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New ENB, new hair and a bit more cocky




made a new setup and ye, I like the enb so far, gotta find a programm which helps me taking screenshots of the actuall picture though, I am using fraps atm, and as you can see on some pics, the hair stands out through the fog while the body does not, and ingame it's just fine aswell, it just looks like this on the screenshots, so if you have any proposals, out with it. :tongue:

otherwise, enjoy the landscape ... :tongue:




tell me wheter or not you like these and if you wanna see more, I'm havin fun making these atm ^^


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They are fantastic.  Would you mind if i used them in a mod for "Crusader Kings 2"?  They would be great pictures for use in narrative events in the game.

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didn't you already take some of the older pics, I remember you asking for permission back then aswell ^^


you can have these too, name her Seytira if you want :tongue:  

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I did indeed!  :blush:  The mod is called Mercenary Commander.  I'm working on a Overhaul sort of update to it now and adding a lot more content.

Thanks again!  


The quality and content of your screenshots are amazing.  I can't do anything that looks quite so pretty all around.

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Hi M4rth, I love the body of this girl and I use the MCBM since I saw it for the first time. Now I want to create a dickgirl character with the SOS but the color of the schlong does not match me. Any suggestions ?? Thank you very much
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2 hours ago, RamasesII said:

is this done in SE or LE Skyrim?  if SE I need to ask how to add the futa  mmmmhmmm yeps



oldrim, I don't go with Skyrim Se yet cus no enbs etc

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I use this ENB in SSE  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4743  Still getting the hang of the settings TBH. 

I've not used an ENB before in either LE or SE till now, so I have some tweaking ahead i'm sure. :)


In Oldrim I used Sevenbase Bombshell body so I could use the UNP SoS for Futa stuff there, but I've not found anything like that in SE, there I use CBBE.


Your screens are excellent, very well done.... and the lady is smoking hot too :)





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1 hour ago, RamasesII said:

I use this ENB in SSE  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4743  Still getting the hang of the settings TBH. 

I've not used an ENB before in either LE or SE till now, so I have some tweaking ahead i'm sure. :)


In Oldrim I used Sevenbase Bombshell body so I could use the UNP SoS for Futa stuff there, but I've not found anything like that in SE, there I use CBBE.


Your screens are excellent, very well done.... and the lady is smoking hot too :)












thx ^^


you'll get to it sooner or later I am sure, can't help you with SE though, sry mate

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