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Divina: One for Old Times




Hey All!


Upon reading my previous entries, I found that most of the Thanes were very violent towards each other. Felicia and Celena, Andaria and Marius, not every relationship between Thanes is so cut throat. Like this short entry featuring Divina and Ergon (Thane of Markath) !









Divina: Huh, Falkreath's been pretty boring lately. No bandit raids, talking dogs, or even vampires. Might as well look at the board to see what people are doing.




Divina (reading to herself): ...needs help cutting lumber...non-nords need not apply. Beggers can't be choosers, Bolund. Runil...looking for someone to collect a trinket...interesting, but the reward is a blessing of Arkay on your passing...I'll pass. Here's an interesting one!




Divina (to herself): Posted by Nenya, bounty on a bandit leader in Knifepoint Ridge...wanted dead or alive, but, additional compensation offered if alive. Looks like I'm headed to Knifepoint Ridge!




Divina: Looks like I'm a bit late to the festivities. Look at that axe sticking out of that guy's back. Ewww...how'd it get in there like that? And what's with all this frost on the ground? It's midday. Reminds me of that Cursed Sword I have...




Divina: It's like they're trying to make it look like I killed everyone here. There's only one other person I know who could be doing this...




Ergon: As I commend your soul to Aetherius, blessings of the Nine Divines upon you, for you are...


Divina: Ergon the Just! Did you do all this?




Ergon: Lady Divina! Indeed I slew this wretched hive of bandits, for they were raiding Stormcloak camps and...


Divina: But you killed him! He was worth more to me alive.




Divina: Can I at least have the body?


Ergon: Unfortunately, You cannot fair maiden. For I shall need it to tell the tale of my victory. I still need to administer last rites and...




Ergon:...And what exactly are you doing here? I'm here because these vagrants were disrupting the Stormcloak war effort. What is the Imperial interest in these bandits?


Divina: Oh, this is official Thane business. The Jarl put out a bounty of the bandit leader. Worth more dead than alive, but that ship sailed.




Divina: But are you sure there isn't anything I can do to take that smelly old body off your hands?




Ergon: I'm going to make you fight me for it.


Divina: *sigh* Just like old times...


At a Nearby Location




Ergon: So this a duel between you and I, the rules are just like we normally do, last one...




Divina: I know what the rules are Ergon. We continue fighting until someone goes down. When the person goes down, they have to throw off an article of clothing. If you're naked you lose. Or if you're knocked out of the ring you lose.


Ergon: You're touchy today.




Divina: More of in a hurry. I'd like to collect my bounty before the body begins to smell. Let's go!


End of Round 1




Ergon: Looks like I win this first bout. Take it off.




Divina to herself: Looks like he hasn't lost his edge at all. I better be careful, I may lose.


End of Round 2




Ergon: Divina, that spin move didn't work on me even before I was a Stormcloak and you were an Imperial. My point.




Divina (to herself): Dammit! He saw through me. All this peace in Falkreath is making me lose my edge.


End of Round 3




Ergon: Fair Divina, if you give up now, I'll give you your clothes back and you can return to your hold with your modesty intact. I'd rather not have every beast in the wilderness staring at your nude form.




Divina: You really now how to compliment a girl, Ergon. But I think I'll pass. Modesty has never been one of my strong suits.


Divina (to herself): Hope this works.




Divina: Coming at you, Ergon!


Ergon: Huh?!? I can't see a thing.




As Ergon swats Divina's Armor out of his sight, he's caught off guard as she kicks him perilously close to the edge of the ring.


Ergon (to himself, struggling to balance): This girl was never one to take the safe route.


Ergon (to himself): That's what attracted me to her. That fire in her eyes. As long as she's still alive, she'll keep fighting.


With that, Ergon finally lost his balance and fell off the plateau.




Divina: That's a ring out, I win! Better luck next time Ergon!




Divina: It was good to see you again, though. Let's meet at our spot in Markarth in a few days. I'll split the gold and make it worth your while. You did do some of the heavy lifting.







See you next time!


Recommended Comments

I like the poses you used in the scenes where she tried to seduce him. Very well done.

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I like the poses you used in the scenes where she tried to seduce him. Very well done.


I saw the pose and was like, it must be done! 

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Interesting rules : that way, even if you lose, you can still turn it into speed dating. :P


Nice short story.

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That orc really nailed her ;)

Same compliments for the seduction poses. It's interesting how man need so little to be seduced - exposed leg. LOL.

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That orc really nailed her ;)



There was an Orc?  Ergon is a man!


Thanks for the compliments, Eva!

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That orc really nailed her ;)



There was an Orc?  Ergon is a man!


Thanks for the compliments, Eva!



You've right. I apologize. I previously red bodabira's blog and there was and orc. Sorry for mistake.

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That orc really nailed her ;)



There was an Orc?  Ergon is a man!


Thanks for the compliments, Eva!



You've right. I apologize. I previously red bodabira's blog and there was and orc. Sorry for mistake.



No problem! 

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