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I realize I'm about to sound very dumb and I do apologize for that, but I hope you'll listen anyway.
how to make mod of a game pack?
like, if I wanted to rework the vampire pack into a nsfw mod and change "vampire energy" into something like "cumslut energy" for females and "big dick energy" for males, change the color of the bar and have it refill from woohoo or wicked whim interactions, change "thirst" icon from fangs to lips, have it refill from sucking dildos or hearts (like icemunmun's harvestable vampire hearts (i'd definitely ask for permission beforehand tho)) just as a few examples.

I've been messing around with blender for a bit now and know how to make objects and animations and I know veryy basic html coding and I'm just getting my feet wet with coding for wicked whims. with time I'm sure I could learn the coding for how to make this I just have no clue how. I've googled about python scripting and xml tuning but not much has come up to help me with this specific thing I'm trying to do for the vampire pack (or any pack in general), and most tutorials I've found are from 2014-2017 and are obsolete. 
really, I just help understanding how to get into the coding of this. I don't even know where to start with coding. Do I need a certain program? 
i.e modconstructor, sims4studio, sims4tools,TS4morphmaker because I do have all those. I'd definitely like to give it a go if only I knew how to.

I'm aware that this was probably really stupid but thanks to anyone who read this and helping a dumb girl out lol. 
any references/links are definitely really appreciated too! ❤️ ❤️

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