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Character sheets



Very Important!

If you are reading this Page before finishing Chapter 31, this Page might include minor to major spoilers to the Story. I try to keep information in regards to the Story at a minimum, but It might happen that there will be the one or the other spoiler, specially if we talk about Abilitys that may have evolved.

I will update this page regularly, for now It will only include the most important Characters, will I however write some words for important Side Characters in the future.




Main Cast


Team A


Name: Arlan
Race: Nord/ 1 Quarter daedric

Usual Combat style: Melee/Short distance

Favorite Weapons: Swords & Axes

Magic: One Type of Destruction, Shock, Conjuration magic. (very limited.) Polymorph (Daedric)

Sexuality: If she as a Hole, there is a goal~

Aliases: Douche, fuckboy, Asshole




Arlan is the Main Protagonist of the Story. He usually does whatever he wants without regards to it's consequences.

This includes property damage, stealing, physical and sexual violence and other major & minor offenses.

Thanks to his upbringing he has very selfish views. At the start of the Story one would even consider him a menace.

The only People that seem to have influence over him are his Team mates.

He has a very special relationship to Maari, whom he seem to care about very much.




Name: Maari

Race: Ohmes Raht Khajiit

Usual Combat style: Melee

Favorite Weapons: None

Magic: Alteration Magic

Sexuality: "Yessss!"

Aliases: Kitten, Cat, Khajiit, Pet 




This one was one lived in Elsweyr most of her Life, at one point however she moved to Windhelm together with her

best friend "Rissi" and made a living stealing from it's inhabitants. When Windhelm was hounted by a Serial Killer, she sneaked onto

the wrong ship and tried to steal from Arlan. After her first.. "Encounter" with his wrath it looked like she

developed some sort of stockholme syndrome which evolved to real affection over a short amount of Time.

Most people take a quick liking to the Khajiit, thanks to her simple way of thinking and adorable Character,

even if the former always gets her into trouble~




Name: Sofia

Race: Nord
Favorite Weapons: 2 Handed Hammers and Axes

Usual Combat style: Melee

Magic: Thuu'm

Sexuality: Bisexual

Aliases: None




A young Warrior with noble background. She met Arlan for the very first Time when she was 15 and got kidnapped by Bandits.

Afterwards she would sometimes think of him but would only see him again 4 Years later in the College of Winterhold where she studied doe to her Family's wishes. Sofia doesn't care much for Magic and favors to fight like a true Nord.

After "the worlds worst first Date of all Time." She ended up in a triangle relationship with Arlan and her best Friend.

And after they defeated the dark Mages responsible for the disappearance and deaths of many students together, she

decided to travel with him.




Name: Sarah

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style: None

Favorite Weapons: None

Magic: Restoration & Alteration

Sexuality: Bisexual, leans more towards Women most of the Time

Aliases: None




An Restoration Mage with real talent who treats her dearest Friends with motherly care.

Sarah is mature for her Age, growing up in Markath since she was 9 years Old almost guaranteed her interest in the Temple,

she even once applied to become a Priestess, something only prevented by her Father who didn't even live there.

This was probably one of the reasons she applied to the College of Winterhold where she met Sofia and other

Friends she would care about. After the Events around the College she decided to stick around Arlan, one reason

would be Sofia for whom she developed strong feelings for. She is currently in a very interesting relationship with her and Arlan

and seem to be one of the very few people able to put him in his Place if needed.




Name: Amelia Victoria Alice

Race: Breton/ 1 Quarter daedric

Usual Combat style: Range/Melee

Favorite Weapons: None

Magic: Ilussion, conjuration, daedric Magic

Sexuality: More or less hetero

Aliases: Crazy Girl




Alice' Childhood and early Teens were a living Hell. Being  mental abused by her matrilineal grandmother she was to be sold off to the Major of her City.

However this should never come to pass as shortly after her 18th Birthday, her Powers materialized. The years of torment and hate towards her Grandmother caused Alice's daedric powers to lose control and she developed multiple voices and splinter personality's who shortly threw her entire city into Oblivion, imprisoned everyone and herself in a World outside of Time, where one Day outside may be Decades in her Realm.

