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“I want to get out of the fucking bed!!!



Posting my last diary, I invited my Ivy on the balcony to talk about Prince’s birthday. I sat in her lap and I said to her:
- Do you know that Prince has a birthday in 7 days?
Ivy: Yes, my love. I do.
Me: Well, I was thinking we should organize something for him, but you know he doesn’t celebrate his birthday.



Ivy: What if we talk to him? He will turn us down probably, but at least we tried. Maybe we should play “sweet and irresistible” card?!
I agreed with her. I deep kissed her and we went to our beach. Didn’t stay long because it was extremely hot that even the sea was warm. We returned home and took a shower. My mom was in the living room and she was ironing our clothes. When we offered to replace her, she didn’t accept it. She said she loves to do it. We went to our bedroom and laid by my Prince. We still couldn’t believe what we have done to him. I was looking at his profile. His face lines were perfect. He is the most beautiful man in the world. I couldn’t resist not to kiss him and I woke him up. I immediately apologized. He smiled and said it’s OK. He asked for sip of water and Ivy helped him to drink. We both deep kissed him afterwards and asked him if he wants something. He said he is fine. Then we started our “sweet and irresistible” talk.
Ivy (cuddling his face): Hooooneeey ……. Ammm ……. Princess and I….. was…….. ammmm…… thinking …….. if you …. would do…….amm …… something …… for us……
My Prince sensed that was are up to something and he kissed her and giggled:
- All right, you sneaky, slay foxes…….. what is it?
Ivy: You know …….. we want to ……. Ammm …… organize a ……. birthday party … for you.
Prince: That’s very nice of you, but you know I don’t celebrate my birthday …… so, the answer is: no.
Me (very cuddly): My love …….. please .. let us do it …. It will make us happy and you said that if we are happy, you are happy too.


I disarmed him. I had to use his own “weapon” against him again. It’s not fair, I know, but Ivy and I want to do something special for him because he deserves it. He always cares more for others then for himself. He organized perfect birthday parties for Ivy and me and we want to do the same for him. Now, maybe some of you would ask me: “Why didn’t you use that “weapon” when boss’s wife wanted to pay a thermal spring for all of you? Aren’t you, hypocrite?!” Well, I’m not. First, my Prince still have very sensitive conscience. He never take/accept more that he needs. Our boss already paid for his physical therapist and his conscience didn’t let him accept the another gift from them. That’s the way he is. He also didn’t get used to receive gifts. Most of the time he feels uncomfortable. We still fight a lot about this. Second, I don’t want others to know about it, no matter how good and beneficial it sounds for my Prince. Knowing him, he will not reject anyone who use this “weapon” against him and very soon he will be the slave of their will and he will lose his “identity” which will lead him into being somebody else and it will make him miserable and depressed at the end. Ivy and I are his wives and we have “full right” to do it, and we used it quite a bit, just as my mom although it didn’t always end well, because we hurt him.
My Prince sighed, smiled and said: You two are two nastily, rotten, bad witches. You played dirty knowing my weakness …… All, right, do as you want. ……
We screamed in joy and we showered his face with kisses.


He said he is bored and he asked us to check if there is some good movie on line. Ivy took her laptop and she said that there are three episodes of “GOT” he missed to watch. He was happy and we watched it together all of them. He really loves that series. Ivy made us laugh with her comments. Than he had a need for doing number 2. We placed the medical duck under him and when he was done, we washed him and clean him. Let’s be honest here; nobody’s shit smells nice and Prince’s poop smelled very bad because of the medications he is taking, but regardless, we gladly cleaned after him and washed him because he is our husband and we love him. I’m absolutely sure that he will do the same for us if we were on his place. What’s the reason I mentioned this? It’s simple; if you love someone, then nothing is hard, stinky, gross and dirty to do for that person. Ivy and I could never work as nurses, and there is no money in the world that will makes us wash asses and clean after other people, but when we needed to nurse our Prince, we did it with joy. Just like my mom.


