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Homeless, Homesick



Late one evening, Runil wandered home from the inn. His feet were a bit unsteady from the mead, but he knew this walk by heart. Falkreath was covered with a thick fog this particular evening, air choked with moisture as thunder rumbled in the distance. He gazed out over the peaceful cemetery, candles flickering in the mist, when something unusual caught his eye. A late visitor knelt, wreathed in candlelight. "Excuse me," Runil called out, approaching the figure, "I'm afraid the cemetary is off-limits this time of night. You'll have to come back in the morning."

"Oh, I apologize," a woman's voice responded. "I'll be leaving shortly. I just... I don't have much time. I had to visit her before I left. One more time..."


Runil could hear a sadness in her voice. He knelt down and put a reassuring hand on her plated shoulder. "The dead can wait. She'll be here when you return."


"I know, I'm sorry," the woman said. She rose, as did Runil. "I've just... got a lot on my mind. I thought seeing her again would help."


"Did it?" Runil asked.


"I don't know," the woman replied.


"Who was she?"


"My mother. She died... years ago. I was very young. I barely remember her. It crushed my father. He loved me dearly and smiled a lot as I grew up, but I could tell he was never really happy. Her death robbed him of something. I don't know what I'll do if I see him again. Gods, I don't even know where he is..."


"You don't know where he is?"


"I ran away. We moved to Bruma after mother died. My father supported the Empire, but... I never could. My mother died fighting for them, and what did they do? They rolled over for those Dominion dogs, signed away the very God that founded the Empire itself. When I heard of rebellion to the north, I came here as quickly as I could, slipped out in the middle of the night. Never even said goodbye to my father... I've done so much, seen so many amazing things. But I can hardly find to courage to go see my own father..."


"Sometimes the simplest things take the most strength," Runil said. "You have a chance to make right. Take heart. If you cannot find the courage in yourself, then seek it in the Eight. They will listen, as they have to me."


The woman gave him a sidelong glance as he uttered the name of the Eight. "I don't even know if he's alive, Runil. This may all be for naught. I pray it isn't, but..."


"There is a chance. You still have a chance," Runil said. His expression went suddenly somber as he struggled to say, "Not everyone has that opportunity. I should know..."


The woman looked to the heavens and took in a deep breath. "You're right. Even if it's for nothing, I have to try. Thank you."


"You're welcome, my girl," he said with a smile. The woman nodded and walked away.


It dawned on Runil - the woman said his name, but he never gave it. He looked at the gravestone, and his eyes went wide. Anwella Scelsvir It all clicked. She was so much older now, but now he recognized her face, the face of a small child wrought with sadness and confusion. He spun around and called out, "Kallista!" The woman stopped and looked back at him over her shoulder.


"Talos guide you, girl," he said.


Kallista smiled, this time genuinely.





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Aaand it occurs to me that Runil couldn't have been there while Kallista was young because he fought for the Thalmor in the Great War.





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A bit short though, but setup and dialogues were nice. :)

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