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Undiscovered area



Besides taking our children to play in the snow again, my luvs started to practice singing and playing the song my Prince wrote for Christmas some years ago which they will perform at the Christmas party for our workers. The whole family loves to listen to their rehearsals. Their voices fit very well together. The more I listened to the song the more I like it, and I caught myself humming it several times. Since booking in the Hotel is growing each day, we shall be extremely busy from the 20th of December till the 10th of January next year. Starting today, we are going to decorate the Hotel with Christmas ornaments. My Fran and Lidija are in charge of it. Although we have ornaments which we use for years, we gonna buy some new ones. I can’t tell you how much these things make me happy. We will also decorate our house today. Our parents will do the basic things, but since they know how much my Ivy, children, and I like to do it too, they will leave something for us to do too. Can’t wait to get home. Of course, my Prince still didn’t change about celebrating holidays but he will join us since he loves us and wants to make us happy.



My Fran and I laughed hard when I told him what my Ivy told me about her and my Prince’s meeting with the chief of the police. Namely, they met in “our café” and when they started with the official part, the chief said:

- Listen you two, barbarians … 99% of policemen from our station agree that you two react violently even about insignificant things. Therefore, I will give you an application about law offenses such as crossing through the red, not stopping at the pedestrian crossing, and similar offenses which you will install on your smartphones. The application is directly connected to our server, and we will intervene as soon as we get your record. OK?

Ivy (teasing him): What if we forgot our smartphones or the batteries got empty?

Chief (sarcastically): Hahaha …. You’re not funny, Ivy … I know you just trying to make an excuse to hurt people ….. but I’ll tell you what will happen in that case: if I hear you didn’t record offenses, but you hurt offenders, I will suspend you and take away Prince’s badge for some time …. I’m sure you wouldn’t like that, Prince, wouldn’t you?

Prince: No, I will not like it, but I’ll tell you something else, Mister chief …. We’ll do the requested but Ivy and I will not stay idly recording bullies’ attempts to sell drugs, hurt or rape or kill someone. You can bet that we will intervene first and you’ll get your report later. If you disagree, I will give you my badge right now!

My Ivy thrillingly showered his face with kisses.

(short silence)

Chief (sighing): All right, Prince, damn you! I can’t risk innocent people getting hurt …. But no jaw, arms, and legs breaking!! … You hear me?

Prince (Standing up to leave): No promises! It all depends on bullies … Our regards to Mrs. Chief.

My Ivy told me that she was so impressed with my Prince and the way he talked to the chief that she felt very horny and she fucked him good in our car in the parking lot. (They used our Jeep since it was rainy).



Since there is Saint Nicholas holiday in five days, we will organize a small celebration party for our worker’s children. Namely, we hired St. Nicholas who will come to the Hotel and gift the children with sweets and toys, and their parents with a small monetary bonus. (The bigger one will be for Christmas). Anyway, although it wasn’t cheap, we did it because we care for our workers. Forgot to mention, we’ll start to sell tickets for Christmas and New Year’s Eve today. Christmas party ticket for the guests would be 150 Euros, and for New Year’s Eve, 350 - 500 Euros, depending on the package. I can’t write what is included in the prices. It will be a long list. Anyway, we expect a big response.



I was sitting in my Ivy’s lap during the break two days ago, sipping my mint tea and exchanging kisses with her. Lidija was sitting in my Prince’s lap (nothing sexual and purely friendly) saying she enjoys the warmness and comfort of his body, while my Fran was sitting alone and (unbelievably) didn’t tease my luvs but talked about his and Stipe’s relationship and love. Sometime later, Sonja knocked on the door and after hearing my Prince’s “Enter”, she entered with Malicija. Seeing her, my Ivy wasn't thrilled and she asked her:

- What do you want, Malicija?

Malicija: Nothing! Silvano can’t come and I was bored …. Didn’t know what to do during the break so I came to ask if I can join you …

Prince and my Ivy simultaneously: (Prince): Yes! (Ivy): No!

I gave an “Ivy???” look to her. Malicija was ready to leave when my Ivy wanting to please me said:

- Okay, Malicija, stay!

Malicija’s sad face turned into a big smile and she sat next to my Fran. Sonja said she’ll return to her duty and she expects Malicija to meet her afterward. Anyway, Malicija continued to smile and she asked me:

- Say, Mrs. Eva who kisses Mr. Prince or Mrs. Ivy better?

Me: Both of them are great kissers, Malicija. I love to smooch with both of them and many times the three of us kiss together. I can’t describe to you the feeling of kissing her and his lips at the same time.

Malicija (making a gross face): Ew! I can’t kiss any girl …

Fran (chuckling): Agree with you, me too.

We blasted in laughter.

Ivy (to Malicija): Have you ever tried to smooch girls?

Malicija: Never! I am straight and I don’t like it.

Ivy (to Lidija): My cherry pie, do you consider yourself straight?

Lidija: I do.

Ivy: Have you ever smooched with any girl before you smooched with me?

Lidija: No, you were the first one.

Ivy: Be honest now: did you like it?

Lidija (getting red in the face): Ahem, I did.

Ivy: Would you smooch with Eva or any other girl?

Lidija: I … I think I wouldn’t …

Ivy: Why? ….. Why did you smooch with me several times, but most probably wouldn’t do it with other girls …

Lidija: I … I … well, …. You are a great kisser, Ivy and you know how to “light the fire” …

Ivy (to Malicija): You see what I am talking about …. You can’t say you don’t like something if you never tried ….

Malicija: Nooo, never. I am very straight.

Ivy: Look, I was straight too until I tried to have sex with the girls. I found I like it, although, I still like boys more than girls. (To my Prince): May I say something about you, honey?

Prince: Of course.

Ivy (to Malicija): You see, our husband thought he was straight before his ex introduced him to group sex. Then he learned he is bisexual, but he preferred girls …. Mrs. Eva was convinced she was straight too until we had our first sex in the age of 12 (13), and after falling in love with me, she discovered she is bisexual and slightly loves girls more than boys. Mr. Fran thought he was straight until he supposes to have sex with a girl. But the sole idea of it disgusted him. After the first kiss with another boy that made him very aroused, he realized he is gay ….. Now, Malicija, would you like me to help you to find out who you truly are: straight or bisexual?

Malicija: No, Mrs. Ivy, I would rather keep that area undiscovered … for now …. I mean, if you don’t mind ….

We blasted in laughter. However, I was very proud of my Ivy for giving a very illuminating lesson to Malicija.

Edited by Evaloves4


Recommended Comments

37 minutes ago, Jay-Omms said:

A very illuminating lesson indeed :sweat_smile::heart:;):thumbsup:

< Soooo, you also might be bisexual but you just don't know it (yet) ;)

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:classic_laugh: Shouldn't that be the type of discoveries, when au are a teenager ?

But I guess she never had that friendly opportunity, from what you tell us :classic_sad:

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1 hour ago, worik said:

:classic_laugh: Shouldn't that be the type of discoveries, when au are a teenager ?

But I guess she never had that friendly opportunity, from what you tell us :classic_sad:

> True, although it is still rare practice in our culture.

> Well, poor Malicija. She had very hard childhood which definitely made everything else harder especially her sexual life.

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