When the supper time came we fed our Prince and we went to the living room and stayed with my mom because we felt little bit tensed and bitchy. Ivy steamed off by practicing martial arts and I was writing the diary. This is my steaming off. After the training, my Ivy called me and we took the shower together and we fucked. Kissing my Prince for good night and leaving to our room he was surprised. He didn’t want us to leave. We cuddled his face and I said:
- Honey ….. Ivy and I are having period. You know very well what that means. It is the best for all of us if we sleep separately. We don’t want to have the “rerun” of the last night, but if we stay, there is a great risk we’ll do it again. We will see you in the morning, my love.
My arguments made sense to him and he wished us good night. Ivy and I went to our room and we started to organize his birthday party. We disagreed about some ideas and we argued. Damn fucking period. I hate it. But we didn’t go to sleep until we reconcile. When we apologized to each other and asked for forgiveness, we agreed that we need to ask Fran to help us. He is natural talent for this, just like my Prince. We hugged each other and after exchanging numerous kisses, we slept.


The first thing in the morning we did was checking on my Prince. My mom slept beside him holding him for his hand. We gently kissed them both trying to not to wake them up. We took the shower and Ivy and I fucked. Then she started to train martial arts. I wrote yesterday’s diary and waited for her in the living room with the coffee. My Prince woke up and he called us. My mom woke up too. We asked him how did he sleep and he said that he slept very well and that he missed us. Mom said that he squeezed her hand twice and held her hand tightly short time during the night. My Prince couldn’t remember what was he dreaming about that he was tensed. My mom let him have two small sips of the coffee from my mouth. He had erection and when he got red in the face because of my mom, she smiled and kissed him on the cheek saying:
- I really think it’s the time you stop feeling uncomfortable in my presence when having erection, my son. I told you; I have seen and held your penis in all “editions” and “versions” many times when I washed you. There is really nothing more you can “show” me.
Hearing it we all blasted in laughter. Then we helped my mom to wash him, brush his teeth and to anoint his body. He had fruit breakfast and he took his medications and vitamins.


Ivy and I went in quick shopping because we needed more beverages, snacks and sweets. Too bad we had to wear long summer dresses to cover our bruises. But it was our fault. Anyhow, we enjoyed shopping. We hold hands and kissed often. We haven’t had a time for having fun. But my Ivy wouldn’t be Ivy if she will not tease someone. When we were at the cash desk, the cute salesgirl looked at us strange when she heard me saying to my Ivy:
- Honey, how much cash do you have? I think I don’t have enough.
Ivy spotted her weird look and she grabbed me for my jaw and she stuck her tongue into my mouth. After short “tongue dance” she “aaaahhhhhh’d” and said to the girl:
- My wife has such irresistible lips. My husband and I love to smooch with her.
The girl was very shocked and she had her eyes and mouth wide open. Ivy and I laughed and she paid our groceries. We returned home afterwards. Yea, my Ivy must have her fun whenever we are going out. She’s my crazy luv. I adore her.


Very soon our guests started to come. The first ones were Antonio and the guys who didn’t stay long. They brought the flowers for my mom, Ivy and me. Each of them gently hugged my Prince and said that they are glad to see him recovering very well. They had cold coke, talked to us shortly and they left. The next one was Fran and his boyfriend, Tibor. Seeing my Prince, he hugged him very firmly and sobbed saying that he is very sorry for what happened to him. They brought him the present and the flowers for us. My mom told him to not to speak with him long since he will be exhausted. When they finished talking, Ivy and I took him at side and asked him to help us organize the birthday party for my Prince next Saturday. After hearing our opposite propositions for the party and the time, number of the people we plan to invite and the place, he said to us:
- Girls, … girls, both of you have great ideas. Listen, why don’t you leave it to me. I will take the best ideas from both of you and will adopt them to my ideas. Will you let me have open hands?
We said that we put him in charge for everything. Ivy and I will cover all expenses no matter how high they are. My Prince deserves the best. He was very happy and he said to Ivy to prepare few songs that my Prince loves a lot. He also told me to talk to the boss about using the entertaining hall. It’s available since our band is playing every night on the Hotel terrace. I immediately called my boss and asked him for permission to use the entertaining hall for Prince’s birthday party next Saturday and that he and his wife are invited. He gave permission to use the entertaining hall and said that they will both come to the birthday party.


