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Animations "Mod conflicts"

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My game hasnt been loading for like 3 days so i did everything that i knew to do, cleaned cache, repaired game, updated mods and finally i used the mod conflicts detector, i was surprised when i saw ALL wickedwims animation were conflicts.

after resetting my whole game because it still didnt work, it worked but the wickedwhims animation are still a problem, when i try to load a household it just sends me back to the map after loading a little, i tought the animations where the problem so i uninstalled them, im currently in the process of resetting the game again.

i just wanted to know just whats up with my game that suddenly started rejecting all the animations or mods alike (Nisa's, necrodog's,wildguy ) even tho i had the latest updates.

can some one help me?

(please excuse my writing, english is not my first lalnguage)

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9 hours ago, russiangum said:

My game hasnt been loading for like 3 days so i did everything that i knew to do, cleaned cache, repaired game, updated mods and finally i used the mod conflicts detector, i was surprised when i saw ALL wickedwims animation were conflicts.

after resetting my whole game because it still didnt work, it worked but the wickedwhims animation are still a problem, when i try to load a household it just sends me back to the map after loading a little, i tought the animations where the problem so i uninstalled them, im currently in the process of resetting the game again.

i just wanted to know just whats up with my game that suddenly started rejecting all the animations or mods alike (Nisa's, necrodog's,wildguy ) even tho i had the latest updates.

can some one help me?

(please excuse my writing, english is not my first lalnguage)

Sounds like a bugged save....have you tried starting a new game?.....the animations are not the problem.

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26 minutes ago, russiangum said:

started new game today , everyhting seemed normal i made a new sim and placed them on a lot , it loaded but reverted me back sendinng this error

i dont know if this error has a fix


Captura de pantalla (203).png

Ok you have broken cc or a mod of some sort...….Try a game without mods then if it works start putting stuff back bit by bit and restarting the game.....longwinded I know but that's all I can recommend .

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