Arlan found himself inside this World one Day and after many, many Years finally were able to find Alice with the help of his Allys and free her from her self imposed Imprisonment. After she released almost all of her Powers to free herself and her new companions she came out clearly weakened but happy to be free.

Being depended on Arlan who as of now is the only one able to reliably  keep her Powers and Sanity in Check, she started to travel with him and his group so see the World she never were allowed to see.




Team B


Name: Lilit

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style: Melee

Favorite Weapons: Swords

Magic: Thuum

Sexuality: As long as it fits in her Butt

Aliases: the empires Dragonborn




General Tuliuses Daughter and a pure blooded Adventurer.

Lilit was born a nord thanks to her mother and doesn't resemble her Father much in her ways of thinking,

however shares his views and love for the empire even if she has taken a liking to her mothers birthplace and tends to think and act like a nord.

She met Arlan during her Travels in Windhelm and started a short affair with him which developed in a moral questionable sexual relationship between

her, her two best friends and Maari. She cares a lot about her friends and feels a strong responsibility to

help the People around her. After they split up she and the Twins soon traveled to Helgen where everything changed..



Name: Florence

Race: Woodelf

Usual Combat style: Melee

Favorite Weapons: Maces


Sexuality: Flexible hetero. (she bends for her Sister~)

Aliases: None




Born near Solitude she grew up in skyrim under empires Laws. As the older Twin she often acts as the responsible, mature one of the two.

Florence thinks a lot of the opinion of others and try's to act and talk in an "acceptable" way, something that often conflicts with

her feelings towards her own Sister. While in Windhelm, she experienced Lust and Passion for the first Time in her Life

and developed strong immoral feelings towards her Sister and even had sex with her (Hard and often.)

She has a Love/Hate Relationship towards Arlan who she holds responsible for her Sisters and her own Immoral Actions.

After Windhelm, she started a Relationship with an imperial Soldier so suppress her feelings for Flora.




Name: Flora

Race: Woodelf

Usual Combat style: Range

Favorite Weapons: None

Magic: Destruction, Alteration, Restoration, Conjuration

Sexuality: Lewd as Fuck

Aliases: None




A magical Powerhouse with Talent surpassing most mages older than her. Flora is the younger one of the Twins and acts

polar opposite to her older Sister. She openly admits to be sexually open to almost everything and

doesn't care about the opinion of others. More often then not, she will question Peoples morals and provoke them to

admit their desires. Her feelings towards Arlan began the Day she found a Book under her Mothers bed, one of soon many she would

start to love and dream about. After she  met him in person, it was only a matter of Time to finally fulfill her deepest desires.

After Windhelm, she seem to have grown out of her Feelings towards him and developed a Personality not unlike his own in regards

to sexual relationships.






Major Side Characters






Name: Wuunferth

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style: Range

Favorite Weapons: None

Magic: Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration, Mysticism, Restoration

Sexuality: Wuunferthsexual

Aliases: The Unliving, Old pervy Mage, Wuuny




Wuunferth encountered Maari whens he tried to sneak into his Rooms. After a little "chaotic" Encounter with Florence and Lilit he soon

began to help the group discovering the mystery behind the murder cases and helped them a great deal in the aftermath.

He is also responsible for binding the Necromancer underneath Windhelm and is considered close to Arlan doe to their

mutual "perverted" Tendency's. Quote Arlan: "Can you be my Grampa?"




Name: Ulfcric Stormcloak

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style: Melee

Favorite Weapons: one handed Axes


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Aliases: Jarl of Windhelm, rightful High King of Skyrim, Ulfdick Stormy pants



Who would've thought that Ulfric motherfucking Stormcloak would be Sarahs Dad?

The Jarl of Windhelm dislikes Arlan from the bottom of his heart but sees use in him, more so however in Sofias potential. Many know him as an intelligent leader of men, but he is still a Father who openly shows his concern about his Daughters Companions and is eager to resolve to Violence towards those the likes of Arlan.

Living separated from his Wive and Daughter was a Choice he had to make for multiple Reasons, one of which seem to be his Wives disregard for monogamy.

Something he clearly dislikes. Still a man he however started to take concubine from Time to time.









