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Some things you can’t control, some you can



Friday was very unpleasant for my Prince. Since we didn’t let him go to the work, he wanted to visit Ena and Luka in the morning. He was worried why Ena doesn’t call him any more and why she is always unreachable when he calls her. So, he called the orphanage. He was redirected to the lady principal and he asked her what is happening. The lady principal said the children came to her to talk. They decided they don’t want to see him any more because he has his own child now and they think he could never love them equally as he love his own son. My Prince tried to convince her that it’s not true and he begged her to let him see the kids and talk to them, but she said she has to respect children’s will. He is forbidden to visit them and contact them until they want to. She thanked him for all he has done so far for them and she promised she will contact him if the children change their minds. My Prince was very sad. He loved those kids very much. He said to her that regardless of their decision he will continue to help orphanage financially and he will continue to send regular monthly allowances to Ena and Luka. After the conversation with principal he went to the balcony. He sat on the chair and sobbed quietly. My Ivy and I felt his pain. We loved those kids too, but not as he did. We sat in his lap and we comfort him saying that maybe it is a better this way because he will have a daughter in 8 months and he probably won’t have time for all of them. Did my Prince made mistake from the start and unwillingly gave them false hope? Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. It’s not up to me to judge. I only knows he wanted best for them and none of us could predict what would happen in the future for we are not its masters. Anyway, life is going on reminding us on old lesson we often forget or neglect.



Yesterday was very hot day too and we stayed in the house having good time with our parents and Mikey. Dads and my mom were in grocery shopping and we cleaned the house. When the temperature went high, my Prince felt tired and he slept for few hours while we cooled his body with cold wet towels. When the time came to visit *Prince’s ex and her husband (*Marina and Darko) we prepared everything for Mikey and we bought a bouquet of flowers and bottle of Italian wine for them on our way to villa. When we arrived at villa Marina screamed in joy seeing Mikey. She ran toward us and she picked him from the baby carrier kissing him and thrillingly saying: “He is sooooo adorable.” Of course, Mikey grabbed her for her hair, pulled it and she moaned in pain. Well, we let him doing it to us, but we don’t let him do it to the others, So, I reacted saying: “No, Mikey!” removing his hands from her hair. Mikey blasted in cry and Marina said we should let him do it for she doesn’t mind. My Prince took him into his arms and said to her:

- Marina, he has to learn that “no” means “no”, otherwise he’ll always get what he wants and that’s not good.

Marina: But, he is just a baby, Prince.

Prince: He is, but if he learned to distinguish smile from angry face and he reacts accordingly, he can learn that “No” means: you aren’t allowed to do that. It’s never too early to start to learn and I will teach him no matter how many times I have to repeat the lesson. So, I would appreciate if you’d do the same because if you let him pull your hair now, he might learn that my words means nothing because there will be someone who will let him do what he wants and that leads to disobedience. Besides, I don’t want you to do something that hurts you so you will please him.

My Ivy and I said we agree with my Prince. I’m very assured he will teach him control and discipline. He walked away with Mikey kissing and talking to him until he calmed. Then they returned to us and she held him all the time praising his beauty saying that he carries my genes and forbidding him grabbing her hair saying gently: “No, Mikey.” Of course, he cried shortly in protest but he stopped after few times. It pained us to see him crying but we knew it was for Mikey’s good. We had great time talking about everything and Ivy’s pregnancy during the supper. They will not have children soon. They will stay in the bungalow next 7 days and we invited them over to our house when it is convenient to them. When we returned home we did the same as the night before and we fucked in the sea. Mom Boss came to stay over the night and watch on Mikey and because she wants to cook with my Prince in Sunday.



This day was ordinary day: morning routine, coffee with our parents and spending time with Mikey and family. Mom Boss and my Prince cooked. After the lunch everyone went home except my Fran who watched on Mikey while we had sex. When my Prince and Ivy slept, I wrote this dairy because we are planning to go in evening walk with Mikey before his bed time and have a sex again afterwards, but in the sea. Mikey started to do new things. He’s “studying” his hands and reacts on colorful objects. He also reacts more differently on each of us. He always coos and smile when he sees us with different intensity, but he coos very joyfully and loudly, shaking his whole body and kicking his legs when he sees his daddy. My Prince always melts when he does it. He can hold his head up by his own now and when he lays on his tummy, he lifts his body up. He is still not strong enough to be in that position long, but he does it often. When he saw Prince’s tattoo on his left chest (three flaming hearts bound in one with our initials in it), he started to “scratch” it, probably wanted to grab it. My Prince smiled and although he knew Mikey wouldn’t understand, he started to explain it to him: “You know what is this, my son? This is tattoo. Daddy and mommies have the same one. Every heart represents one of us. This is me (pointing to the heart with his initials), this is mommy Eva and this is mommy Ivy …. We love each other very much and the meaning of this tattoo is that our love is bound in one heart and flames forever.” I love the way my Prince deals and talks to Mikey. We can never know how much Mikey understands because babies are living sponges that absorbs everything that surrounds them. But I’m sure in one thing: whatever we do and say influence on his emotional, mental and intellectual growth and development. And those things are under our control.



Tomorrow morning I’m going to private clinic for maternity and birth control and I’m gonna get under skin contraception implant. My Ivy will go with me, my Prince will go to work and Mikey will stay with grandmas and grandpa.


Recommended Comments

The reaction of the orphans was to be expected, but the pain should pass, with time. I'm sure Prince will be a wonderful father to Mikey. Let's only hope he exposes himself less to violence, so he can continue being a good father to Mikey for the years to come. Smiley_jap_HFR.gif

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Did my Prince made mistake from the start and unwillingly gave them false hope?