Fran and Tibor were so cute. They hold hands all the time and they kissed a lot. It was obvious they are in love to each other. Very soon afterwards, Lidija arrived. And few minutes after her, Nick and Adriana. Lidija was very cute. She fell in, I call it “friendly love” with my Prince and Ivy. She simply adores them after the incident with the season worker. When she came into Prince’s room and saw his upper body naked, she “ohhh’d” and stood at the doorstep looking in opposite direction. She was shy. My Prince giggled and he invited her in. She sat on the chair but she didn’t look at his face. In respect of her, my Prince covered his upper body with the sheet. She said she missed them very much. They talked briefly and before she left the room, she wished him quick recovery and she quickly kissed him on the cheek and ran out. My Ivy hugged her and thanked her for coming. Then she started to sob saying how much she is sorry for him being hurt. We like Lidija. She is very good, unspoiled girl.
Nick and Adriana also talked to him and Nick must tease my Prince:
- I see you started to enjoy in the role of troublemaker. You simply can’t go through the week without fighting. I have a proposition for you my friend: if you manage to go through the week without fighting or being in the trouble, I will give you 1.000 Euro.
We all laughed hard. They both hugged him and after short talk they joined to the others on the balcony.


They all stayed till noon when my mom asked them to leave now since my Prince need the rest. They left and we helped my mom in cleaning and washing dishes while she went to princes’ room to check on him. She nursed him, gave him pills and he slept. Than we asked my mom to rest and that we will cool his body with cold towels. She thanked us and she laid on the sofa in the living room why my Ivy and I cooled his body. We kissed him a lot and also laid beside him and took the nap.


We didn’t sleep long because it was god damn too hot. Only one hour. We were very nervous, especially my Prince when he woke up. He was having enough of being in the bed. He tried to get up. He couldn’t. His hands shook terribly on the efforts to support his body to sit. My Prince blasted in cry and he shouted:
We calmed him down and we helped him to stand up. When he stood up on his feet his legs shook but he was persistent. My mom was very worried, but he told her that he doesn’t feel the pain, only he has no strength to walk. We helped him walk to the bathroom. He asked us to bring him the chair from the balcony and put it in the bath tub. When we did, he sat on it and he turned on cold shower and he enjoyed in cold water. My Ivy and I soaped him and very soon he calmed. He also asked us to shave his crouches and his balls. We loved it. When we shaved him, his intimate area was smooth and soft like a baby’s face, only his cock was big, hard and hot. Ivy and I deep throated him and he came in our mouth. We sucked him dry until no single drop left. We kissed him and then he told us to call his doctor. We helped him walk to the bed and he apologized to my mom for searing. She hugged him and smilingly said that she understands him and that all is fine.