Name: Unknown


Usual Combat style: None

Favorite Weapons: People

Magic: Unknown

Sexuality: Questionable

Aliases: "Blue magic Lady"



Neither her name,nor her agenda are well known. The Only thing Arlan and his group know about her is, that she helped them and seem to be responsible for Sofias Dragonborn status. As of now, only Maari and Sarah (Who was under a spell at that time) know about her ability to change into a redguard Women.


 Name: Aria

Race Apotheus

Usual Combat style: Range

Favorite Weapons: None

Magic: Frost & Illusion. Daedric ability to manipulate and see the Dreams of Mortals. Seem to be able to watch Peoples Past when they sleep.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Aliases: Dream Demon, "Purple Lady"


There are only a few things we know about Aria. During their Time in Winterhold she was task with gathering Information about Arlan and entered his Dreams very frequently. After Sarah freed her with the help of "Unknown" She joint the group to get back at the People who summoned and bound her to their will.

As of now, she is back to where she came from, wherever that might be.


Name: Mirabelle Ervine

Race: Breton

Usual Combat style: Range

Favorite Weapons: None

Magic: Alteration, Destruction & Illusion

Sexuality: Heterosexual (usually)




Mirabelle and Arlan have history together. A few Years before the events in Winterhold they were both part of a small

mercenary group. To be exact, she was one of the People with him when he traveld to Alma Ruma.

Sometime after she abandoned Arlan on the Island, she joint the College as a Teacher and changed her way's.

Meeting him again was one of the worst things that could happen to her, since she got reminded of her past and

promptly "taken" by him, something she swore to never allow anymore.

She doesn't take big action during the events around the missing Students because of the spell of apathy put on her and the other Mages.



Name: Savos Aren

Race: Dunmer

Usual Combat style: Range

Favorite Weapons: None

Magic: Conjuration, Destruction, Alteration, Restoration, Illusion, Alchemy, Enchantment

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Aliases: Archmage




As Archmage of Winterhold, it was only a question of when she was going to confront Arlan about his actions around the College.

Both of them agreed to stay on neutral terms with each other until Arlan got framed for the murder and disappearances of Students.

He also didn't play a big part in solving Winterholds Problems, but parted ways in peaceful manner with the group.




Name: Selene

Race: Apotheus

Usual Combat style: Range/Melee

Favorite Weapons: Dagger

Magic: Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion

Sexuality: Bisexual, tendency to women

Aliases: None




Selene was, or rather is, one of the Antagonists Arlan and co meet at Winterhold.

She never revealed her true intentions and seem to get along with Mirandas plans to turn her into

one of her kind. She shown to be a true sadist, torturing Aria just out of boredom and luring one of her victims into

a relationship, just to betray her soon after. Aria "Killed" Her, which only meant for her body to die. She returned

months later in a weakened state to get revenge on Arlan and Sarah. She got defeated but escaped once more to return again.








Name: Helgi Silverblood

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style: None

Favorite Weapons: None

Magic: None

Sexuality: Bisexual

Aliases: None



Sarahs Mother and Sister of Thornar Silverblood. She separated from Ulfric and started living with her Daughter in Markarth. As a firm believer of Dibella (even so she doesn't share every aspect of their believes.) She openly pratices the dibellian Arts with anyone she finds interesting. She especially developed interest in Sofia, probably because of her Daughters obvious feelings towards the red head. Other than her Husband, she doesn't condemn the relationship between Arlan and Sarah nor does she seem to have a problem with their very open relationship. She even seem to encourage it.


Name: Vincent the Vigilant

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style: Melee & Range through summoning

Favorite Weapons: Maces and Hammers

Magic: Necromancy and Restoration

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Aliases: Vigilant




Many would describe Vincent as a little bit simple. He was thrown out of the Vigil for practicing the "Holy Art of Necromancy" As he would say it.

He never really understood what the problem was, since he sees it as yet another way to punish Evil and bring justices to skyrim.

Arlan saved his Life from a cannibal cult and is so ever thankful towards him. Further more he and Arlan seem to share their love for Women. they spent an entire Day doing nothing but naughty things to Sofia, Priscilla and a nameless dremora Women.


