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DatDude's Cold Calling Improvements [XCL] [For 0.19] 1.0.5

3 Screenshots

About This File

Expanded version of Usagi666's / emes's Cold Calling Interruptions that uses a dynamic meter and progresses automatically. Work remains a more spicy experience regardless of what pill you may or may not be on, while being much less annoying to use!


When you use the workplace's "cold calling" function to speed through a workday, instead of zooming to the end instantly, you'll now get a dynamic meter similar to the "wait while being fucked" meter. Every two seconds of IRL time, an hour will go by in game and the meter will progress. Coworkers can still interrupt you or spike you, at which point you'll need to deal with those scenarios. Additionally, whenever you cold-call for more than 4 hours in a full day, you'll be penalized for a missed sale, just like in the base game.


Thanks to TheLegion for assistance with testing, and portinari for writing the original "progress bar" wait minigame.



- Utilize the cold calling after you end the workday by accepting a demo

- Bugfixes, of course



Edited by datdude69
I think this is pretty much a success!

What's New in Version 1.0.4   See changelog



- Getting groped now no longer breaks the meter; instead, your coworkers will approach you directly since you're busy cold-calling at your desk

- Getting approached by a coworker will no longer cause time to continue in the background until the end of the day

- Any thoughts you had at the start of a cold calling session now are erased, for better cosmetics

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