phill391 said:

Hi, Can anyone upload the file to patch Apropos 2 to work with SE.




You can get it here



Either add it in after installing apropos 2 or before installing open up the mod .zip/rar file and copy and paste it in and then re-zip/winrar and install it like that

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On 7/22/2023 at 1:09 PM, pinky6225 said:


You can get it here



Either add it in after installing apropos 2 or before installing open up the mod .zip/rar file and copy and paste it in and then re-zip/winrar and install it like that

Thanks, That worked.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
On 8/11/2023 at 8:28 AM, lisander68 said:

Great, it works ✌️✌️ 

Quick question! I downloaded the same file the other individual ported, but my MO2 states 'form 43 (or lower) plugin detected' indicating that the Apropos2 they uploaded is still made for Skyrim LE. Does it still work despite giving me that message? Or do I need to patch the file myself?


Thanks in advance! ❤️


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  • 2 months later...
On 12/13/2023 at 3:10 AM, bruhhelp806 said:

Quick question! I downloaded the same file the other individual ported, but my MO2 states 'form 43 (or lower) plugin detected' indicating that the Apropos2 they uploaded is still made for Skyrim LE. Does it still work despite giving me that message? Or do I need to patch the file myself?


Thanks in advance! ❤️



Most sexlab mods are mentioned by MO2 as being form 43.

And when you open them in the Creation Kit and resave them like suggested by MO2, they sometimes break. So people keep them in form 43,

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