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New me



My luvs and I spent Sunday morning in very constructive conversation about us being parents and my pregnancy. My Ivy was very happy for me. She told me same words as I said to her when she was in the plan to have the baby first. She said she’s sure that my baby will be beautiful, gorgeous and smart like me. I kissed her saying I love her and I said that if it would be a boy I want him to be exactly as my Prince; having all his qualities, skills and character. She agreed with me. They both cuddled and kissed my tummy saying “love you” to my unborn baby.



My Fran called me while we prepared for going out for lunch and asked me what do we have in plan for lunch and afternoon. I told him that we are going out to a tavern. He asked me if he can join us saying he’ll pay his own meal. We let him join us but we didn’t want to take his money for the lunch. I said it’s my treat. So he drove to our house and we went to a nice tavern on the periphery of the city and enjoyed in grilled vegetables and cheese. My Ivy wanted to have sex with my Prince. He accepted and they fucked in the man’s restroom. After her it was my turn and we fucked too. My Fran asked me afterwards:

- Do you always have to have a sex in public places?

Me: Yes, and no, Fran. Ivy and I don’t mind to fuck him in any place …. even at this table, but we respect his will and we do not force it when he feels uncomfortable.

Fran: What do you do when he doesn’t want to have sex?

Me: If Ivy and I need our “dose” we go to the lady’s room and we fuck … Fran … you know what we are doing, why do you ask anyway?

Fran: I wanted to know if he became shameless like you two.

Prince: What if I did?!

Fran: Nothing ….. I will say you……. (Prince showed him fist) …. Ahem … good for you.

My Ivy and I died laughing. My Prince will never hurt my Fran and Fran knows it too, but my Fran is always afraid when he threatens him even if it is not for real.



After the lunch we returned to our home, went to the beach and swam in the sea. Than we exercised and my luvs practiced martial arts. When done with our evening routine we prepared for group sex. This time we haven’t had four rounds but 3 rounds since my luvs needed to work the whole day in Monday. Sex with our “Fantastic 4” was fantastic and we completely exhausted each other. They went home after the shower and my Fran stayed over the night. Before they left I said it was my last group sex explaining to them that I will have baby. My Prince said that his participation in group sex depends on Ivy and if they would have it, it won’t be at our home because of the baby.



My parents arrived for morning coffee with us after our morning routine and they went to villa afterwards. My luvs went to work and my Fran and I stayed to do some planning. We came up with some good ideas and we both went to villa and talked to Zdenka about it. Beside telling her about our ideas my Fran asked her if he may advertise our villa on some sites for homosexuals that he visits and forums that he is a member. She said we don’t have to ask her permission for doing things for she has full trust in us. She told us we have free hands to do whatever we think it’s the best for business and she don’t mind who will rent the apartment as long as they pay the rent and cause no troubles. So, my Fran started to work on the new web site and he took several pictures of the property and the rooms. Zdenka received approval from the bank for the loan and she and my dad are looking for good constructing company for renovation, decoration and building three bungalows. We gonna have full hands of work. I will start to contact our old/new guests and try to book them for winter season.



