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[Request] Animators we need you!

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For Skyrim, Skyrim SE and Skyrim VR!


There are loads of sex animations for Sexlab, Flower Girls (etc).

But very few animations for cuddling, hugging, heavy petting, breast fondling, genital play (etc).


For example: Flower Girls allows a lingering kiss to occur between player / follower. But it is either that or full-on sex activity. 


So what I am looking for (and suggest we need!) are animations that would be between kissing and full-on sex. Foreplay, or hugging, walking arm in arm (I know hand-holding is very difficult), fondling boobs, standing and hugging (part-naked).


Hopefully you get my drift. The request comes about because the current set ups don't help role play where the player may wish to be romantic in between the moments of sweaty stuff.

Yay for the sweaty stuff...but...


If these sorts of animations already exist, then please let me (and Xiderpunk and CPU) know what packs they are.  If none - I lay down a challenge!



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