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Vargr - Chap 50





So we reached Chapter 50 and all I give you is one of the smaller ones? Yeah doesn't sound right.. Sorry Chaps, but the ending shot was too good to keep going.. I will make up for it on chapter 69 :classic_angel: Also for the lack of lewd.. Compensation chapter? =D



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No Arlan she really isn't. She ain't a motherfucker


Yes I took that preset everybody has the hots for right now. Sue me ?

If you get why I gave her that particular dress we're friends now :classic_angel:


And I'm also looking for a good name for her. Nothing too silly or goofy. If you got any ideas, gimme =D



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I find the lack of lewd disturbing, and ominous... Almost as much as her smile in that ending picture. ? Her outfit really fits her, if only we had a proper caterpillar to go along with it.



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Preset everybody has the hots for ... hmm, no idea what preset you are talking about. Must have passed me by, but then not certain she is my type, Anime type blush, freckles, overemphasized lips ... but then some could just be that shoot, still no idea what preset you might be referring to.

Name... hmm Amelia oder (E)Leonore.

Otherwise, pretty darn decent chapter. Well done gothic horror setting and some nice development. Those regression jumps destroy it a little, as you can't kill them off one by one while they are dumb enough to wonder the place alone or in pairs ... as would be the tradition. ? Makes it less "oh my gosh you IDIOTS!", but also makes for less suspense. There is a tradeoff for everything I guess. ^^

Hard to believe you did #50 with almost no naughty. Perhaps someone fears Hell after all.  ?

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10 minutes ago, yorpers said:

I find the lack of lewd disturbing, and ominous... Almost as much as her smile in that ending picture. ? Her outfit really fits her, if only we had a proper caterpillar to go along with it.



She might eat your Soul if you say stuff like that  :classic_angel:


4 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Preset everybody has the hots for ... hmm, no idea what preset you are talking about. Must have passed me by, but then not certain she is my type, Anime type blush, freckles, overemphasized lips ... but then some could just be that shoot, still no idea what preset you might be referring to.

Sounds like it. It's this one the Shilo follower was made of


And most comments from the follower site seem to like her ?


But I'm a bit amazed you find her too anime like, seeing how you liked Enyo very much, I find blonde resembles Sofia a lot and I made Sofia out of Enyos Preset ? Then again, overlays and lips like you said can make a damn big difference.


6 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Name... hmm Amelia oder (E)Leonore.

Amelia.. I like that name ?


7 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Otherwise, pretty darn decent chapter. Well done gothic horror setting and some nice development. Those regression jumps destroy it a little, as you can't kill them off one by one while they are dumb enough to wonder the place alone or in pairs ... as would be the tradition. ? Makes it less "oh my gosh you IDIOTS!", but also makes for less suspense. There is a tradeoff for everything I guess. ^^

Thank you^^ And Yeah, that's on me for the regression coupling yup xD one dies, others regress with him. Only way to make them stay together and do not have to deal with different timelines (can you imagine how awful that would be? For me I mean x,X xD)


8 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Hard to believe you did #50 with almost no naughty. Perhaps someone fears Hell after all.  ?

I hardly believe it myself.. I was looking forward to her reveal and wanted to lewd Clover and Arlan before they went off.. (I did even make a few shots.) But after it was done, it felt off to throw that In before they return to the Mansion ?

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18 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Sounds like it. It's this one the Shilo follower was made of


And most comments from the follower site seem to like her ?


But I'm a bit amazed you find her too anime like, seeing how you liked Enyo very much, I find blonde resembles Sofia a lot and I made Sofia out of Enyos Preset ? Then again, overlays and lips like you said can make a damn big difference.

I see, thanks. Aye, I did see that one, didn't do anything for me though.
And I didn't say I find her too anime like, only that she has an anime type blush (which I really disliked on Enyo too, didn't want to complain about every detail though, artistic freedom and all, still not for me, at all).


