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Not a technical question per-se but don't know where else to ask

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I got new Vegas a while ago and after playing for a few hours I changed my mind about beating it before modding. So, Sexout is in stalled. Installation went off with out a hitch, but I have one problem: misaligned poses. Is there anyway in-game to fix them and if so what are the keys?


edit I am going back through the the readmes again for a third round in-case I missed the answer in one of them but I don't recall seeing any mention of position adjustment that's why I asked here


Thanks in advance

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Nothing in the way of in-game position adjusting right now.

Usually the anims are pretty well aligned; if not, that might either be caused by using a specific body type that doesn't work well with the usual anim offsets (they're calculated for Type 3 Cali, I think, most type 3s should work well), or the fact that sex is initiated in an area without enough flat space.

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Type 3 Cali and Breezes males are the bodies most animations are aligned for. Female replacers don't make much difference, but using a different male replacer can cause problems because they're hung different.


Also, your title is way long. Makes responding difficult as the added "RE:" that responses get make the title exceed the character limit.

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If it just seems to be misaligned because of uneven ground, open your console and type tfik, and see if that helps.



(tfik stands for "Toggle FootIK", which is what tells your char to pick up his/her feet higher etc. when walking up stairs and such. Unfortunately that means uneven ground will make anims align badly sometimes, so turning if off can "fix" them. This will, however, make your char's feet clip through stairs, rocks etc. rather than positioning themselves intelligently.)

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