Name: Priscilla

Race: Succubus Daedra

Usual Combat style: Kills through "Other" Means

Favorite Weapons: Her Body

Magic: Conjuration, alteration

Sexuality: Fucks anything

Aliases: Whore of Oblivion



A Succubus Arlan and Sofia encountered in Markarth. Originally she just wanted to use their Souls to get out of her Prision but took a real liking to them, especially to their Friend Vincent. After a very long Day of debauchery and pleasure and Thanks to Arlans daedric energy she got free and started to cause minor mayhem in Markarth for a while. After their meeting she was never seen without Vincent anymore.







Name: Maven Blackbriar

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style: Political warfare

Favorite Weapons: Her reputation and wealth

Magic: Money

Sexuality: Bisexual (Prefers young women.)

Aliases: Godmother of Riften




Not many words need to be said about Maven. She is a political powerhouse and the true ruling figure of Riften who uses her smarts, wealth and people

to get what she wants, whenever she wants. Sofia and Arlan met her on a personal level while residing in the city. Maven and Sofia started an affair,

something that helped the group greatly while investigating the murder of the thieves guild formerleader Gallus Desidenius. A man Arlan knew since his childhood.

She has mixed feelings towards Arlan, but seem to tolerate him enough to listen to him. As of now she thinks of Arlan as an interesting fellow but is unsurprisingly way more interested in Sofias company.


Name: Karliah

Race: Dunmer

Usual Combat style:  Ranged

Favorite Weapons: Bow and Arrow

Magic: None

Sexuality: Hetero?

Aliases: Nightingale




A Person Arlan respects. Something that is very rare, especially if we're talking about a woman.

Kaliah knows him for many, many years, actually met him and his Sister when both of them were rather young. She and Gallus taught brother and Sister a lot

about hunting and she was the one actually teaching Freya how to use a Bow.

She met Arlan per chance and asked him for his aid to clear her name. All whilst constantly pushing his rather silly attempts to seduce her away.

What happened to her after the events in Riften is not really clear. She probably roams the lands as of now just to return whenever Arlan needs to be bitch slapped.

(So.. Where is she? He needs to get slapped 24/7! >_>)


Name: Mercer Frey

Race: Breton

Usual Combat style:  Dual wield

Favorite Weapons: Swords and Daggers

Magic: None

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Aliases: Leader of the Thieves Guild




Originally the target of revenge. After getting confronted by Arlan and Karliah, Mercer was able to clear his name by telling them the truth of what happened to Gallus. Later on he made sure everyone  in the guild believes Karliah is dead so she would be able to start a new life.

He and Maari are on very good terms and he would mobilize the whole guild to protect her. (He hates Arlans guts still.)


Name: Brynjolf

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style:  Melee

Favorite Weapons: Swords and Daggers

Magic: None

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Aliases: None






As a member of the guild, Brynjolf naturally was on Arlans list of people to investigate. He joint forces with him and Karliah, believing Mercer

killed Gallus out of greed and malice. After everything was said and done, he resumed his normal position as mercers right hand man.

He got a thing for Healga and reacted very.. Sensitive when he heard Arlan and Sofia played a "game" with Svana.

(A game that would even be published in one of Jorns books. To add insult to injury, it would become one of the best selling ones so far "Arlan and the Svanal".)


Name: Mjoll

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style: Melee

Favorite Weapons: Two handed Swords

Magic: None

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Aliases: Lioness



 One of the people in Riften you either want as your friend, or to not get in a fight with.

Mjoll and Arlan worked together to find out what kind of dirty business the thieves guild was planing.

Usually she acts very proud an dignified, but we all know she was there for the D ? 






Other Places





Name: Freya

Race: Nord/Quarter daedric.

Usual Combat style: Range/Melee

Favorite Weapons: Bow, Swords

Magic: Polymorph, Animal control (Daedric.)

Sexuality: Bisexual, more attracted to women

Aliases: None




 Arlans big Sister. Not much do we know about her, only that she part ways with him to distract the people hunting them.

Years later she encounters Lilits group and took the chance for a few passionate moments with the Redhead.

Where she is now and what she is doing is not known as of yet.



Name: William

Race: Redguard

Usual Combat style: Melee

Favorite Weapons:  Axes

Magic: Restoration

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Aliases: None




He belongs to a small group of people who hunt daedric Descendants. He sees them as impure beings, evil from the

Day they were born and potential danger to society as a hole. (He ain't wrong <.<)

When he encountered young Arlan and his Sister, he lost not only an Eye to her, but also his Daughter who got turned into a Puppet by Rickon.

