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3 hours ago, Dark Thoughts said:

Though I also noticed that sims that use the "masturbate to TV" option when sitting often have issues with other sims interrupting them, for example through dialog. They stop the animation to reply but the masturbation option stays greyed out, saying they're already doing it.

I only include the affordance for my channels, but the actual interaction is part of WW, so I don't know if it's a fault on my side or on WW, but just to be safe I'll add a loot that resets the interaction to the original state when a watching action is started.


3 hours ago, Dark Thoughts said:

Not sure if the option even exist on relaxing sims.

No, it doesn't. That action can only be used while sitting.

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patch-compatibility.png.b29083deee28ecbb7d8b51df0017dbf4.pngMOD UPDATED TO v6.2f (2023-MAR-19):

  • Various small bug fixes and tuning optimizations.

Files affected by this update within the !CinErotique_Mod_Framework_[v6.2f]_(2023-MAR-19).zip are

  • PECO_MOD_CinErotique.package
  • Extras > All Disable X channel files

The individual video package files were not affected by this update. No need to update or re-download those.

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23 hours ago, PECO. said:

Thank you. This is actually helpful information, now at least I know where and what to look for.



Reported "Napping Bug" is confirmed in testing.

  • What triggers it: The bug triggers when your sim is realxing on a bed and tries to watch any CinErotique channel.
  • What does it do: The sim autonomously cancels the TV watching action after a couple of ingame minutes, turns off the TV and - regardless of current energy levels - starts to take a nap instead.
  • Mod Framework versions affected: all versions between 6.0 and 6.2e

Interestingly, sometimes it only triggers on one side of the bed, but not on the other --- well, that's Sims just code for ya I guess, lol.

Anyway, I'm working on a fix, and will hopefully release a patched version for the mod later on today.


PS: Let this be a lesson for all of us, if I get a report that the mod is "not working", then there isn't much I can do, but if you take the time to describe the exact situation/cause/problem you're facing, then I will have a chance to fix it. :yum:



The issue now should be solved in the latest v6.2f update of the mod framework.


My apologies, i"m new to all of this and shouldnt have seperated my comment. Should have specified my error in commenting earlier, but thank you for the reply and the fix. its much appreciated. loving your MOD! I'll be sure not to be such an idiot in the future.

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On 1/25/2022 at 12:01 AM, PECO. said:

Tutorial on how to download everything, relatively easy, using Chrome or Firefox with a mass download extension


  1. Get the DownThemAll! browser extension from the Chrome Web Store or from the Firefox Add-ons Store.
  2. Open my LL files downloads section
  3. Right-Click on the page, from the context menu select DownThemAll! > DownThemAll!
    click to enlarge
  4. A window will pop-up, titled "DownThemAll! - Select your Downloads"
  5. Type confirm=1 into the Fast Filtering box. (THIS IS IMPORTANT)
  6. You'll see that it automatically selects all the files you need.
  7. Press Download to start the process.
    click to enlarge
    (By default, it downloads everything into your Windows' Downloads folder.)
  8. The extension then starts to download all the files. Sit back and watch the happy little progress bars filling up... :)
    click to enlarge
  9. Done, now you have all the files from the Downloads section. Easy-peasy!
    click to enlarge
  10. Proceed with installing the core mod framework from !CinErotique_Installer_[v6.x].zip
    (See the "Installing the Mod" section)
  11. When you've done with that, move the rest of the .zip files into the "Mods/CinErotique/Videos" folder, select them all, right-click, then choose "Extract here".
  12. Check that the files were unpacked correctly (you should have a bunch of .package files)
  13. You can delete the .zip files from the "Mods/CinErotique/Videos" folder.


Hi Peco,
Thanks for this but I don't think this is working any longer. It tries to download all the files, but they just gets tagged with "forbidden".

I am logged into Loverslab and added confirm=1 into the fast filtering box.

I imagine something changed in LL to prevent this bulk download method :(

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29 minutes ago, FunkyJ said:

Thanks for this but I don't think this is working any longer. It tries to download all the files, but they just gets tagged with "forbidden".
I am logged into Loverslab and added confirm=1 into the fast filtering box.
I imagine something changed in LL to prevent this bulk download method

Hi! I just tested it in both Firefox and Chrome, and the method still works for me flawlessly (quite fast too), so I don't know what to say.


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I received a report on the mod (possibly) causing an _Animation Missing Transform Joint Error_ Last Exception message, according to TMEX's Better Exceptions.

Error MSG:

Exception in Sim Timeline: Exception running Element (KeyError: 'get_joint_transform_from_rig: Joint name [(null)] was not found in the specified rig [8590f8b105a50339.8eaf13de]. JointNameHash [0x2076af5e]().')


