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Slaver Tattoos



I had some tattoo ideas for the Slaver Spellbook. Thinking maybe link the tat with the slave faction So I've been kicking some ideas around.


This is your basic Dunmer-style Deadric roundel. If you read from the big read character and continue clockwise it says "Slave", unsurprisingly.




My first thought was to go for a shoulder placement:




Maybe a Boob deployment would work better...






Nope, not much better. I did eventually find a suitable model, tough:




That actually looks a little wonky around the edge. The bugger the boobs, I suppose, the more the geometry deforms.  You get a cleaner imprint from her shoulder.




Anyway, vital information , all of it. And in no way whatsoever a flimsy excuse to post a bunch of smutty pictures.


A couple of other tats that I don't have deployment pics for yet:








I thought they might wrap around the upper arm. All looks nicely daedric and creepy. I would have had pictures, but a small furry terrorist disrupted activities with a surprise assault, and I had to abandon the attempt.



More technically, I'm aware that this sort of marking is very much a question of taste, and that no two people are going to want the same thing. So, I've set the spell up to use a JSON file for the configuration. I'm using this as a test case:


	{ "name": "GarterBelt Black", "section": "GarterBelt Unp 7B", "area" : "Body" },
	{ "name": "Black 1", "section": "stockings Unp 7B", "area": "Body" },
	{ "name": "Black 1", "section": "stockings Unp 7B", "area": "Feet" },
	{ "name": "Slave (pubic)", "section": "Slave Marks", "area": "Body", "color" : 16711680, "glow" : 16711680 }

I figure that should be simple enough for most people to customize.  I'll probably have the red bits on the tats colorable, so they can use different highlight colors if desired. Or glow in the dark, I'm trying to restrain myself from doing more complicated stuff like change color on orgasm, or provide different tat combos for different races.


OK. Enough fro the time being. There's a storm mage adept from Fort Amol that's been getting a good seeing-to since before I started writing this, and I should probably let her off the hook (so to speak) before her brain melts. 




Recommended Comments

magic tattoo... now thats a nice touch, might be a good idea for a mod here a slave with a tattoo, even thinks of disobeying or runnnig away, the tattoo will magically punish harshly, physically and mentally.

why use chains, cages, and primitive ways of control if tattoos might be cheaper and easier.


but of course it could appear a wizard disguised as a traveller tattooist and create through the tattoos a slave nation where everyone answers to him/her. Everyone enslaved guarded by summoned guardians.


it gives so many possibilities....



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Woke up, full of cold in the middle of the night, thought I'd place the rest of those round brands. Here's the front view as modeled by the Riften Ratway Lowlife. (Hey, the miners came on shift at Redbelly, and it was getting difficult to set up a shot...)




I put the boob tats up a little higher to try and minimize the distortion from big boobs.. Not that lowlife here is hugely well endowed, of course...





Not that I'd necessarily kick her out of bed on a cold Morndas morning, mind.




I wouldn't normally suggest applying all these at once, you understand. It was just easier to project all of them onto the same texture for test purposes. I'll chop them into individual tats later.


The pubic tat Let ride a little high. The geometry gets a bit intricate over the mons, and it crinkles things up.





Here's a rear view: Shouders and bum. These are the colorable versions, so you can make them glow in the dark. Makes it easier to find your slaves when the lights go out :) 




Let's have a look at those shoulders.




OK, OK, no one is interested in her shoulders. How about her backside?




I'm quite pleased with the bum tats as well. There's a seam on the texture than runs right across the buttock, about where you might expect to find panty lines, for a fairly conservative cut of underwear, at least. Probably matches exactly those chamois leather bikini bottoms the vanilla girls wear.. But you'd never know it was there, looking at this. Which reminds me, I should really revise that tattoo workshop post I did a couple of years back. All the images are broken, and some of the text could be cleared. I say this as someone who just read the thing to remind himself how to do this stuff.


Did I mention this was the colorable version?




OK, green's probably not the color I'd have chosen for Lowlife there. 




Rear view of same.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Lowlife that needs breaking in...

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One more screeny




Overlaying the "Slave" and the brand mark was one of those happy accidents that you get sometimes. So I decided to do it with a fresh "Slave" text, and combine it all into one tattoo.


I think this is the one I'll use in my games :)


Is it me, or is that a smidge off-center?

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13 minutes ago, Hiderius said:

looking good, I like what I'm seeing. I do have a question what mod does the stockings come from


They're from this mod:




Some nice options in there.


Which reminds me, I miset see about doing something with those daedric "armband" tats. I've been putting it off since I need to del;ete chunks of the model in Blender to properly see what I'm doing.

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