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Upgrading to AE - An Uncomfortable Decision



After much struggling with my version of SSE (1.5.97) and eventually determining my USSEP file is broken or otherwise causing problems, I am begrudgingly moving to AE. I don't WANT to do this, but I feel like I have no choice at this point.


Why am I so hesitant? 2 main reasons:


1) When AE first dropped, many LL mods I enjoyed were not compatible with AE due to DLL issues, and I am still worried that a mod I highly enjoy will not work on AE.


2) Arthmoor is a fucking prick and I don't want to validate his self-righteous attitude. Yes, this is petty. No, I do not care. Though I can sympathize with being impatient with stupid people, that does not give you the right to assume that anyone who questions your decisions is wrong. Arthmoor purposely made the SSE versions of USSEP unavailable despite many people having legitimate reasons to continue using it. This infuriated me and I purposely didn't download any new updates to the mod out of sheer principle. I thought I saved a copy of the zip file to ensure a good reinstall of the mod if my type of situation ever happened, but I guess I was wrong and now here I am.


Also, bonus reason, I REALLY don't want to completely reinstall my game again after getting so close to a working build again. But, it seems I must try once again.


I am aware that many LL mods are compatible with AE at this point, if the compatibility tracker thread is accurate. However, I can't help feeling nervous about switching. How many of you are playing on AE? Maybe you can alleviate my fears?

(Just FYI, anyone playing 1.6+ is on AE as far as I'm concerned)

Edited by NymphoElf


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I was forcibly upgraded from 1.5.97 to AE due to an unwanted and unexpected Steam update to my Skyrim SE game.  I had to rejigger my mod list to make it AE compatible and so far I'm happy although there was alot of tweaking and cussing going on during that time. 

I keep copies of both the game and the mod manager on USB for emergencies.  



Edited by Celedhring
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1 hour ago, Talesien said:

Switched to 1.6x a couple months ago, updating the SKSE plugins can be a bit of a pain, but otherwise it went pretty smoothly. That said thanks to those collection stuff Nexus implemented, you can still DL USSEP 4.25b (the last for 1.597), you just need to know the link, like: https://www.nexusmods.com/Core/Libs/Common/Widgets/DownloadPopUp?id=209150&game_id=1704


I will see if re-installing USSEP fixes my problem. Thank you for sharing this link! I'll be sure to preserve the 7z file this time, just in case.


In case you or anyone else can offer more assistance, every time I try to trade Arcadia, the game crashes. I even tried killing her and waiting for Ahlam to take over the shop, but she also crashed the game when trying to trade with her. So it's something to do with the Apothecary trade menu and I'm not sure what exactly is causing it. Other merchants do not cause the game to crash.


I've uploaded my most recent crash file too. (I'm almost certain it's USSEP, because removing WACCF didn't fix it either.)


If reinstalling USSEP doesn't fix it, then I'll try one more time with installing my mods and being ultra-meticulous.


Edited by NymphoElf
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I made a backup of the Skyrim 1.5.80 folder that I use on a large part of my saves.

And a copy of the skse 1.5.97 files I use on others.

Personally, I'd never go under AE!

Doing so would mean writing off many of the backups I still use.

For me, AE is nothing more than a save-breaking add-on. It's nothing more than that.

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19 hours ago, NymphoElf said:


I will see if re-installing USSEP fixes my problem. Thank you for sharing this link! I'll be sure to preserve the 7z file this time, just in case.


In case you or anyone else can offer more assistance, every time I try to trade Arcadia, the game crashes. I even tried killing her and waiting for Ahlam to take over the shop, but she also crashed the game when trying to trade with her. So it's something to do with the Apothecary trade menu and I'm not sure what exactly is causing it. Other merchants do not cause the game to crash.


I've uploaded my most recent crash file too. (I'm almost certain it's USSEP, because removing WACCF didn't fix it either.)


If reinstalling USSEP doesn't fix it, then I'll try one more time with installing my mods and being ultra-meticulous.

Crash_2023_6_13_16-12-26.txt 40.78 kB · 4 downloads

Now, I'm far from well versed in dissecting Crash reports, but that error looks odd. I kinda doubt it's USSEP. Have you tried without USSEP? (You could try an empty dummy USSEP esp if too many other mods require it as master, shouldn't hurt just to see if things boot up).
What happens if you try to trade with alchemists in other cities?
My guess is that either you have something broken that gets injected into her sales inventory or some addon that does something with the inventory (like showing additional info, highlightring stuff, etc.), since it sounds it happens only with alchemists, my money is on the former.

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51 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Now, I'm far from well versed in dissecting Crash reports, but that error looks odd. I kinda doubt it's USSEP. Have you tried without USSEP? (You could try an empty dummy USSEP esp if too many other mods require it as master, shouldn't hurt just to see if things boot up).
What happens if you try to trade with alchemists in other cities?
My guess is that either you have something broken that gets injected into her sales inventory or some addon that does something with the inventory (like showing additional info, highlightring stuff, etc.), since it sounds it happens only with alchemists, my money is on the former.


I haven't traded with other alchemists yet. I do have SOME things that slightly alter trader gold amounts. Trade & Barter, Sexlab Survival [which alters female vendor gold, whom of which Arcadia qualifies as] and Last Seed seem the most direct. It's possible that Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered does too, but it seems doubtful.


Perhaps I have a bad load order between these mods and that's causing the crash? It's easier to test load order shenanigans before removing mods and setting up empty ones, so I'll try that first and get back to you. Thank you for your input. It would have taken me forever to consider that, despite how obvious it seems now.

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@Talesien When in doubt, start a new save.


I'm note entirely sure how or why, but I started a new save and everything seems to work now. I did also notice that, when I had a problem, I had the load order of:

Last Seed
Sexlab Survival
Trade and Barter


I switch the order of Last Seed and Sexlab Survival before I started a new game, so that MIGHT have helped - even though it didn't change anything on the previous save. My previous save may have simply been fucked from the start and I didn't know it until Arcadia caused a crash. Hopefully it's now fixed.

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