My luvs came home very tired in Monday after the work, but after the short break we did our evening routine and enjoyed in each other afterwards. My Ivy told me that thanks to my Prince’s sharpness and good “detective” skills they caught two thieves and three liars who tried to financially damage the Hotel. He punished them financially and saved the Hotel’s money. My Prince took the day off and we did various health tests yesterday. We spent almost all day going from one doctor to another and I also visited my gynecologist. He hates to go to doctors but he endured all tests because of me. We held hands and kissed all the time. I was so happy and proud about becoming mom and at my Prince that I had a feeling I could shout: “I love my husband! He’s gonna make me a baby!” The funniest thing that happened was when he supposed to give sperm sample. He couldn’t do it in the room meant for it explaining to the nurse: “I can’t do it knowing that you know I’m doing it.” Although the nurse told him that it’s fine and that is normal, he couldn’t do it.  So, I entered into the cabin with him and I gave him blowjob. He came into my mouth and I swallowed most of it because his sperm is veeeery tasteful and spit in the rest into the plastic cup. When he brought the sperm sample to the nurse (blushing very much) she said it’s not enough and he had to do it again. He was sooooo embarrassed when she said to me: “Mrs, let your husband fill the cup properly this time.” I laughed hard while he called me crazy perverted witch being red in face like a Chinese flag. Thanks to Zdenka’s connections our tests were done in record time and had top priority. When all tests showed that we are healthy, fertile and have no obstacles to have a baby, I stopped using all anti pregnancy protections and this evening we will start to work on the baby. He will “fertilize” me every time we have sex until I become pregnant. Well, not every time since my Ivy and I love the taste of his cum. Let’s say he’ll cum in me every second time …. or third. depends how cum hungry we are. LOL. Seriously, since we have sex every day few times a day we gonna work on the baby starting from tonight. The good thing is that he and Ivy are on two weeks’ vacation starting in Monday. We’ll fuck like crazy, more than usual.



Since the day my Ivy let me be the first who will have a baby with my Prince I was overflowed with joy. I can’t describe you how I felt. Although I always enjoyed in kissing him, sitting in his lap and sleeping in our sleeping position, everything was kind of … different; better, “sweeter”, nicer … I don’t know, but much, much different. The whole idea about being a mother completely changed me. I have a feeling I mentally and emotionally grew up. When he said that he can’t wait to hold our baby in his arms, kissing its hands, cheeks, sing to it and talk to it, my eyes filled with joyful tears. I know he’ll be excellent, gentle and caring father for he is such a person by nature and he will take good care for me and our baby. I was all over him and I became like my Ivy. Couldn’t get enough of him; his presence, his lips, his touch, his body … Of course, I didn’t neglect my Ivy either, but the feeling that I will carry his baby melted me every time I thought about it. I openly talked with my Ivy last night and I asked her if she is disturbed by my possessiveness of our husband lately and she told me she isn’t. She said since she is with him most of the time it is fair that I will be more with him at home. She melted me when she said too:

- Honey, I know you will have much more need for him when you became pregnant and you will be very moody. I want you to know that I love you and you may have him as much as you need.

My Ivy was always with me. We are in love more than one decade and she never failed me. My Prince doesn’t have easy task: fulfilling our needs isn’t easy and I’m not talking about sexual ones only. He is always available to both of us and he does things for us joyfully and gladly. As I said earlier: my Ivy and I are two different personalities and we need to be loved differently. I’m telling you the truth: He does excellent job like he was born with it. I will miss them both today for they will be working the whole day again. But they are both mine when come home. I will shower them with kisses and “Love yous” and after our evening routine my Prince will “fertilize” me.


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If you keep eating all the sperm, there will be none left for Baby.?

Also get him in the morning before Ivy does, that way you will get the best load.


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49 minutes ago, dharvinia said:

If you keep eating all the sperm, there will be none left for Baby.?

Also get him in the morning before Ivy does, that way you will get the best load.


LOL. You've right. We will "rationalize" his sperm so we all be satisfied and the need for my pregnancy fulfilled ;)

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Before they left I said it was my last group sex

This diary was brought to you by Tirloque.com®, first entreprise of e-advice on LL. :star:


Jokes aside, I'm glad you three are preparing rather smoothly to that future birth, I hope it continues to go well before Prince gets lumbago for the nine months to go. :classic_wink:

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This diary was brought to you by Tirloque.com®, first entreprise of e-advice on LL. :star:





Jokes aside, I'm glad you three are preparing rather smoothly to that future birth, I hope it continues to go well before Prince gets lumbago for the nine months to go. :classic_wink:

- Thank you :classic_heart: I have no doubt AT ALL that my Prince will be very caring and always ready and willing to help me during my pregnancy. Nothing is hard to do for Ivy and me for him. It's in his genes. He was always a giver and helper. And that never changed. :)

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:classic_laugh: Red in face like a Chinese flag huh?:classic_biggrin: lol You girls can't have any babies if all you do is eat them up ;) It's crazy right? You date him first and now have baby first.;)