18 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Thank you^^ And Yeah, that's on me for the regression coupling yup xD one dies, others regress with him. Only way to make them stay together and do not have to deal with different timelines (can you imagine how awful that would be? For me I mean x,X xD)

Well, one alternative might have been, regression only sets in if everyone from a group, that set a regression point together, has died. Would also allow for 'strategic group size management'. ^^ Of course, it could lead to a point where those that died get stuck in limbo, if the survivors actually manage to get out of that place. Too late now anyway.

Edited by Talesien
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1 minute ago, Talesien said:

I see, thanks. Aye, I did see that one, didn't do anything for me though.
And I didn't say I find her too anime like, only that she has an anime type blush (which I really disliked on Enyo too, didn't want to complain about every detail though, artistic freedom and all, still not for me, at all).

Then I misunderstood :classic_angel:


1 minute ago, Talesien said:

Well, one alternative might have been, regression only sets in if everyone from a group, that set a regression point together, has died. Would also allow for 'strategic group size management'. ^^ Of course, it could lead to a point where those that died get stuck in limbo, if the survivors actually manage to get out of that place. Too late now anyway.

... Damn it that would've been a cool idea ?

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this episode is good :)


but i started thinking Ghukan has some disase or other thing .... slo low lewid level... its umiaginible


Arlan 2.0/Female version is going to be itnresting :) im sure of it :D


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7 minutes ago, Nonseen said:

but i started thinking Ghukan has some disase or other thing .... slo low lewid level... its umiaginible

I'm working on it! I'm working on it right now I promise! >,<

Ok after Dinner.. But then I am doing them Lewd parts!

(took me a while to write a backstory bit..)


8 minutes ago, Nonseen said:

Arlan 2.0/Female version is going to be itnresting :) im sure of it :D

She is crazy ? (and hits max on the Cute/Scary Scale )

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The Mansion of Horrors, the Museum of Horrors.

When you do Vigilant, this charming mansion has plenty of special surprises in store for you.

I remember the piece with the sorcerer Julia Crimson that suddenly appeared, it surprised me.

And in the end, you meet this charming daedric prince of Molag Bal inviting you to his kingdom.


Just one thing to say.

Arlan.................................. Think with your head instead of your dick!

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2 hours ago, Gukahn said:

I'm working on it! I'm working on it right now I promise! >,<

Ok after Dinner.. But then I am doing them Lewd parts!

(took me a while to write a backstory bit..)

pls dont miss udnerstand me its totaly okay :)


back stroy is very important!


like back side of things. why things happening ...


2 hours ago, Gukahn said:

She is crazy ? (and hits max on the Cute/Scary Scale )

ouch.... i hope arlan and Team C find a way cure them.

But thinking of Hiricine and hunt... this probably not intended to end the happy end way. ( aka evrybudy happy and gome home/wahtever wish to go )

more like some hunting and blood path liek things...


lucky to Arlan he canot die permanently.... at least for the time being.

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9 hours ago, hana120 said:

Arlan.................................. Think with your head instead of your dick!

Never ?


7 hours ago, Nonseen said:

like back side of things. why things happening ...

Back Side.. Yeeah I'm working on that too :classic_angel:

Didn't misunderstood you, no worrys xD


7 hours ago, Nonseen said:

ouch.... i hope arlan and Team C find a way cure them.

But thinking of Hiricine and hunt... this probably not intended to end the happy end way. ( aka evrybudy happy and gome home/wahtever wish to go )

more like some hunting and blood path liek things...


lucky to Arlan he canot die permanently.... at least for the time being.

I will not spoiler that part, just to say.. Hircine won't be the one getting his way entirely ? We talking about Arlan here. Fuck the daedra. He got his Mom to protect him from Grampa!

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Good Work... But what about calling her Alice Or some similar considering the outfit she has on. :mrgreen::heart:;):thumbsup:⚜️??

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8 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

Good Work... But what about calling her Alice Or some similar considering the outfit she has on. :mrgreen::heart:;):thumbsup:⚜️??

Thanks ^^

Another good name... Considering she is responsible for that Lala Land Arlan is in.. But I have to admit, she doesn't wear that for very long.. :classic_angel:

I will throw a coin for Amelia or Alice ? 

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