Now he follows every lead he finds and slaughters anybody he know of being not purely mortal.


Edit: (Spoiler warning)


William encountered Arlan again by chance but was quickly defeated by him. After Arlan had sex with Williams daughter in front of him and turned her into

one of his "Slaves" He let Olga, his vampire Slave, bite him. What happened afterwards to William is of yet unknown.



Name: Rickon

Race: Nord/Quarter daedric.

Usual Combat style:  Melee

Favorite Weapons: Axes, Swords

Magic: Necromancy ,Beloved by undead. Control over living  beings he bites (Daedric)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Aliases: vampiric asshole




The Man who taught Arlan everything he knows, the fucker responsible for his fucked up personality and of course one of the very first

people you should NOT trust. "He is good people" when you ask him, but nobody knows the truth better then Arlan.

Rickon finds his end when Arlan finally realized that he was nothing more than a potential sacrifice to him.


Edit (Spoiler warning)


Rickon did survive Arlans attack and joint the Volkihar Clan a few years later. He is now in charge of resurrecting an old dead breed of powerful vampiric Monsters called The Blood Knights. What led him to join the vampires and what exactly his own plans are is as of yet unknown. Only that he didn't forget to look "after" his adoptive son in his own way and that he most likely wants to kill him in the most gruesome way possible.



Name: Dearola

Race: Demi Prince

Usual Combat style:  Unknown

Favorite Weapons:  Unknown

Magic: Unknown

Sexuality: ???

Aliases: Daughter of Hircine, Princess of the hunt




Not much is known about Arlans Mother. Her relationship to her Children seems to be rather chaotic.

Most of their Lives she seem not to care, but would go as far as to summon an Aspect of Hircine to aid

them when she really needs to. Why she tends to let her Children be is not known, nor if they

even ever met her after they were born.


Edit: Spoiler warning


After Arlan started a lust driven rampage all across the Rift, Dearola revealed herself to his group and offered to help them in exchange for the promise that Sarah will marry him. After they encountered the, now in Werewolf form, rampaging Arlan, she convinced her own father to gift him the Ring of Hircine to control his rage. She parted ways with them after she let his beast like son have her way with her.


A bit later, we find out that she is planing on having him create a new race carved out of her image with her Daughters (Arlans Half Sisters.) A Plan not yet revealed to the group.




Name: Ariel

Race: Vampire

Usual Combat style:  Melee

Favorite Weapons:  Swords

Magic: Vampiric Magic, destruction, ???

Sexuality: Unknown

Aliases: None




Arlans first real love, that is if you ask him. She is the reason why he finally put an end to his abusive relationship to Rickon.

After they met, they traveled together for an unknown amount of Time until they parted ways.

Where she is or of she is still "alive" is not known as of yet.


Edit: Spoiler warning


Ariel met Arlan years later in Dimhollow Crypt. Where she planed on sabotaging the awakening of Serana. She failed and was forced to join him and his group later on in fort Dawnguard. There she started to work closely with Sarah and Isran despite the later ones aversion of working with a vampire.



Name: Karl

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style:  Melee

Favorite Weapons: Twohanded Swords

Magic: None

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Aliases: Drogo. "Wolfie"




An old Friend of Arlan (Yes he has friends.) who helped saving Sofia from Kidnappers when she was younger. He and Arlan "shared" Sofias Maid together, which he later married. He settled down in the Rift but occasionally still goes on adventures and takes mercenary work.

He is a true nord, seeing magic for the weak and even goes so far as to call Arlan a Pussy just because he uses Magic.


Name: Clover

Race: Nord

Usual Combat style:  Range & Melee

Favorite Weapons: Staffs and Spears

Magic: Destriction, conjuration, alteration, restoration, Illusion

Sexuality: Bisexual

Aliases: the Mage




Clover spend almost as much Time in Alice's pocket realm as she has. Cast into the World of the cursed Coin by none other than her own father she learned to adapt and studied as much magic as she possibly could. Possessing knowledge about many things, she could be considered the potential most dangerous Mage in skyrim by the Time she got out of Alice's World.

