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Sanguine's Debauchery - A Rant with a Side of Hope











DO NOT harass DeepBlueFrog about ANY complaints I make in this post. DeepBlueFrog is continuously working on a slew of mods that I hope to see succeed, including Sanguine's Debauchery. However, with how long SD has existed, I am writing this to express my current frustrations and hopes for this mod and to share my experiences with it.


DeepBlueFrog, if you end up reading this, take everything I say with a grain of salt. I know you're working hard and I love what you're doing. This is nothing personal. These are just my experiences and feelings about the mod as they currently stand. No more, no less.


Also, if YOUR experience with SD differs from mine, aka it works for you and you are able to enjoy it, that's great. Keep enjoying the mod. Don't tell me (or imply) that I don't know what I'm talking about just because I'm experiencing something different. I have used (or at least attempted to use) many version of this mod over the last 3-4 years, and this review is based on those experiences. Your experiences do not invalidate my experiences.






Sanguine's Debauchery - A Conundrum with a Side of Chains


Sanguine's Debauchery is a mod that, in concept, sounds like fun and has a lot of potential for various types of characters and scenarios. However, the mechanics of the mod have been, and still are, a confusing nightmare to figure out. All guides and FAQs currently written tell you nothing about how to actually "play" the mod. It will tell you how to get to dreamworld, or how to become enslaved, but that's it. They talk about some escape methods, or what your master might want, but they don't tell you how the system works in a way that allows you to interact with it properly. You're left to figure out what you're supposed to do entirely on your own.


This lack of knowledge can be seen as "part of the mod" by some people. Of course you won't know what's going on when you're enslaved and have to figure things out. However, on the other hand, what slave master in their right mind would keep a slave that doesn't know what he/she wants, and therefore is EXTREMELY unlikely to be useful to them? Perhaps the former would be better for non-sentient/animalistic masters, such as Falmer, Trolls, Chaurus, and so on, but the latter would make more sense for masters that KNOW how to communicate with you, such as Sanguine and all Playable Races. However, despite trying for over a dozen hours on multiple characters/playthroughs, I could not figure out the slavery system and simply debugged my way out of them because I was too confused about what I should be doing and didn't want to be soft-locked where I was (at least not without my consent).


These issues are present when I at least get the mod to WORK. On multiple other occasions, I have struggled with Infinite Loading Screens, Hard-Crashes, missing models and textures, and other issues with the mod that have ultimately turned me away from it. These issues are made more frustrating with the long and convoluted installation instructions that come with the mod. You damn near have to perform a black-magic ritual in order to install the mod in a way approved by DBF, at least according to the GitHub FAQ. I feel like there's got to be a better and easier way. I also don't understand why this mod has to be at the very bottom of the load order. There are a LOT of mods, both on and off LoversLab, that say to put them at the very bottom of the load order that don't actually need to be, so it makes it hard to trust/know if it's REALLY necessary or not.


I really hope that these issues can be resolved in upcoming patches/updates. I also hope a comprehensive list of incompatible mods can be compiled so I can know up-front if my load order works or not. I've gotten to the point that rebuilding my mod list takes literal days of work before I can actually start a playthrough because I have no way of knowing if certain mods are compatible with others and I simply have to find out through trial and error.


However, I DO see a ton of potential with this mod and I really hope I can experience this potential in the near future. However, it's simply too unstable to justify using and too confusing to figure out how to play it for me at the moment.


Edited by NymphoElf


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