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Ignore Your Chores! [Discontinued] [0.18a] 1.0.1

3 Screenshots

About This File

Tired of the Live In Maid side effect ruining your morning plans? Now, if you focus hard enough you can do whatever you like! The dirtier the house, the more action points will be required to avoid your responsibilities. Compatible with version 0.17b. Compatible with any mods that don't touch the activities passage.


This allows the scenes where Stepdad drugs you and turns you into his maid to still be available, even if you received the side effect from a sales demo already.


Passages edited:

:: activities

Edited by datdude69
Verified functionality in 0.18a

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


Tested to work with 0.18a in playtesting. Hopefully compatible with upcoming version!

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