Meeting Arlan as an Enemy first, she was quick to seduce him to ally herself with him.

Nobody knows where she is now but all things considered.. She will likely trying to find her Father to "thank" him for all the years of torment her put her through.




Edited by Gukahn


Recommended Comments

The gang of sexual lunatics that leads to innocent npc in twisted and wacky sexual adventures.

-Arlan the Obsessed
-Maari the deadly kajhit
-Sarah the hot blonde
-Sofia the Hot Atronach



If you see these individuals.... FLEE POOR MADMEN! As Gandalf would say.



Edited by hana120
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4 minutes ago, hana120 said:

If you see these individuals.... FLEE POOR MADMEN! As Gandalf would say.

? I'm laughing my ass off right now. Thanks for that xDD

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Not sure I see Arlan as chaotic neutral.? Not sure he does either. I guess he is kind of forced out of evil by the ladies he surrounds himself with?

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3 minutes ago, yorpers said:

Not sure I see Arlan as chaotic neutral.? Not sure he does either. I guess he is kind of forced out of evil by the ladies he surrounds himself with?

Was the only alignment I read that was plausible ? I to believe the Women keep his dark tendency's down a bit but I can't think of an Evil alignment that fits him tbh x,x The Wiki I read described  neutral evil as selfish and having no problem with using violence, at the same time don't just start slaughtering people just because they can.

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13 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Was the only alignment I read that was plausible ? I to believe the Women keep his dark tendency's down a bit but I can't think of an Evil alignment that fits him tbh x,x The Wiki I read described  neutral evil as selfish and having no problem with using violence, at the same time don't just start slaughtering people just because they can.

I see his as chaotic evil personally. Seems willing to go to any means necessary to get what he personally wants. Coercion, blackmail, rape, and exploitation. Rickton fits that for sure, but Arlan also. He does have a soft spot for the girls, but what happens if one betrays him? I don't know i guess as the story goes on you'll show us all more of his personality and where you want to go with it. 


I just find it funny seeing his as neutral after what all he's done.? Kind of shows the bar for what true evil is in your story.?

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All right, more seriously.
I noticed that on some characters on your blog, that some own thuum, like Sofia, Lilit.
We know that in game normally, only the PC can learn thuum and use it (apart from Ulfric and the old mountain).
Did you use the DOVAHKIIN AND THE APPRENTICE OF THUUM mod that teaches followers how to master thuum? 
Either you did this with the CK or these are two of your characters and you use familiar face or Proteus?

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5 minutes ago, hana120 said:

All right, more seriously.
I noticed that on some characters on your blog, that some own thuum, like Sofia, Lilit.
We know that in game normally, only the PC can learn thuum and use it (apart from Ulfric and the old mountain).
Did you use the DOVAHKIIN AND THE APPRENTICE OF THUUM mod that teaches followers how to master thuum? 
Either you did this with the CK or these are two of your characters and you use familiar face or Proteus?

I don't do anything with their perks or skills. This is a story Blog my friend. I can pose and edit pictures in any way I want and make it look like they Shout. It's the same with vampires. No character I made myself for the Blog and is called a vampire, is a vampire in the game. They just look the part.


And I'm using Lazy followers to make my own Characters or edited presets Iliked into cheap Followers to work with^^

Edited by Gukahn
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10 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

I don't do anything with their perks or skills. This is a story Blog my friend. I can pose and edit pictures in any way I want and make it look like they Shout. It's the same with vampires. No character I made myself for the Blog and is called a vampire, is a vampire in the game. They just look the part.


And I'm using Lazy followers to make my own Characters into cheap Followers to work with^^

Okay, I understand better.
Yes, the standalone followers that you find by the hundreds on Nexus Mod (no custom dialogue, nothing).
Well, I take my hat off to you because it's very well done.
If you didn't know better, you'd think they had real powers.

Even Arlan doesn't have a draconid transformation?
I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a look at your blog, but I remember seeing Faralda, Nyrnia, Colette, and Mirabelle in the academy of mages, and I guess she's the one you see in the last chapter.
And there is no Urag's assistant, since you use the ICW mod for the academy.


