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Making followers and NPC more dynamic

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The next few subjects will be covering the methods to use all of Skyrims  NPC and followers to the best of their abilities. The links will be in this topic to do all you need to change almost anything to an NPC in game without the CK. I will give an overview here on how to do it but will include a detailed description in corresponding subjects each mod and what it can do.


Manipulator This mod lets us change some fundamentals of a NPC ...disposition, marriage, follower, essential and body-slide info. This for now is all that is used remember to edit a NPC you must have them in your cross-hairs. 


Scent of sex The only thing we will use with this is the actor editor nothing else. This edit does it as well as the CK but in game :) so what does it do well on the actor edit tab it should show any NPC near you select the one you want to edit it will have a faction tab, property tab, and fellowship. faction should be self explanatory but is the most important one we will use. You can add or remove any faction you want from the NPC.....  Example lakeview manor is attacked by bandits all the time and will kill what ever is there including your bard you hire because they go outside. Using the edit tab we can now add the bard and anyone else that lives there to the bandit faction and the bandits will no longer attack them. Do not kid yourself in thinking council commands will work also I have tried many times it works only for a while then they revert back. as stated this does it as good as the CK kit. You can also add yourself to all know factions and remove them at will... this is very important to remember use this to add and remove only.


Follower live package This is the best hands down follower frame work ever made for Skyrim yes I used them all. I know what your saying but I use AFT ect... this frame work looks daunting but it is not I do recommend playing with it the features it has is amazing and you can ask anyone yes anyone to follow you so long as they see you as a friend.... enter the Manipulator set any NPC to friend and a dialog will show to " follow me" there you go now anyone can be a follower  this will attach a follower faction to them to remove it use Scent of sex actor edit. Even after you use a follower you can "revert them back to " normal " change their disposition to what ever it was before and remove follower faction an they are back to normal. This follower package does way more though you can make anyone wander around, hang around, work anywhere yes anywhere even that tiny Island in lake Ilinalta and they will stay there.

My home is your home  Use this to set a NPC or follower a new home can also have them work and sleep in different areas. Remember to set a home before dismissing them and or changing them back to a normal NPC.

Pocket empire builder So now we can change NPC and followers we can give them jobs and now we need a fresh new place to call home this mods does just that. Build your town anywhere you want has many features even has the ability to copy a NPC and move them somewhere else without interfering with the original.  


So what does this all mean well a more dynamic way of playing now NPC really can be interactive and useful follower will actively hunt enemies gather ingredients defend you.... NPC can now be more than wall art or punching bags. I strongly recommend  if you plan on doing certain quests with a NPC you want to change do their quest first then change away......

Again this is just a brief overview but with these mods it will change how you play and makes having a follower fun again makes interacting with NPC fun again this is just a short list I will include more to change Skyrim for the better.


To be continued..... 

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  • 1 year later...

Way late to the party, but here's what I have off the top of my head for making followers and NPCs more dynamic:


Nether's Follower Framework.  I've switched to this from EFF.  Among lots of other things:

  • Gives you a reputation system for your followers that can be increased through adventuring, and followers will react positively with things like gifts for you.
  • Followers can optionally demand payment for services.
  • NPCs from the Thieves guild and Winterhold College (the professors) can be optionally recruited as followers after the main quest lines are complete.  Can also recruit Saadia if you side with her against the Redguards.

Follower Commentary Overhaul - makes followers a bit more chatty.


Relationship Dialog Overhaul - adds a bunch of new lines for followers, NPCs, and spouses.  Can also marry Khajiit NPCs.


Adventurers PKG for NPCS - Allows you to set up partys of NPCs that will go on their own adventures throughout Skyrim.


Serana Dialogue Edit and Marriable Serana - for those who wanted even more from Serana after Dawnguard was finished...


And just for fun... Female Cicero (SSE) in case you wanted a psycho bitch instead of a psycho dude to accompany you on your assassin travels :D

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