I do not think he made a mistake, but I do believe there was a great deal of pressure and influence from the staff.

In my experience young children do not think with that sort of logic (BUT adults do!)


he can learn that “No” means: you aren’t allowed to do that.

Our job as parents is to protect a child from getting killed.  One important factor is that they must learn that if we say NO!! we mean well for them.

When a child is running towards a busy street and a parent yells NO!!,   the survivor is the child that has learned the meaning of that word.

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I'm sure the kids will come around and realize they were hasty in the decision one day.;)


Usually when we put Elena on her stomach she gets really frustrated but she's learning. She has been studying her hands as well and is able to grab things now and put them in her mouth. :sweat_smile:  She also makes a lot of noises too and we talk to her normally both in spanish and english. She also like to pet the fabric on the shirts we all wear it's so cute always when she conducts her study of the world around her. ;):thumbsup:


Matching tattoos huh? I can't remember if I read about it in a past diary entry or not. ?

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5 hours ago, Tirloque said:

The reaction of the orphans was to be expected, but the pain should pass, with time. I'm sure Prince will be a wonderful father to Mikey. Let's only hope he exposes himself less to violence, so he can continue being a good father to Mikey for the years to come. Smiley_jap_HFR.gif

> Thanks, Trilog. Well, I wish the same, but you know the reasons and causes when and why he is violent. I strongly believe that his way of dealing with bullies and jerks won't affect on his relationship with Mikey and that he will explain to him the difference between being the bully and defending bullied. He is very good in reasoning and he has charisma. I'm not worried for his and Mikey's future at all, but thanks for saying your opinion. :)

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3 hours ago, dharvinia said:

I do not think he made a mistake, but I do believe there was a great deal of pressure and influence from the staff.

In my experience young children do not think with that sort of logic (BUT adults do!)


he can learn that “No” means: you aren’t allowed to do that.

Our job as parents is to protect a child from getting killed.  One important factor is that they must learn that if we say NO!! we mean well for them.

When a child is running towards a busy street and a parent yells NO!!,   the survivor is the child that has learned the meaning of that word.

> Maybe you've right. We don't know if someone from the orphanage spoiled their minds. I know what my loves told me when they visited kids last time and saw the pictures of him and Mikey. They didn't like it and they felt "threatened".


> Agree. "No" has positive characteristics as well as "Yes" if applied in concrete situations that serve to protect them from harming themselves and others. This is how it should be.

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1 hour ago, Jayomms said:

I'm sure the kids will come around and realize they were hasty in the decision one day.;)


Usually when we put Elena on her stomach she gets really frustrated but she's learning. She has been studying her hands as well and is able to grab things now and put them in her mouth. :sweat_smile:  She also makes a lot of noises too and we talk to her normally both in spanish and english. She also like to pet the fabric on the shirts we all wear it's so cute always when she conducts her study of the world around her. ;):thumbsup:


Matching tattoos huh? I can't remember if I read about it in a past diary entry or not. ?

> I wish it too. Who knows, maybe they will realize they were harsh, maybe they won't. In any case, my Prince will receive them in with forgiveness and love.


> :)  MIkey likes to be put in the bad with his face won. He likes to sleep on his tummy and he only changes the side of his head. I think you are doing great job talking to Elena in both languages. She needs to know her roots. My mom, dad and Zdenka will teach him Italian when the time comes and he will not have a problem to learn it because great majority in our city speaks Italian.


> Aw, you "shocked" me now ;) It is true I didn't write about our tattoos too often but I'm surely mentioned it several times in my diaries last two summers. My Prince has it on his left chest, and my Ivy and I have it on our left scapula. :)  We expose it whenever we can so people will see it well. The first summer when we walked in down time, people's reaction was mostly positive. But, we do not wear it because we care about their opinions, but as a "visible" oath and "reminder" to ourselves that we can't live without each other. :)

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3 hours ago, EvalovesEP said:

> I wish it too. Who knows, maybe they will realize they were harsh, maybe they won't. In any case, my Prince will receive them in with forgiveness and love.


> :)  MIkey likes to be put in the bad with his face won. He likes to sleep on his tummy and he only changes the side of his head. I think you are doing great job talking to Elena in both languages. She needs to know her roots. My mom, dad and Zdenka will teach him Italian when the time comes and he will not have a problem to learn it because great majority in our city speaks Italian.


> Aw, you "shocked" me now ;) It is true I didn't write about our tattoos too often but I'm surely mentioned it several times in my diaries last two summers. My Prince has it on his left chest, and my Ivy and I have it on our left scapula. :)  We expose it whenever we can so people will see it well. The first summer when we walked in down time, people's reaction was mostly positive. But, we do not wear it because we care about their opinions, but as a "visible" oath and "reminder" to ourselves that we can't live without each other. :)

I have small traces of Italian and French in my blood and my cousin is half Italian as well. I can understand bits and pieces of Italian because of how similar to Spanish it is. ;)

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3 hours ago, Jayomms said:

I have small traces of Italian and French in my blood and my cousin is half Italian as well. I can understand bits and pieces of Italian because of how similar to Spanish it is. ;)

> Yes, Italian and Spanish are similar languages. Well, if my son will be willing to learn, we would teach him English and pay someone to teach him German too. Too bad my Prince never learn his mother language - German and he has no desire to learn it. His grandpa would be very sad if he would be alive because it is a tradition. Our parents won't let this happen with Mikey. They will teach him Italian.

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