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9 minutes ago, hana120 said:

Well, I take my hat off to you because it's very well done.

If you didn't know better, you'd think they had real powers.

Thank you^^


9 minutes ago, hana120 said:

Even Arlan doesn't have a draconid transformation?

He is just a normal level 1 Player Character, or if I need him to be, a Follower.

The only reason I would have to change that or make him into a vampire or Werewolf would be because I need access to the Roar Animation of the Wolf, locations I can't enter without being one or the other or questlines I want to use for the story.

Everything he "turns" into are Npc's I pose with console or sexlab


11 minutes ago, hana120 said:

And there is no Urag's assistant, since you use the ICW mod for the academy.

True. But if he had an Assistant in this ark, it would probably be from Interesting npc since I do use those from time to time to fill places up or as minor characters like I do with some vanilla npc's



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14 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Thank you^^


He is just a normal level 1 Player Character, or if I need him to be, a Follower.

The only reason I would have to change that or make him into a vampire or Werewolf would be because I need access to the Roar Animation of the Wolf, locations I can't enter without being one or the other or questlines I want to use for the story.

Everything he "turns" into are Npc's I pose with console or sexlab


True. But if he had an Assistant in this ark, it would probably be from Interesting npc since I do use those from time to time to fill places up or as minor characters like I do with some vanilla npc's



Normally, you should see it.
ICW adds an assistant to Urag.
She is in the Arcaneum where Urag is.
Eztrbeth, something like that her name. She's a brétonne.

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6 minutes ago, hana120 said:

Normally, you should see it.
ICW adds an assistant to Urag.
She is in the Arcaneum where Urag is.
Eztrbeth, something like that her name. She's a brétonne.

Probably got turned off because there is an npc of INPC doing the same thing ? But I also turn off AI very often so she might never have gotten the chance to spawn

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30 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Probably got turned off because there is an npc of INPC doing the same thing ? But I also turn off AI very often so she might never have gotten the chance to spawn

It appears as soon as the mod is installed.
It is located on the Arcaneum floor, you have to climb the stairs.
But if the AI is deactivated, yes, it should not be able to move.

That's why there were no monsters in the world where Omnund was trapped.
Because normally there are draugrs, a dragon priest, a skeleton monster, a dragon.

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12 minutes ago, Evaloves4 said:

> Thanks for making this. So far, Florence is my favorite.

Thanks for bringing it up again so I finally make it xD

Also noted ?


3 minutes ago, hana120 said:

That's why there were no monsters in the world where Omnund was trapped.

Its either that, or it got killed off by console. In dungeons or if I need the Ai to be on (thats a thing, you can't pose things when their AI is turned off and other things don't work either.) I kill everything I can or can't see with KillAll. Makes life easy, I also don't always want to use the things the game puts in places. So I just kill em ? Pretty sure half of Markath will be dead when I do the shootings there and be resurrected if I need the characters..


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The mod is interesting though because where there is the statue of Mara, there is a trick that allows you to see how the Great Ravage took place.

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I kinda agree with Yorpers. At the very least I would classify Arlan as CN with evil tendencies, but that's only at this point and only taking into account what he did in this story. If we include what we know of his past if is CE for sure, perhaps with CN tendencies as of late.

I'm also not fully sold on the Lawful in your LN and LG, but that's more gray area. They did some things I would consider questionable for a lawful character, so they might tend to neutral, but could still have a lawful alignment due to their past. (Remember kids if you want to play a Lawful Good Paladin, talk with the other players first and be sure they don't plan mostly on chaotic characters ... or worse. It never ends well otherwise.)

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This is one of my favorites of your recent entries! I am a sucker for stat character sheets. My favorite character is Lilit.

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Ahhh What do we have here?! Oh I see... ah huh yes good yes yes good okay.... The Master says well done. 





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6 hours ago, Talesien said:

I kinda agree with Yorpers. At the very least I would classify Arlan as CN with evil tendencies, but that's only at this point and only taking into account what he did in this story. If we include what we know of his past if is CE for sure, perhaps with CN tendencies as of late.


Mh that shows that I never really did roleplaying games or payed much attention to alignments ?

So you saying Arlan should be chaotic evil and the lawful characters should rather be pure neutral? I'm not against updating it that way since two of you already said it, if  it makes more sense then I'll do it ?



