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About This File

Absentee author's note: I've been away from Skyrim for a year, and I don't see much hope of being able to continue this.  I'm very sorry, there were some great suggestions, but I'm just not in a position to be able to play Skyrim, let alone mod it.


If anyone wants to take this over, they are very welcome!  Please go for it.



A very simple mod which does three things:


  • Listens for Sexlab events where the player is tagged as "victim".  In such scenes, provides a chance that another participant in the scene will steal the PC's panties
  • Provides its own ModEvent for other mods to flag a thief and an item to be stolen
    • Technically this can be any item, but only items carrying the panties keyword qualify for recovery, below
    • This is used by the LegrafTweaks modification of SL Adventures' Sleep Creep event
  • If Devious Followers Continued is present, removes a configurable amount of Resistance on theft, and adds back half as much Resistance on item recovery





I do not have SE, I assume this requires some modification to work with SE but I do not know.



  • SKSE
  • Sexlab is required for panty theft when PC is "victim" in sex scenes, but not a hard requirement.
  • To recognize "panties", PT checks items for the SLA_PantyNormal keyword, which is defined by SLA (BakaFactory/ Babo's version) or SLAX.  If not using SL Aroused, one can add a keyword with this name to panties, so SLA is not really a requirement.  However, any panties to be eligible for post-coital theft must have this keyword.
  • Devious Followers Continued v2.08 or higher is required for the resistance loss/gain, but the theft & recovery work without it.
  • For the "Sleep Creep" panty theft event, SL Adventures and Legraf Tweaks are required (see those mods for explanation)


Installation & Update

Just install as usual - I use MO myself, but there's no reason to expect strange behaviour.



I do not recommend removing anything in the middle of a game.  In the console, you could simply use "stopquest lgPantyTheftQuest", and this mod should trouble you no more.



  • If you are using Legraf Tweaks, Panty Theft will use the "Voice" parameter from LT's MCM, and will also use LT's settings for the resistance loss from panty theft.
  • If not using LT, "Voice" defaults to neutral/passive voice, and you can modify the following globals in the console:
    • lgPTresloss - the number of DF resistance points to lose on panty theft (default 8).  Resistance points regained on recovering the lost item = lgPTresloss / 2
    • lgptTheftChance - the % chance of panty theft in a sex scene with PC flagged as victim (default 25%)


Modding interface / Events

SendModEvent("PantyTheft_PantyStolen", form Thief, form Item)


Note, Panty Theft trusts the sending mod, and doesn't check that the sent Thief or Item make sense, nor does it check for Quest items or other special conditions.


Known issues

I use dropitem() to very simply establish an objectreference, which means you may see your panties fall briefly.  If this is bothersome I can do something more sophisticated, but I want to be sure the basics are working first.  Everything is a-ok in my own testing.


Only one item is tracked... and if the player leaves their current cell, they may lose the chance to regain Resistance from recovering their panties (I deliberately used OnCellLoad() for this, since it will only sometimes be triggered - I liked the unpredictability.


Future Ideas


The current implementation is bare-bones.  It does recognize recovery of panties by any "ordinary" means (pickpocketing, killing and looting the corpse of the thief, and if the thief is a follower, simply taking them from the follower's inventory).  I would like to add dialogue to taunt the player, and to give some possibility of negotiating for the return of the stolen item.


I'll consider expanding to theft of multiple items (currently, only one item at a time is tracked), and of other items besides panties.


I wrestled with the terminology a bit; I know some people abhor the word "panties", some slightly prefer the singular "panty", others "pants", "bottoms", "underwear", "briefs", etc.  If enough people care I'd consider changing this, or providing an editable variable so people can use their own preferred term.


I am wide open to ideas, suggestions, and criticism.



Thanks to HexBolt8 for the idea & advice.

I stole & stripped one of Monoman1's functions for scanning inventory.



By all means, please use these any way you'd like.


Edited by legraf

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