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About This File

This is my personal "fixes" and actual fixes for Lustful Void mod.
Some things are might be broken in actual mod and I fixed them in quick patch, because Lustful Void is slow at developing process and idk when new update will be released. So I decided to make some things for that mod here - in my LV Fixes.
Some things I decided to change because I find it strange to begin with.

What is changed:

  • Pops with Aggressively Adaptive Reproduction trait can't convert robot pops anymore

    Why you ask? Because I find it strange, when you cum inside a robot (or maybe not inside) you convert metal into biological being. What are we? Live in Matrix or what?


  • Pops with Intercompatible Sperm/Womb now can convert pops with opposite trait to mono gender

    Species1 has Sperm
    Species2 has Womb
    Species1 can't convert pops with Sperm or Womb
    Species2 can't convert pops with Sperm or Womb
    Species1 can convert pops with Womb, but not with Sperm
    Species2 can convert pops with Sperm, but not with Womb


  • Pops with Intercompatible traits now can't create pops with multiple mono gender traits

    Species1 has Sperm and is Futanari
    Species2 exists
    Species1 have sex with Species2 and new pop is created
    Species3 randomized when created, so it's have All Female trait
    Species3 get some traits from Species1 including mono gender
    Species3 now have All Female and Futanari trait
    Species1 have sex with Species2 and new pop is created
    Species3 randomized when created, so it's have All Female trait
    Species3 do not get mono gender trait from Species1
    Species1 have sex with Species2 and new pop is created
    Species3 randomized when created, so it's don't have any mono gender traits
    Species3 do get mono gender trait from Species1 and now is Futanari


Works with Lustful Void v0.7.4.

Load after Lustful Void ofc.

Edited by RAZUMNO

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