Prince’s doctor arrived at 15:00. My Prince told him:
- Mister doctor, I can’t be in the bed anymore. It drives me crazy together with this heat. If I have to stay in the bed one more day I’m going to be very aggressive and upset. I was never in the bed so long. Please, do something.
The doctor checked on my Prince; vision, reflexes, blood pressure and few other things. He lightly pressed some spots on his body and my Prince “ouched”. After confirming that there is no new injures, but only improvements he asked my Prince to try to sit by his own. He couldn’t. The doctor helped him to sit and then he said to my Prince to stand up on his feet holding him around his shoulders. My Prince stood up and they both walk few meters. When being asked if he feels the pain when trying to sit or to stand up, my Prince said that he doesn’t feel the pain but he has no strength in his arms and legs. The doctor was pleased. He opened his case and he took a small plastic bottle of pills. He sat next to Prince and said:
- This is high quality and very strong imported drug from Germany. It is similar to the ones that some athletes are using. The pills will boost your muscles and your nerve system. You will take ONLY ONE PILL a day next 5 days. ONLY ONE! Understand?
Prince: Yes. How much they cost?
The doctor: Don’t worry about it, Zdenka will cover.
Prince: Doctor, tell me, please, how much?
The doctor: 100 Euro.
Prince: Thanks, but no thanks.
We were shocked. We all told him to not to worry about the price and that Zdenka or we will pay it, but he said to Ivy:
- Honey, call Antonio.
Ivy called him and she put him on the speaker.
Antonio: Hi, gorgeous. What’s up?
Ivy: Hi, Tony. Prince wants to talk to you.
Prince: Hey, bro.
Antonio: Hey. How can I help you, bro?
Prince: Tony, you remember those ***pills you gave me few months ago? (*** For those who doesn’t know. Antonio and the guys having homemade drug that they using only after being heavily injured or they have very heavy and long security protection that involves extreme physical efforts. The drug reduces the pain to zero and boost physical and mental abilities to the maximum for several hours. The side effect is that they causing heavy addiction and it’s not recommended to use them more than one pill a day and only for short period of time. My Prince used them when he was heavily beaten by my ex and his two friends long time ago. But have no worries, that drug is not illegal. It is registered at the local authorities for personal use and it is forbidden to be publicly distributed and/or for sale. My Prince is the brother and as such he gets it for free).
Antonio: Yes, I do. You need more?
Prince. I do, pal. Tell me how much you ask for them?
Antonio chuckled: Don’t fucking kidding me bro. It's free for you. You know that.
Prince: Listen, I need them as soon as possible. Please, Tony.
Antonio: No problem bro, if you only told me earlier I could bring it to you when we visited you this morning.
Prince: My apologies, Tony, I didn’t know I would need them.
Antonio: Don’t worry, bro. Someone will bring it to you in 20 minutes. You know the drill, right.
Prince: I do. Thanks bro. I owe you.
Antonio: Haha …. you owe me shit…… take care and see you. Give my love to Gorgeous and Skinny …… and her mother.
Prince: I will. Bye.
Prince (to the doctor): Thank you, doctor, but as you can see I have my source.
The doctor chuckled and he put the pills back to his case.
Doctor: All right. I’ll come again in Monday morning. I believe you will be able to return to the work on the 14th-
Prince: 14th??? Doctor, please, let me go back to work earlier…… maybe Wednesday?
Doctor chuckled and said: Not a chance, young man. If all goes smoothly as it went so far these two weeks, you will be ready to return to your work on the 14th. And remember; no sex next 2-4 days. You saw yourself that you are still injured.


When my Ivy and I heard that we will not have sex with our Prince next 2-4 days we looked at each other disappointingly, but my mom, lightly slapped our butts and we knew what she was thinking by that.
Then the doctor left and my Prince said:
- My luvs, listen, I couldn’t allow Zdenka or anyone else to cover my medical expenses anymore. All of you did already too much for me and I’m eternally grateful. If Tony charged me even double price for the pills I would pay them from my own packet. Besides, I know that his pills works and I couldn't be sure in doctor's pills. I love you all, but I had to stop being parasite.
We hugged him and kissed him saying that he is not the parasite, but most wonderful creature in the whole universe for whom we will sell everything we have for his health if we have to...