It's gonna be quite an interesting time when it's Ivy's turn.:classic_biggrin::mrgreen::thumbsup: You girls are gonna have a lot of fun. The miracle of how they put a smile and feeling of love is gonna have you awestruck like it did me and my brother even though we're not a parents ourselves but since my sister lives with me and the family I bore witness to it and boy was it strong enough to have me realize the power of a child's love and now another one is on the way. I'm so happy for you guys, it's gonna be a great experience you'll see.?;)❤️    

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5 hours ago, Jayomms said:

:classic_laugh: Red in face like a Chinese flag huh?:classic_biggrin: lol You girls can't have any babies if all you do is eat them up ;) It's crazy right? You date him first and now have baby first.;)

It's gonna be quite an interesting time when it's Ivy's turn.:classic_biggrin::mrgreen::thumbsup: You girls are gonna have a lot of fun. The miracle of how they put a smile and feeling of love is gonna have you awestruck like it did me and my brother even though we're not a parents ourselves but since my sister lives with me and the family I bore witness to it and boy was it strong enough to have me realize the power of a child's love and now another one is on the way. I'm so happy for you guys, it's gonna be a great experience you'll see.?;)❤️    

:classic_biggrin:> Ivy and I will save enough of his life juice for the baby.  We must if we want it to be born after nine months starting from the first day we decided to have it. :classic_wink:


I imagined your words about both of us having babies and I melted as the ice on +50 C. ;)  Our children will be loved very much, not only by us, but our parents and Antonio and Fran too. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience with me. It means a lot to me because I know (in theory) that baby's does only cry a lot, poop a lot and can be annoying sometimes, I also know that they make their parents happy, smiling, be a little angels. Let me share one prince's experience with you that make me realize how good father was his father and why i believe my Prince will be good father too. My Prince told me (at the beginning of our relationship when I asked him about his father) that when he was 6 months old, he had pneumonia which he hardly survived. In that time his father worked in UNPROFOR. He went on the job at 5:00 in the morning and returned at 19:00. Every day. But when he was home he took care for him. Since he cried a lot, all night, his father hold him and carried him in his arms talking gently to him and sang to him. He hardly slept hour and so every night. His love for my Prince couldn't let him cry and interestingly enough, my Prince was more calmed in his father's arms, then in mother's. She was mostly nervous when she had to carry him. So, 3 months Prince's father carried his son in his arms every single night until he recovered. He was also the one who took him into walks, taught him to walk and ride the bicycle. My Prince is clone of his father in everything with only one difference: his father had dark hair and my Prince is blond.  :)

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20 hours ago, EvalovesEP said:

:classic_biggrin:> Ivy and I will save enough of his life juice for the baby.  We must if we want it to be born after nine months starting from the first day we decided to have it. :classic_wink:


I imagined your words about both of us having babies and I melted as the ice on +50 C. ;)  Our children will be loved very much, not only by us, but our parents and Antonio and Fran too. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience with me. It means a lot to me because I know (in theory) that baby's does only cry a lot, poop a lot and can be annoying sometimes, I also know that they make their parents happy, smiling, be a little angels. Let me share one prince's experience with you that make me realize how good father was his father and why i believe my Prince will be good father too. My Prince told me (at the beginning of our relationship when I asked him about his father) that when he was 6 months old, he had pneumonia which he hardly survived. In that time his father worked in UNPROFOR. He went on the job at 5:00 in the morning and returned at 19:00. Every day. But when he was home he took care for him. Since he cried a lot, all night, his father hold him and carried him in his arms talking gently to him and sang to him. He hardly slept hour and so every night. His love for my Prince couldn't let him cry and interestingly enough, my Prince was more calmed in his father's arms, then in mother's. She was mostly nervous when she had to carry him. So, 3 months Prince's father carried his son in his arms every single night until he recovered. He was also the one who took him into walks, taught him to walk and ride the bicycle. My Prince is clone of his father in everything with only one difference: his father had dark hair and my Prince is blond.  :)


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