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I envy him



My Prince’s saying in my last diary entry caused some opposite reactions from my LL friends. I understand their concern for him and us. They care for us and I respect that. Although I took my Prince’s side because I love him, know him as fair player and understand why he does things his way, I talked to him about it anyway. I told him that our LL friends are concerned about his decision. He listened to me to the end, took a couple of minutes to collect his thoughts and said to me:

- It is nice of them to be concerned about me. I’m not offended or hurt because they disagree with me. Position will always have opposition. Everyone on this earth reacts differently when it comes to protection of his family. Their arguments stands, but from their point of view. I am who I am and I can’t pretend to be someone else. Honey, you know how much I love Lidija. Tell, me, have I been fair or not when I equally financially punished her for not checking the incident with molested man with speech defect together with others?

I said he has been fair.

Prince: So, I have no reason to be unfair to the people who loves their dogs more than other people!  ….. Dog lover or not, everyone who will try to hurt you, my family will be severely punished without exception. You know my motto: “Hurt me once, I will forgive you. Hurt me twice, I will break you. Hurt my family, I will kill you!” And that’s all I will say about this matter.

We kissed him saying we appreciate his love and care for us and our children and that we support him. Then we fucked him good.



My Ivy and I cooked for Marina and Darko in Friday afternoon. It is a kind of custom to prepare cold dishes during hot summer days. So we prepared a sea fish salad and several other cold salads. We didn’t bake anything but bought ice cream chocolate cake with strawberries. We missed my Prince in the kitchen; kissing, ass slapping, eating various vegetables from each other’s mouth and food sex. He had great time with Mikey in his room. Beside playing guitar to him and singing, we heard him laughing hard and Mikey’s loud joyful cooing. Mikey loves when his dad does “mouth fart” on his body. It tickles him and he screams in joy. They came to the kitchen few times just to kiss us and say they loves us. When Marina and Darko arrived they brought flowers for us and various baby toys for Mikey. Marina was thrilled with Mikey and she wanted to hold him all the time. My Prince told her to tell him: “No” if he grabs her hair. As soon she took him into her arms he grabbed her for her hair and she took him for his hands saying gently: “No, Mikey”. He wanted to blast in cry but Price’s “Mikey!” made him stop in the split of the second. He looked at his dad who nodded his head as disapproval and he, as we would say “gutao knedle” – swallowing his crying (sorry I couldn’t find better expression). It didn’t take him long to enjoy in her kisses and admiration and he produced various content sounds without grabbing her hair, but touching her face. We had excellent time together and we laughed a lot. Namely, Marina asked my Prince and Darko if she can tell us few anecdotes from hers and Prince's relationship when they lived on 26th floor with Prince's dad. They agreed. My Prince laughed too although was very red in face several times. The funniest was when they made the lunch together and wanted to have sex on the kitchen cabinet, thinking his father is sleeping in his room. Well, his father caught them coming to the kitchen to make a coffee. She had her legs wrapped around his hips and his pants was down. Seeing him they both flashed and my Prince said: “ It’s not what it looks like dad … we ….. we ….. she feels dizzy.” His father just smiled and returned to his room. We died laughing and we couldn’t stop our tears. Darko wasn’t jealous. Unlike many people we know who has problem getting friendly with their partner’s ex’s, we don’t. Past stays in past. Present and future is what matters. When they left, my Fran came in visit asking us if he can stay over the night with us and if we’ll have a dinner in Sunday with him and his boyfriend Dante. They will buy groceries and cook for us. We agreed. Then we went to our beach and had fun and sex in the sea



Saturday was a good day too. I was in grocery shopping with my Prince and mom Boss who insisted to go with us because she missed her son. My Ivy was with Mikey and our folks did various jobs around the house. I fucked my Prince in one small café after the shopping in the ladies room. It was rather, torturing him because the place was small and he didn’t have enough air. I was sorry he hadn’t orgasm but I was in the need for “dose” and I came very good. I had to bit his shoulder hard to muffle my scream. After the shopping we returned home and when Mikey saw his dad he shook his body, waving hands and kicking legs in joy making various loud sounds. I know he loves me too, but he doesn’t show same ”enthusiasm” when he sees me. He is crazy about his daddy more than me. Do I envy my Prince? I do. I wish Mikey will react the same when he sees me. My Ivy was in the need for “dose” and she had quick one with my Prince under the shower.



