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How Do I Get Skyrim To Recognize A Follower As A Spouce

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     I'm trying to use Spouses Enhanced. but the game doesn't recognize Sofia (Sofia - the Funny Fully Voiced Follower) as a Spouse. How would i go about forcing Skyrim to recognize her as a spouse. I have tried the cheat room mod and i cant quite seem to get that to work. neither does console commands. Is it even possible to force Skyrim to recognize a custom follower as a spouse?


if someone could help id greatly appreciate it.


here is a link to the mod i'm referring to if it helps. also sorry if this post looks like crap. Not new here, but its my first time asking for help. 



From the Sophia description page:



How does the relationship system work? You need to get 100 kills, clear 5 dungeons and spend 30 days with Sofia as well as get her relationship level to 100. I have made things simple for people. You will have to date her first obviously which will become available after you make significant progress with her because nobody just dives straight into marriage. How do you know when it's the right time? She will make an extremely obvious hint that is impossible to miss.




I have already completed the whole marrige thing for her. She refers to me as her husband and what not. But the game itself doesn't recognize it as such.


Hell when i have a talk with inigo about how far I've come, i believe the dialogue option "how do you think im doing inigo?" I beleve is what it is. He will even point out I'm single.


I can also marry other women in game with out having to kill her off.


I was just hoping their was a cheat mod or an exploit I could use to have the game recognize her as a spouce.

18 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

From the Sophia description page:


random useless copy paste


having sofia around don't unallow you to take another follower

it's not vanilla follower stuff, that require npc to have faction canbefollower (or something), that is then put in faction followerfaction


same for vanilla marriage dialog, that have condition npc in faction canbemarried (or something) to be available, and if you blabla that npc is add to faction married (or something)

it's not that dialog for sofia, it's something from the mod, that have condition whatever, and that do something else

it probably doesn't add sofia to faction married (or something) on purpose

sofia.addfaction married (or something)

but that will enable married behaviors on sofia (if married stuff have highter priority, she will stay at home doing nothing, if married stuff have lower priority, nothing, game load mod behavior over that)


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