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Tattoo Workshop: Mark Your Chattel With Daedric Sigils



I've been taking some of the phrases we find tattooed on slavegirls and turning them into scary looking Daedric sigils. This for instance is based on the words "Naughty Girl"



Tastes vary, but I think that looks just fine. Abstract, decorative, and with that unmistakable air of menace that you always seem to get with daedric script. Let me show you how I did it/

You will need:

  • Inkscape
  • A daedric font (there's one on UESP)

To start:

Think of something you want written on slaves/toon/what-have-you. It's best to keep this simple, so I'm going to use the phrase "Own Me".

Open up inkscape on a blank document, pick the text tool and add the letters you need for the words. Make a separate string for each of them. You're looking for a "fridge magnet" sort of layout. Keep the letters in the right order for the words though.

Now select all the letters and open the font tool. (The big "T" icon rather than the big "A" icon. Click on the list of fonts and find the daedric font. Select it and click apply. If you've done it right the letters will all be their daedric equivalents:
Now comes the fun part. There's a convention for daedric text that you can use a large initial letter and have the rest of the letters aranged around it roughly clockwise from the top left. So, for instance, this is "Own"


And this is "Me"



The second letter, you'll notice, doesn't have to be in the top right corner, just that's where you start looking. In fact you can get as creative as you like with these - artistry is more important than adherence to the rules. On the other hand, it would be good if alert players could study your sigils and divine the secret message. The main thing however is to do what works for you.


Now we've got our words, find an arrangement for them that looks good. you can juggle things around a bit if it helps. I find a good rule of thumb is to imagine that each letter is trying to cause maximum discomfort to its fellows




I've kept it simple for now. Sometimes you can scale or stretch things so that one word dominates the other, or swallows it entirely. Apart from stretching a couple of letters, I've left these more or less as they are.
Next, group the letters, duplicate them and reverse on group. Then line them up as mirror images:
Getting there. How about if we group that, and mirror it on the other axis?


Oh yeah! That works for me. I can imagine Hermaous Mora calling that "Rover" and taking it for a walk around the block.
We can tidy that up a bit further by converting some of the letters to paths and bending some of the strokes. I'm running out of time, so I might edit that in later.


From there, select the design, set the colour to 0x444544 so SlaveTats can change the colour and pick a body part which you think would be improved by your design.


I haven't got an in-game shot of the "own me" sigil, but here's the "naughty girl" one from the start:




Recommended Comments

Very nice description on how to do it.

Remember, it is often common (though not obligatory) for the initial letters to be colored differently (usually red). I know Slavetats can do multiple colors - just look at Dibellan Defender - so there might be something there worth checking out too.

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Oh yeah. Look at the QAYL tats - colours all over the place.


Not sure it works so well in this case though, although a more muted red would help.




Also it's not quite the same layout - squashed it a bit and bent a few prongs to give it a more connected look - not entirely sure it's an improvement either.

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Oh, I see it! It's a pair of owls flanking a couple of penguins with black bottoms!


Hmm... would Sheogorath or Vaermina be better candidates for the Daedric Prince of Rorschach Blots?

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That depends: are we talking about the sort of Rorschach where the pattern changes every time you look at it?




If we're talking about the sort that fights crime, then definitely Sheogorath.


Interestingly enough, Doctor Manhattan seem more like the Jyggalag type.

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