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[REL] CRB and Custom Race Mods ~ by Trykz

About This File

After a few months worth of work related interruptions,

hard drive melt-downs, processor fires, and video card explosion,

and a bunch of RL stuff getting in my way, I've finally arrived

at the point I've been trying to get to......


A while back I found that my mods kept getting broken every time

Bethesda patched the game. But for a while, I couldn't figure out

why. Finally, when they released the 1.5 patch it dawned on me.....

the file they were updating with every patch was Update.esm. So I set

out to find a way to circumvent the Update.esm altogether. And thus,

I created TCRA.


TCRA was a relatively simple collection of hundreds of custom assets.

It also contained copies of every playable race, complete with combat updates.

For a while, it was very convenient to have all those assets at my

immediate disposal. However, after actually paying attention to my

character creation habits, I found that I was always re-using a lot

of the same parts for every character I made.


So now I've created something new:




CRB serves the same purpose that TCRA did, but without TCRA's

hefty download size. Basically, I dropped every asset except for the head

meshes and race duplicates, making for a MUCH lighter required file.

This does make each race mod a bit larger, but I think this method will

work out much better. AND.....it allows me to upload my races directly to LL,

rather than rely on any mirrors



So to start things off, here is CRB as well as 6 races for you to play around with

as I continue to rebuild some of my previous races, as well as some anticipated

new ones.


They all use the CBBE HDT Body by Blabba as a base for their shapes.

BodySlide Presets are included for every one, so you can reshape

the body to your personal preference, or BodySlide yourself some armors

for the included body shapes.


I may have forgotten some things (like race descriptions at the racemenu).

I'll get these sorted in the near future, and upload some new ESMs. I also

need to get some new Intro screens for you to ogle at

:P All in due time.

I'm just glad these are essentially finished enough for you to enjoy.


I'll eventually upload some empty replacer folders to facilitate easily

replacing the body meshes and textures. However, some races use

trademark assets, such as specific head parts or body textures. Replacer

folders will NOT be supplied for these. They are what make the

race what I intend it to be. And replacing those parts essentially makes

them a vanilla race with some custom abilities. If you want a race to

"appear" differently, make your own, or use a vanilla race and

RaceMenu/ECE. This is NOT open for discussion/consideration.


So bear with me as I build/update this thread into what I hope

it can be during the coming weeks




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