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Anyone knows any good horror games?


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The Thing

Dead Space


The Evil Within

Resident Evil 7 (kind of)

Doom ]I[ (Kind of)


Prey (ish)

AvP/AvP2/AvP 2010 if you have a need to be the monster

Vampire The masquerade (unplayable without the community patch)

Dark Souls



Metro Last Light

Stalker (more existentialist dread than horror)

Bioshock 1 and 2 (III is a very different kind of horror)

Alan Wake

The Witcher trilogy

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Scratches (hard to come by these days, but highly recommended, point-and-click horror mystery about a horror writer moving into the perfect house to gain inspiration for his next book)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (a future classic, already sorta is, and with good reason, play as a British bloke waking up in a dark castle with no memory of how he got there, and get chased by hideous monsters in the dark corridors)

SOMA (could be the most thought-provoking and disturbing sci-fi game, I've ever played, visit the bottom of the sea in a gigantic seabase where the lines between machine and man are starting to blur out)

Dead Space trilogy (gory good fun, be wary of jumpscares galore)

Alien: Isolation (Do you like to feel as you are being chased by an unstoppable creature? Neither do I, but here is the game they made of it and it's both terrifying and adrenaline-inducing)

The Thing (flawed, but good, and hard to come by unless you use more "illegal" means, a shapeshifting alien has infected a research base on Antarctica, hunt it down but beware of your comrades who may or may not be infected by the creature)

Darkness Within 1&2 (not necessarily horror as much as a murder mystery with some supernatural twists and turns and creepy atmosphere)

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (a flawed masterpiece. Plenty of bugs, but when it works, goddam is it good)

Darkwood (amazing atmosphere in a very surreal setting)

Dead Island (smash'em zombies up on a holiday paradise)

Dead by Daylight (be the survivor or the monstrous killer as you butcher your way through a neat multiplayer game)

Subnautica (also another game that is not necessarily horror, but if you are like me and suffer from a severe case of thalassophobia, you will regret every moment you spend in those deep dark abysses in the oceans of an alien planet with megafauna eager to eat your submarine for lunch)

Sunless Sea (more immersion than "up-your-face" scary, relies more on good story-telling and atmosphere)

Layers of Fear (creepy game about a painter whose very artworks and/or memories seems to come alive in the mansion where he lives)

Penumbra: Overture & Penumbra: Black Plague (enjoy sneaking around corners of a remote underground facility on Greenland as you are being chased by infected humans, mutated dogs, hungry spiders and overgrown rockworms)


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5 hours ago, 27X said:


I just gave it a try and I am still in the early parts, it is an interesting experience but not that scary. I will finish it though, the atmosphere is great.

I am going to keep trying out the things people suggest in this thread until I find something that will scar me and be burned into my retinas and memory.


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Resident games :D , the older ones.


Some have good remakes go with those, they have good atmosphere and pretty fun if get past the ps1 era controlls.


Doom 3, blacksheep of the series kind of, but pretty good and holds up.


Oblivion ;) , those ayleid ruins and fuckers zombies are kind of my childhood, still you can spice up with mods, otherwise those ruins have pretty good vibe.


Fallout 3, if you get good monster mods, darker atmosphere enb for it with right difficulity tweaks, its pretty much horror game.


Fallout 4 with F.R.O.S.T mod.


Fallout New Vegas: Dead money or just the with DUST mod.


Any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games


Fatal frame maybe?


Corpse Party, the first one.



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