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In which I play with Kallista's breasts.



So I was playing with a new mod that came out a little while ago called NiOverridePoseAdjustments, which allows for in-game tweaking of poses by altering the pitch, roll, and yaw of various bones. It's not powerful enough to let you create new poses on the fly, being that it produces a lot of oddities in mesh deformation. But for small adjustments, and even medium ones if you can mask the weird shapes that start to crop up, it's a godsend.


I noticed playing with its features that it can control breast bone position. This is a feature with a lot of lewd potential if it can be made to play nice, so I decided to take a stab at some simple stuff.




First, in the above spoiler, I took a pose wherein the character was trying to cover herself and tried to make it look like she was actually holding her breasts. It's super subtle and you probably can't tell the difference without a comparison image, which I failed to take. Honestly not sure the effect is worth it considering how hard it is to notice here, but it's a proof of concept, not a declaration of how I will do shots forever from now on. So, whatever.




Again no "before" shot because I'm lazy and didn't think this blog post through, but the effect here is much more drastic. Her head was more turned to one side and level, so I moved it more forward and tilted it down. Most notably, however, is her breasts were originally hidden behind her arms. I used the bone adjustments to make it look like she was intentionally presenting her tits, pushing them up like a shelf. This one, unlike the previous, turned out super nice, well worth the effort.





The above two are a set, because when I took these, it did occur to me that a before pic would make sense. Here I was trying to simulate the actual effect on a breast when one arm is lifted. The breast should lift, not remain a perfect mirror of the other breast, when the arm is raised in such a way due to muscles and stuff. The slight lift in the before shot it specifically due to a slight lean to the upper body. It's not bad, but it still doesn't look quite right. The second image is the after shot, showing the raised breast. I'm no expert and didn't look up sources, but it seems like it's more right. The main drawback is, because of how the bone moves, the effect you end up with when raising breasts too high on the chest is looking like they're implants, with a decidedly unnatural shape at the top of the breast. You can see it a little in the tit shelf pic, but it's maskable with a straight-on angle and not an issue at all if you were aiming for a silicone look.


Maybe real screenshots later, beach trip tomorrow to round out my vacation. Long story short, NiOverridePoseAdjustments is the tool every screenshooter needs in their arsenal. No more truly static poses!


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OMG, i saw you touching at her NiOverridePoseAdjustments ! That's graphical harassment, don't ever do this again ! :D

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Who would've thought surfing LL could also be scholarly, hehe. Very clever experimentations.

Believably, the little touches and adjustments might slip the notice of the casual reader, but you can bet they'd be mightily appreciated when they are. Your showcase of them here really show how much detail they can add. :)

I'm already imagining the array of comical poses (a la Mega-Milk) that can be done with this neat tool!

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