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Lilim Outfit Standalone for 7BO 1.0

4 Screenshots

About This File

A standalone version of Lilim Set taken from Luxurious Collection by: ApoKrytia and Rayne1023, UUNP conversion by: darknsky


I don't own any of this, I just wanna share this file for those who only wants this particular set.
If you want the whole package it comes with, check out the Luxury Collection for UUNP by darknsky or CBBE Bodyslide by ApoKrytia.


Ohh, this is for the 7BO body (which is the best body mod IMO...), but should work with any UNP meshes and textures.


(This is my first time uploading here so there might be some problems? I've tested this and it worked good.
I just edited the .esp files from Luxurious Collection. So uhhh, just tell me if there's some problem. Or if you are pro, maybe you can fix it?)


Again, credits to the original modders: Rayne1023, ApoKrytia and darknsky.


(Pardon the crappy screenshots, I'm playing on my potato laptop...)



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