I'm investigating the issue, but so far I wasn't able to reproduce it. I'm suspecting it might have something to do with beds, or maybe some clash with an other mod that tries to modify sleeping/napping autonomy.

In any case, this is a minor visual level error, it simply means that "an animation failed to find and use an object slot on the animation rigging skeleton", and it does not affect gameplay in any harmful ways, if it ever comes up you can just safely ignore it.


Regardless, if you manage to get the same error in your game, please let me know; preferably with explaining the circumstances of when and how it happened.


Edited by PECO.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Might have a clue on the problems some users are facing with the bulk-download in the DownThemAll add-on. I had the same problem as all those users in the first tries. I was using InPrivate/Incognito/etc (private window) for the first tries, but after doing the same actions in a normal window everything suddenly worked. So maybe that's where the problem came from.


Maybe that's something to put in the explanation post?

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  • 2 weeks later...

so bottom line is endless annoying creator blurb but mod simply does not work for me in ordinary gameplay since Growing Together because of endless movie/channel changing/surfing by one or more watching sims including played sim; despite download of now two third-party supplementary mods supposed but failing to stop this; once movie/channel starts playing, item seems to complete but problem comes back with a vengeance trying to select another movie/channel to watch; just not worth the hassle of constantly having to re-set watching sims including played sim....

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6 hours ago, slps said:

so bottom line is endless annoying creator blurb but mod simply does not work for me in ordinary gameplay since Growing Together because of endless movie/channel changing/surfing by one or more watching sims including played sim; despite download of now two third-party supplementary mods supposed but failing to stop this; once movie/channel starts playing, item seems to complete but problem comes back with a vengeance trying to select another movie/channel to watch; just not worth the hassle of constantly having to re-set watching sims including played sim....


Don't blame a modder for fucked up autonomy made by the original game devs. There is a reason that there are literally hundreds of mods which change Sim autonomy because it is utter trash. Sims 4 is literally not playable without any autonomy mods anyway. You shall rant at the devs and not at modders. You can either chose to deactivate autonomy for your played sims, so they never do anything else than what you tell them to do or wait for version 7 of Cinerotique which will include a solution which force the sim to keep watching and ignore other autonomy for a specific time.

Edited by Jorak84
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Massive update is coming real soon on Sunday. It's going to be a major overhaul introducing bunch of new features.
EVERYTHING will be updated - yes, that means individual videos too - so prepare your backside for it, hopefully it's going to be a smooth ride. ?

PS: If you just found this mod, and considering trying it out, you might want to hold on for a bit for the new version to drop, so you don't have to re-do everything again in a couple of days.


IT'S THE FIIIINAL COUNTDOOOOOWN... to-do-doooo-doo, to-do-do-do-dooo!



Edited by PECO.
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patch-compatibility.png.b29083deee28ecbb7d8b51df0017dbf4.pngMOD WAS UPDATED TO v7.0 (2023-APR-23):

  • Complete overhaul of the base framework
  • New gameplay features
  • A new - more efficient - video package format.
    (Delivers the same quality, but at half the filesize)

Files affected by this update:

  • ALL FILES! Video package files as well! You need to delete and re-download / install everything CinErotique TV related!!!




Edited by PECO.
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gah... not sure my "backside" was really prepared for this!


at least not until it occurred to me how many  videos i hadn't yet seen as well as how many i had skipped downloading, having already a great many of them. i'm actually able to make Cinerotique completely brand new again! thank you.

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53 minutes ago, 23rdDjin said:

gah... not sure my "backside" was really prepared for this!


at least not until it occurred to me how many  videos i hadn't yet seen as well as how many i had skipped downloading, having already a great many of them. i'm actually able to make Cinerotique completely brand new again! thank you.

Tell me about it.. I wish there was an archive that contained all the videos. Downloading stuff piecemeal on LL is very painful indeed, in some cases.


I too am thankful for the massive update though.

Edited by Z0mBieP00Nani
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On 4/23/2023 at 10:56 PM, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

Downloading stuff piecemeal on LL is very painful indeed, in some cases.


On 4/23/2023 at 10:03 PM, 23rdDjin said:

gah... not sure my "backside" was really prepared for this!


Set your browser so it doesn't ask to confirm where to save the file, then

If you right-click on the "Download this file" > Open in new tab, then you can just hold down CTRL and click on the "Download" buttons, should take less then a minute :D


Edited by PECO.
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ss-bat.png.eb7558274b7ec758037df46a9e81263e.pngIf you are a bit sloppy in managing your Mods folder, you can use a little batch script I wrote to find any outdated CinErotique mod files that might be left around.