When one of the new workers from Antonio’s “XXX security” arrived, he gave us the package and he immediately left didn’t want to stay for the cold drink. My Prince took the pill and after few minutes he could sit and stand up by his own. His hands and legs didn’t shake. He was very happy. We all were. We hugged him and we cried with him. Then we walked slowly and easy to the balcony and after sitting on the chair he said:
- My luvs, I miss you sitting in my lap. Whose gonna sit first?
I let my Ivy sit first. She sat in his lap very carefully and when he said that he doesn’t feel the pain we were glad. My mom quickly went to the kitchen and prepared the refreshments and fruits. My Prince and Ivy smooched and “love you’d “. He was cuddling her legs and they both loved it and missed it. After few minutes, we gave him 5 minutes break and I sat in his lap and I started to cry when feeling his body. I soooo missed him. We also smooched and “love you’d”. My mom watched us and she wiped her tears. Ivy and I took turns in sitting in his lap. It is very special to us; very unique experience and very unique feeling.


Then my Ivy practiced martial arts and we watched her. My Prince said he is missing practicing with her. When she said: “Can’t wait to kick your ass in sparring, honey!” and when we saw my mom’s sharp look at her, we laughed. Then my mom went to our bedroom and she changed the sheets and the linen. Didn’t planned to post this diary today but I was very happy to see my Prince out of the bed that I had to share my joy with you.


The next diary? After Prince’s birthday or if something extraordinary happens :)





Recommended Comments

Prince but bed is your best friend! :D


LOL. It is. We love it too, but he hates it when being sick. Two weeks without sex in the bed is torment. ;)

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I to was like Prince not accepting offers like that but then I saw a movie where there was this indigenous tribe out there in the world. A few of them were guests at this house and this lady who was their guide explained their traditions. And one of them was that they accepted whatever was offered to them. Even if it was shit they had to eat it out of respect for the other person's offer lol ;) I not saying you should eat shit but it's ok to accept the other person's offer like if they offered you a piece of gum or something of the like. :D anyways Good to see Prince making Great progress ;) 

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Hard times indeed. But I would beware of drugs seemingly improving everything at unnatural rate, there is always another side of the coin. Which is the name of the drug, if I may ? :)

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I to was like Prince not accepting offers like that but then I saw a movie where there was this indigenous tribe out there in the world. A few of them were guests at this house and this lady who was their guide explained their traditions. And one of them was that they accepted whatever was offered to them. Even if it was shit they had to eat it out of respect for the other person's offer lol ;) I not saying you should eat shit but it's ok to accept the other person's offer like if they offered you a piece of gum or something of the like. :D anyways Good to see Prince making Great progress ;)


Believe me when I say: I have never met a person with such a issue; accepting the gifts. Never. We fought a lot at the beginning of our relationship and he was pissing me off like hell. :)  I believe I know the cause and the reason for it but it will take a lot of time to explain it. He is very unique person. I believe I said once in my diaries that what is normal to 99% of people, to him, it is an issue. LOL. I love that stubborn, blond, crazy husband of mine. :)

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Hard times indeed. But I would beware of drugs seemingly improving everything at unnatural rate, there is always another side of the coin. Which is the name of the drug, if I may ? :)


Well, I don't remember the name of the pills from Germany. I haven't seen it clearly, but Antonio calls his homemade pills: "white blue" because of the color of the pills. I really don't know the name under which they registered pills at the local authorities. They are basically amphetamines, something similar to speed, but better with some additions. Antonio knows the "guys"  who makes the pills for them. That's all I know and honestly, I'm afraid to ask him how he was able to register them and through which channels. All I know, the pills helped my Prince when he was using them.


It is true. He almost hooked on the pills the first time and I had to hid then from him. We argued strongly about it, but he "unhooked" from them and he was cured from becoming the addict. This time, his is under my mom's and ours supervision and he is also much mature now. He is aware how dangerous those pills are if not taking them properly" I have full trust in my Prince that he will use them with caution. I completely understand him why he asked for drugs. Being in the bed 24 hours a day for two weeks surely drove him crazy. He is very active person, very restless and he didn't use to be tighten to the bed in any sense ;)

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