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Improving facial animation in blowjobs?! (Like a HDT mouth for example...)

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Simple as that:


Any suggestions for mods or tricks to improve the simple problem, that most "devices" that go into a female PCs mouth (from human to creature schlongs) tend to be too big (wide) and therefor cover the lipps too, making the blowjob look... odd.


What I am looking for:

- different facial expressions that are applied in blowjob scenes

- or advice on how to "create" them with sexlab myself? maybe there is a way that I just dont know?

- a mod that adds HDT lips (like HDT vagina which works well with many schlong sizes).

- any other solution you can provide :)




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21 minutes ago, 27X said:

no bones, no animations.

hm... ok I see. 

Already wondered if I just missed out or if it really not exists.


So what for facial animation solutions? Is there a way to add expressions to sex animations that increase the mouth opening? 


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you can do that before start animation - in racemenu->expressions  and for example AH or BigAH or something like that [for opening] also you can use different lines from this column to add expressions like happy or surprise ?

second way is bat file with expressions but personally this one isn't working correctly to me and I can't remember these commands which you can use in bat files


but this work only for PC, I don't know about bat files...maybe works with NPC but someone else has to say something about that


for SEX [no blowjob] you can tick in sexlab "apply facial expressions" and set in Expressions your favorites - of course you mustg select that expression before start animation   [in expressions you have 5 or more phases of facial animations - one for one stage of anim]

this works for all PC and NPC male and female...

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4 hours ago, skyrimowy said:

you can do that before start animation - in racemenu->expressions  and for example AH or BigAH or something like that [for opening] also you can use different lines from this column to add expressions like happy or surprise ?

second way is bat file with expressions but personally this one isn't working correctly to me and I can't remember these commands which you can use in bat files


but this work only for PC, I don't know about bat files...maybe works with NPC but someone else has to say something about that


for SEX [no blowjob] you can tick in sexlab "apply facial expressions" and set in Expressions your favorites - of course you mustg select that expression before start animation   [in expressions you have 5 or more phases of facial animations - one for one stage of anim]

this works for all PC and NPC male and female...

Oh wow... seems I missed out on a very cool feature of sexlab.... Always thought the expressions have to be added by the creator because some Sex Animations have very detailled expressions and most of them dont. 


Will play around with that. Thx so far :) 

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36 minutes ago, skyrimowy said:

haha :D

you can customize these expression or better make new to your likings... and save them also to file [and copy to safe place]

while reinstall game - you can copy your files to correct folder and enjoy ;)

Hmm, stupid question then maybe... but is there a source where people upload their customized animation settings?
I think we all use basically the same "named" animations, dont we? 


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Yeah recently I saw somewhere in this forum something like this with nice expressions, but don't know where this mod can be...xd


this is old one but you can try...don't know if works with newest version of sexlab








works for NPC too :) in first link how to do is in description


anyway...If I accidentally find this mod then i'll let you know

nevermind got it


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3 hours ago, skyrimowy said:

Yeah recently I saw somewhere in this forum something like this with nice expressions, but don't know where this mod can be...xd


this is old one but you can try...don't know if works with newest version of sexlab








works for NPC too :) in first link how to do is in description


anyway...If I accidentally find this mod then i'll let you know

nevermind got it


wow thanks! 
Will check this out. Make the dolls alive, hehe.  

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