Script is for Windows only, and you should place it in your Mods folder and run it there!

You can find the source code of the script below   if you'd like to check first what's in it, but it's just a user friendly "GUI" for a "dir /b /s" search for all the outdated file names, then outputs the results into a txt file for easier reading.


Source code:


@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
set "counter=0"
set "SCRIPT_DIR=%~dp0"
set "TEMP_FILE=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ce_temp_tbd.txt"

rem type "%VERSIONNFO_FILE%"
echo ------------------------------------------------------------
echo ------------------------------------------------------------
echo Script starts...
echo ---^> Looking for the 'Mods' folder...

if exist Resource.cfg (
    echo      SUCCESS^! 'Mods' folder has been found.
    set "folder=%cd%"
    goto :search_for_outdated_files
) else (
    cd ..
    set /a "counter+=1"    
    if %counter% gtr 3 (
        echo      SCRIPT FAILED^! Can't locate 'Mods' folder.
        goto :search_anyways
    ) else (
        goto :search_anyways

echo I can still try the search, but it might take a while...
set /p input_one=Do you want to run the search anyway? [Y]ES / [N]O:
if /I "%input_one%"=="y" goto :search_for_outdated_files
if /I "%input_one%"=="yes" goto :search_for_outdated_files
goto end

rem cd /d "%folder%"
echo ---^> Active folder for search is set to:
echo      %cd%
rem echo ------------------------------------------------------------
echo ---^> Searching for outdated files now...
dir /b /s PECO_MOD_CinErotique.package PECO_MOD_CinErotique.ts4script CinErotique_MainMod_Assets.package CinErotique1_Replace*.package CinErotique2RAW_Replace*.package CinErotique3Reality*.package CinErotique_IconOverride_*.package CinErotique_MusicTVPlaylistExtender.package All_Videos_Play_on_CinErotique.package OBJ_Always_On_Cin*.package CinErotique_AlwaysOn*.package TVcinerotique_*.package TVcineraw_*.package TVcinereal*.package TVsmash_*.package TVcinesnob_*.package TVcinegay_*.package PCsimshub_amateurhour*.package PECO_MOD_CinErotiqueSHOP.* Disable*channel.zip PECO_ADDITIONAL_MOD_disable*channel*.* > "%OUTPUT_FILE%"

set /a count=0
for /f %%i in ('type "%OUTPUT_FILE%" ^| find "" /v /c') do set count=%%i

if %count% gtr 0 (
  echo The following CinErotique Mod files are outdated! > "%TEMP_FILE%"
  echo Please locate and remove them from your 'Mods' folder! >> "%TEMP_FILE%"
  echo. >> "%TEMP_FILE%"
  type "%OUTPUT_FILE%" >> "%TEMP_FILE%"
  echo. >> "%TEMP_FILE%"
  echo This Report was generated on %date% at %time:~0,5% >> "%TEMP_FILE%"
  rem type "%VERSIONNFO_FILE%" >> "%TEMP_FILE%"
  move /y "%TEMP_FILE%" "%OUTPUT_FILE%" > nul
) else (
  echo Good News! No outdated CinErotique mod files have been found. > "%OUTPUT_FILE%"
  echo. >> "%OUTPUT_FILE%"
  echo This Report was generated on %date% at %time:~0,5% >> "%OUTPUT_FILE%"
  rem type "%VERSIONNFO_FILE%" >> "%OUTPUT_FILE%"

echo      Search done.
echo Script ends.
echo ------------------------------------------------------------
echo Now let's see the results...

echo -----------------[ SEARCH RESULTS REPORT ]------------------
type "%OUTPUT_FILE%"
echo ---------------------[ END OF REPORT ]----------------------
echo ---^> Opening LOG file with NOTEPAD
echo These results can also be found as '^!_OUTDATED_FILES_SEARCH_LOG.txt',
echo located on your Desktop.
notepad /A "%OUTPUT_FILE%"



Edited by PECO.
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5 minutes ago, Amandajoy48 said:

So just to be sure i understand all the videos i have download have to be delete and redownloaded?

Yes you should delete ALL the old video packages that were made for v6.x or before (they're fairly easy to find, as all of them start with "TV" in their filenames, like TVcinerotique_SD_movie02_pirates.package or TVcineraw_SD_FM_detention.package for example), and download the new v7.x ones from the Download section.

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2 hours ago, PECO. said:

Yes you should delete ALL the old video packages that were made for v6.x or before (they're fairly easy to find, as all of them start with "TV" in their filenames, like TVcinerotique_SD_movie02_pirates.package or TVcineraw_SD_FM_detention.package for example), and download the new v7.x ones from the Download section.

Thanks so much

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