4 hours ago, ObeyMrWalrus said:

This is one of my favorites of your recent entries! I am a sucker for stat character sheets. My favorite character is Lilit.

Thank you ^^

Yeah Lilit is something special :classic_angel:

1 hour ago, Jay-Omms said:

The Master says well done. 

pretty sure the master wants to see more of them sweaty and naked ?

It shall be done soon Master ??‍♂️

Edited by Gukahn
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10 hours ago, hana120 said:

The mod is interesting though because where there is the statue of Mara, there is a trick that allows you to see how the Great Ravage took place.

Aye, I did activate it before replacing the statue. (Had to get in the cage for that anyways.) kinda neat^^

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45 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Aye, I did activate it before replacing the statue. (Had to get in the cage for that anyways.) kinda neat^^

You also met the ghost of the child in the ruins?

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5 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Mh that shows that I never really did roleplaying games or payed much attention to alignments ?

So you saying Arlan should be chaotic evil and the lawful characters should rather be pure neutral? I'm not against updating it that way since two of you already said it, if  it makes more sense then I'll do it ?

As for Arlan, yes he should be CE in my opinion.

The Lawful girls are more difficult, we have not much background on them, so can only consider their actions in the story, which covers only a short time frame of pretty extreme circumstances.
In my book there are two ways to be lawful. Either adhering to the official (written and unwritten) rules of your chosen 'Home'*. Or adhering to a personal code (or that of an organization you belong to). The second way is frequently left out/not too well explained in short alignment explanation, but it's clearly used in official D&D stuff as well. How else could you be an Lawful Evil Assassin, for example? You clearly don't follow any laws or common social accepted rule set, but you likely follow a strict set of rules of your guild or if freelance a strict personal code.
Sarah for example did a couple things that are clearly against the rules of the college and perhaps the laws of Winterhold. So the first question is, is she LN due to a personal Code or something? If not why was her opposition to breaking those rules so weak? Drugs? (Aka Arlans "Pheromones")? Loyalty to her friends overruling local laws/rules? If the latter, is absolute loyalty to her friends something of a personal code? What about her background? Has she a history of 'screw it' moments or was she mostly law/rules abiding to this point? You might even want to consider your future plans for her, just so you don't have to change her alignment in the near future.

Pretty much the same applies for the other Lawful ladies.

* This is more for LG/LE characters who might end up someplace where the local laws strongly promote good/evil (usually the latter) actions, thus making it hard for them to accept the local laws as that would go against their good/evil nature, which I personally tend to emphasize a little over the L/N/C part. So if such a character sticks to her "accepted" set of laws in those places I would not consider that a chaotic action, even if it clearly goes against local rules.

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14 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Sarah for example did a couple things that are clearly against the rules of the college and perhaps the laws of Winterhold. So the first question is, is she LN due to a personal Code or something? If not why was her opposition to breaking those rules so weak? Drugs? (Aka Arlans "Pheromones")? Loyalty to her friends overruling local laws/rules? If the latter, is absolute loyalty to her friends something of a personal code? What about her background? Has she a history of 'screw it' moments or was she mostly law/rules abiding to this point?

Mh.. I clearly have to think about things considering their alignments further.

If we take Sarah for example, whos background and a bit of history we will explore in Markath, she is very loyal yes, but I would say she always had a history of bending the Rules of Morality and sometimes the Law in her favor.

If we talk about Sofia, then she might be considered more law and morally abiding in the past but is in the progress of bending those more often then not because of the influence she is now exposed of (To give the devil a name, Arlan and Sarah.)

She won't turn evil but she sure will also do things against the law in the future because of them. On her own she would follow the law more strict  ? Alignment isn't a big theme of the story but it's to help me to not fall out of character too often.

I'm pretty sure I Will have to change theirs in the future at least one time later tho, once their History is been revealed and the characters gain more experience. x_x



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4 hours ago, hana120 said:

You also met the ghost of the child in the ruins?

I disabled him. He annoyed me and disrupted my plans for the story there

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1 hour ago, Gukahn said:

I disabled him. He annoyed me and disrupted my plans for the story there

He wanted you to go and see his toys and his skeleton.?

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