Mom Boss stayed with Mikey when we went to my b.g.’s initiation into the brethren. The initiation is very simple. My Prince vouched publicly for him as his boss, b.g. had to pledge unconditional loyalty to the brethren and sign the statement/agreement. Then he receives a brethren badge and he picks his mentor. He choose my Prince. After the initiation we had snack and refreshments in his honor and everyone congratulated him. We didn’t stay long for my Prince missed Mikey and my Ivy and I needed our “dose”. Since she was hornier, she fucked him in the car while I was driving. I fucked him under the shower at home.



Mikey is 2 months old today. I breastfed him before I write this dairy. My Prince helped him to burp, cleaned his face, changed his diaper and put him on his chest. Mikey produced various content sounds enjoying being with his daddy who will organize again his “mini” birthday. I adore my two male angels. Dante and my Fran will cook for us today. Thanks to daily exercising, swimming in the sea, sex and healthy nutrition (raw vegetables and fruits) I am skinny again. If you can afford and really want to detoxify your body and get in shape (slim), eat plenty of watermelons and melons that contain C, A, Kalium and magnesium. I gained muscles on my tummy back, my ass is tinny and my legs are sporty again, just as my Prince likes. I have very kinky plan for my luvs tonight: collars, high hills boots, cuffs and making them call me Mistress. He he.


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[..] and making them call me Mistress. He he.

? ... :classic_huh: ...  :classic_blush: ... :classic_laugh:

Good plan for the weekend. I guess you posted here after they learned about their roles in your plan. So nothing gets spoiled too early :classic_laugh:

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5 hours ago, dharvinia said:

have good safe word like "Armageddon"

? more safe words: "Talos", "Sheogorath" , "Sovngarde" , ...? Hmm, no. Not good.enough.

?:classic_happy:: "Malicia"

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:) Surprisingly Elena hasn't really done any hair pulling like other babies do just finger pulling. :classic_laugh:


I usually drink magnesium to clear my coalin and it works very well. ;):thumbsup:


:mrgreen: The safe word is Magnesium. ;)

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8 hours ago, dharvinia said:

When you play dominatrix, make sure you have good safe word like "Armageddon"  ??? 

> Haha, have no worries, our sex slave games are soft core. My Ivy likes to be submissive and she it tripled hornier when we play such games. :D

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8 hours ago, worik said:

? ... :classic_huh: ...  :classic_blush: ... :classic_laugh:

Good plan for the weekend. I guess you posted here after they learned about their roles in your plan. So nothing gets spoiled too early :classic_laugh:

> No, I didn't tell the a word. My Ivy was sleeping and my Prince was with Mikey. I told them later, during our morning routine, They can't wait for they know they'll have a great time and I'm talking about very kinky sex. I will write about it in my next diary.  ;)

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8 hours ago, worik said:

? more safe words: "Talos", "Sheogorath" , "Sovngarde" , ...? Hmm, no. Not good.enough.

?:classic_happy:: "Malicia"

> ??

I will tell this to them They will die laughing. "Malicija" is magic word. :D

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2 hours ago, Jayomms said:

:) Surprisingly Elena hasn't really done any hair pulling like other babies do just finger pulling. :classic_laugh:


I usually drink magnesium to clear my coalin and it works very well. ;):thumbsup:


:mrgreen: The safe word is Magnesium. ;)

> I guess every kid has some type of "fun". Elena is sweet gentle princess who behaves. :) Many kisses from me to her.

> Magnesium isn't enough, my ear friend. Melons also contains choline,  zeaxanthin and beta carotene. So watermelons and melons are ideal combination for keeping your body in top shape. :) 

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