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Halloween miracle



Although Halloween is today, we celebrated it yesterday at the Hotel, but we are ready for “trick or treat” at home. While we will be at work, our children will help their grandpas and grandmas gifting the children and welcoming them as Hulk and princess. My luvs will also deliver 5 kg of various sweets and candies and a lot of fruits to the orphanage as they do every year for Halloween.



Before our parents' arrival, my Ivy changed her mind and she dressed in She-Hulk instead of Supergirl. Mikey was very happy. We dressed in our costumes too and I dressed Precious. She was sooo cute, often going in front of the mirror making poses, and admiring her look and dress.Our parents arrived after our breakfast dressed in Halloween costumes. Sometime around 11.00 Irena and her *husband arrived. (*I will call him Damir). They brought candies for our children and flowers for my Ivy and me. He was dressed like a peasant and she wasn’t dressed in costume for she wanted Mikey to tell her who she’ll be. He shouted thrillingly: "She-Hulk’s sister!" So, my Ivy painted her face and hands green. The four of them ran around groaning and smashing (invisible objects) like Hulk. Later on, he showed her his favorite Hulk scenes from Avengers. Damir was sitting with our dads, having beer and talking while our moms were in the kitchen preparing everything for family lunch. Mikey surprised us all when he sat in Irena’s lap during lunch, but only shortly. He ran back to his tata after a while. Although she kissed his head and cheeks several times, he missed his tata's lap, kisses, and eating from the same plate.



Sometime later, shortly before we had to go to the Hotel for a Halloween party, the twins and their parents arrived. Oh my, the children were sooo happy to see each other and to exchange sweets and candies. They were very cute, dressed like Batman and Batwoman. Our moms discreetly watched them so they wouldn’t accidentally hurt themselves or each other during the play. So, when the time came, we all went to the Hotel Halloween party, except my Prince who stayed home with our parents. (My mom told me later that he missed us and our children and that he kicked the kicking bag all the time pretending that he practice some new kicks). My Ivy also missed him very much and after some 15 minutes, she kissed me and our children and she returned home.



The Halloween party in the Hotel was awesome. (Silvano came exclusively just to guard our children for my Prince asked him to). We danced a lot, laughed a lot and we gifted our workers with small bonuses on their wage and their children with candies and fruits. Besides that, everyone could take home whatever they want of food, beverages, cakes, and cookies after the party. Most of the children weren’t tired at all. They wanted to stay more and some of them cried when people started to leave. The twins’ parents thanked us for having a wonderful time and they also went home. I and the children returned home with Irena and Damir. They said they had a great time too thanking me for introducing them to our workers as our future and potential workers in the advertising department. When they went home, our children didn’t want to dress off begging us to let them sleep in their costumes. So, we did thinking that grandmas will bath them in the morning. When they slept, we had our evening routine and my luvs slept contently after excellent sex.



I couldn’t sleep. I took my tablet and laying in the bed, I started to write my diary. Sometime later I got Irena’s SMS on my smartphone. She said she and Damir were so excited about decision they made that they cannot sleep. I called her and she told me they are willing to quit their jobs and to work for us even for a lower wage. They were impressed with us, the way we run Hotel and the way our workers are connected. They talked to some of them at the party and they are 100% sure they made right decision. She called it a Halloween miracle. I told her I will talk to my luvs and e.b. board, but in essence, they can consider themselves as hired. They both shouted joyfully thanking me. Knowing Irena so far, she wouldn’t work for miserable or minimal wage. But she saw in us something that she never saw anywhere else and she is willing to accept any deal we offer. Well, having in consideration all of this, I can call it a Halloween miracle too.

Edited by Evaloves4


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> Just shortened the entry. Some things weren't important as I thought they are.:D 

Edited by Evaloves4
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1 hour ago, Jay-Omms said:

Oh you guys :mrgreen::heart:;):thumbsup:

> You know, Mikey had the best fun among all people, while Precious didn't care so much for candies and other people as she enjoyed in her dress as a princess. :) I am very happy for them.

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